/ Fantasy / I, Human!

I, Human! Original

I, Human!

Fantasy 18 Chapters 16.3K Views

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We've all dreamed of starring in our own isekai, but how long would you survive?

Transported to another world, the only human surrounded by monsters, no one to turn to for help... this isn't just your average cut and paste, by the numbers, ecchi, harem, shounen, comedy, adventure.

I, Human! is a bleak look at what it would really be like to find yourself lost, alone, and forced to fend for yourself while struggling to either make a new home or find a way back to your own world.

* * *

Chapter 0 is optional. Think of it as a prologue for those that prefer a slow burn and want a bit more atmosphere/tension building before the story proper. It's only 5 Parts, so will not too much to get through if you want to try a slow build. I promise it's not shorthand for boring.

[Please note: I don't think this is for Mature Audiences Only, but it will have some tense moments. If people feel the target audience needs updating, I am happy to do so. Though at the moment I think it's just a young adult dark fantasy isekai.]

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