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Chapter 17: BAB 17

After school nothing happened, except for a few male students who wanted to negotiate about seats.

"Please Kuro! Can we change seats?"

"No! Replace it with mine!"

"What about my seat?"

"Take a break! I don't intend to move from this place."

"Come on mate! In front of my bench is a big guy. Even if you do something, the teacher won't notice."

"Hey! Do you think your offer will be useful to me? By the way where is your seat?"


"Sorry, never mind what I said earlier."

Well, I was thinking of moving, before Shizuku shouted to warn me. Discussing the seats, if in front of my seat is Shizuku and next to Aliya. Next to Shizuku is Yuka, I can feel the flash of light when their eyes meet. Then in front of Shizuku was Taiga, even though it was a bit far from me we could still talk. Well, that's how the day ended.


In the middle of a quiet night I woke up from my sleep. It was because my detection skill felt the presence of something. Someone was near me, even though that person was outside the house. More precisely on the roof watching me.

"I'm not sure about this person, is he a thief?"

I wasn't sure who this person was, if he had the courage to come through the roof. Maybe he was a thief, but there was also a possibility that he knew about my strength. Why would I think that? Because he stood as if staring at me from outside.

"I'd better be on guard."

Walking out of the house while dispelling the air of existence. I flew up and stood behind that person.

"What's going on?"


As soon as I spoke behind that person, that person immediately turned around and was startled. I couldn't see his face and the person's gender because I wasn't used to the night, nor did I have the skill to see in the dark.

"I really don't know why you're standing on the roof of my house. However, I will ask, who are you?"

The person remained silent in response and extended his right hand instead. Then suddenly an extremely bright light shot out from his hand.

"Damn it!!! Guuu!!! [Wind Slash]"

Before I closed my eyes, I threw several attacks at that person. There was the sound of attacks hitting his body.

Enduring the pain, that person ended the light from his hands and immediately ran away. With blinking eyes, I immediately chased after that person. But before I moved I stopped my steps, when I realised something strange.

"I can't feel that person's presence. Didn't I sense him earlier? Is he using a skill to hide himself?"

I tracked that person using my detection skill. However, there was no sign of that person's presence. Turning around and looking at the direction the person fled. I could not see that person in the darkness. The fact that the person could not be detected by my skill was proof that the person was not a normal person. As well as the light he let out from his hand.

"Who is that person?"

The question came out of my mouth. The appearance of this unusual person, made my burden of mind increase. The monster problem since the appearance of the dragon is like a monster boss as if the monster boss is defeated then it's over. However, if a monster reappears the possibility of the monster boss also grows stronger. This is the problem, is that person a new enemy? Another problem arises, my head hurts.


In the morning I went to school very sleepy. Because of that person's appearance, it was difficult for me to sleep. The next time I meet that person, I will definitely catch him.

As I was thinking like that while yawning on the way, I noticed Aliya walking next to me while reading a book.

She's really strange, isn't it dangerous to walk while reading a book. I wondered, does she have any emotions?

Realising that I was staring at her, she glared at me with a scary face.

'Did I stare at her for too long? Or does my face look scary like a pervert?'

I left my eyes with a shrug and Aliya went back to reading the book. Well, she's weird, but she's not dangerous. As long as she doesn't get me into trouble, it's fine.


Class started and I fell asleep from lack of sleep. I know sleeping in class is not good. But it seems like my sleepiness trumps my guilt.

When I was almost fast asleep, I felt something shaking my shoulder from beside my body. I opened my eyes and slowly raised my head.

"Hey, wake up!"

The person who shook my body and frowned looking displeased was Aliya.

"You can't sleep in class. Hurry up and get up."

With a sleepy tone, I answered Aliya who reprimanded me for sleeping. If I fell asleep accidentally, maybe I would try to wake up. But because of the incident that night, I really had trouble sleeping until I was really sleepy.

"Don't mind me, I'm fine."

"No way, I don't care. You're ignoring sensei's explanation."

I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help but feel sleepy. What's wrong with this girl? Why is she so worried about me not listening to the explanation because I fell asleep?

So, every time I fell asleep Aliya-san would wake me up giving me a headache.


During lunch break, I ate with Shizuku and Yuka. Shizuku spoke to me with a worried expression.

"Are you alright, Tetsuro?"

"I'm fine .... Maybe."

I'm already tired, how am I supposed to continue for the next half day? Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.

"Do you know what? Aliya-san is amazing," Yuka said while looking at me, remembering the behaviour that happened.

"Well, you're right. She's smart and good at sports," Shizuku chimed in.

"Also very friendly."

"Friendly, huh?"

Yes, Shizuku was not wrong. Despite her indifferent nature. Aliya answered everyone who talked to her and taught her friend who did not understand what was in the lesson.

If that person hadn't disturbed my night's sleep, I wouldn't have a headache like this.

"Ah!!! Right, I just remembered!"

"What's wrong, Yuka?"

"If I remember correctly. Aliya-san has a wound on her shoulder."

Yuka stated something that interested me.

"A wound? On the shoulder?"

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