"Haaaaa! Damn, damn, damn!" I rushed in a dizzying descent towards the ground, landing abruptly on a garbage bag that crunched under my weight. My mask, victim of the descent, slipped and ended up to the side. When I opened my eyes again, what I saw around me was an empty alley, with some stray cats darting out of the trash bin and disappearing around the street corner. I got up, shaking the dirt off my clothes, and realized it was daytime when the last time I checked it was nighttime. Was it really happening? Was I in another world?
Smiling and seeking a more lively direction, I walked slowly through the dark alley towards the sunlit street. As the sun-drenched street came closer and closer, my heart raced more and more. I hadn't felt this kind of light that brings a warm and welcoming feeling to people for an unknown period of time.
And on my tense face, a small genuine smile finally appeared. Upon hearing the increasingly clear sounds of cars bustling about. I finally stepped out of the closed and shadowy alley into the bustling and prosperous street.
Countless pedestrians walked along the street, some teenagers on skateboards zoomed quickly through the crowd, and some women dressed in office attire hurried with coffee in hand, rushing to their destination. Each had their own goals and everything was very natural.
I couldn't help but smile as I watched this busy street. I fell to my knees, trembling slightly. I even wanted to shout out loud to release all the anxiety and pain I had experienced.
"Haha... hahaha... hahahahaha," I couldn't hold it anymore and began to laugh and cry at the same time.
My emotions, a tumultuous mix of relief, wonder, and liberation, overflowed into laughter that echoed in the hustle and bustle of the street. People looked at me strangely, but I didn't care. I was alive, in a different place, far from the apocalypse and the horrors it left behind.
I got up, wiping the tears from my eyes, still with a smile on my face. The sun caressed my skin, and the city breeze made me feel alive in a way I had forgotten. I observed the hustle and bustle around me, the normality of everyday life that I had longed for so much.
Then, without thinking, I started to run and jump down the street. My laughter rang out as I enjoyed the freedom and lightness of my steps. People looked at me in surprise.
"What is that person doing, mom?"
"Stay away, son, that guy is crazy."
"Maybe he's on drugs."
My laughter and jumps continued as I left behind the curious gaze of passersby. The madness I exhibited was simply the pure expression of liberation.
When I reached a park, I ran until I reached a fountain. I stood in front of it, breathing deeply and contemplating the flowing water. The laughter faded away, but the joy remained in my eyes.
"I'm here... I'm really here," I whispered to myself. The reality of my escape slowly sank in, and gratitude flooded my being. I sat on the edge of the fountain, absorbed in the tranquil surroundings and the new life stretching out before me.
But my peace was interrupted when the voice of an officer broke into my introspection, "Hey you, are you the nutcase who's been shouting around the streets? Can I see your ID?"
Looking up, I met the serious gaze of a police officer approaching cautiously. My heart raced as I searched for an appropriate response. I took a deep breath and replied calmly, "No, it's not me."
The officer frowned, scrutinizing me closely before demanding more firmly, "ID, now."
I rummaged through my pockets, suddenly remembering that I had thrown those things away long ago. My expression turned uncomfortable as I tried to find a way out of this. Well, no other choice, I'll have to use my secret weapon that has helped me on many occasions.
"Look, a black man?!" I shouted, pointing behind the officer.
As a law enforcement officer in the United States, his instincts led him to immediately turn his head, searching for the source of what seemed to be a danger to society. Seizing his distraction, I took a step back, ready to disappear into the crowd if necessary.
"Stop right there!" exclaimed the officer, realizing my attempt to evade. However, I seized the opportunity and began to run in the opposite direction. I glanced back and the officer seemed to be keeping pace with me. Why couldn't I get the doughnut-eating cop? Just my luck.
As I ran, my mind raced to devise an escape plan. But then, I remembered I still had on Doctor Strange's cloak. I sharply turned a corner, taking the moment to activate the cloak and disappear from his sight.
The levitation cloak responded immediately, lifting me off the ground and floating me above the crowd, out of reach of the officer who looked surprised at the scene.
"What the hell...?" exclaimed the officer, looking up.
I smiled from the heights and, as if I were dancing in the air, I moved above the buildings and streets. The cloak responded to my movements, allowing me to change direction with grace and speed.
"Hahahaha!" my laughter echoed in the air as I reveled in the wonder of the levitation cloak. The officer, still gaping, stayed behind, unable to understand what had just happened.
I flew over the rooftops, feeling the cool breeze caress my face. The city stretched out before me, a mix of bright lights and intriguing shadows. The cloak responded elegantly to each of my movements, allowing me to dance through the sky.
From my elevated position, I observed the chaos I had left behind. The crowd in the streets murmured and pointed, trying to understand the mystery they had just witnessed. I felt invincible, free like never before.
I vanished into the sky, leaving behind the bustling city and venturing into the vast blue canvas. The sunlight kissed my face as I ascended, leaving behind the everyday world.
Do you want me to continue it?