/ Urban / I killed a Hero

I killed a Hero Original

I killed a Hero

Urban 89 Chapters 41.8K Views

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___Lost Notes___
In this age of superheroes, the public safety is at the hands of these all so powerful figures. Located in the metropolis of Condor is the worlds strongest hero, UltraMan. In his decade long carrier, he has destroyed multiple conspiracies started by the city's old elite, single handedly apprehended the mafias that encroached upon the weak and feeble and even stopped several alien invasions and infiltrations.

It is safe to assume that such a man would have many enemies, but with skin that cannot be pierced by any earthly means and strength that puts the legends of old to shame, how can such a creature ever be defeated? If UltraMan wanted to, he could have conquered earth at any time. So why did he not?

No one quite knows. ''

In any regards, he is seen as the balancing force of the world. So what happens if he is removed from the picture? What if I removed him?
How will the world live?
How will "I" live?

General Audiences
  1. Jessica_manhwa
    Jessica_manhwa Contributed 7
  2. Takashisensei
    Takashisensei Contributed 5
  3. Games_of_Karma
    Games_of_Karma Contributed 5

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as an author and reader, I like his work

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Oh, yeah, I saw a lot of authors writing reviews for their own books. I don't really get the point.... probably another description. I guess I wanted to write something I would like to read? yeah, that was kind of it. I hope you'll like it!

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