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I have a weapon shop in another world I have a weapon shop in another world original

I have a weapon shop in another world


© WebNovel

Chapter 1 :New Arena Weapon Shop

In the busty city, in a quite corner there were not many shops here, most of them are selling small scale item some are selling groceries and some are selling fruits among them there was shop in the corner which is the biggest shop in the area but surprisingly also the vacant shop. 

It has a grand entrance with crystal door and good lightning but, many people are not visiting it. It is in wrong place, no one visit this area of the city for weapons. Most of the weapon shops are concentrated on the center area of the city.

Mo Chen has a leisure life here for the past month. Although his shop is not doing to well, it is enough to feed him and he don't have any additional expenses. He is already familiar with this world and know that this is a fantasy world where humans can practice martial arts. So weapons and martial arts sell well here. It is just his hop is in the remote corner of the city.

His shop contains all kinds of martial weapons from swords, spears to whips and cudgels. There are secret weapons that only he knows of which are not displayed yet. 

His shop is not doing to well but it was able to sell few weapons in this past month so which can help him feed himself. But, he know if he want to develop in this world, that hidden weapons should be sold .

Just as Mo Chen was in deep thinking there was a chime from the door and saw few people coming to the door. He can recognize one young man from the group, he is a previous customer, he brought a sword from him before. There is one more young man who looked from an influential family and three guards.

Mo Chen "Good morning young Masters."

Bai Feng "Good morning brother Mo, you are still looking handsome."

Mo Chen just smiled "Young Master Bai, is there any issue with the sword?" he asked politely.

Bai Feng took out a blue sword from his storage ring and it looked clean and beautiful.

Bai Feng "No, brother Mo, it is good. I just couldn't help but show off infront of others."

Bai Feng "Today, my visit is for young master Ouyang Long. He wanted to buy a present for his sister, so i recommended your shop to him."

Bai Feng has a good impression of this shop. He has seen many sword shops previously and saw many powerful weapons. But some how he felt the weapons here are different, he only brought a sword here, but it fit him perfectly and it looked strong and same time beautiful.

Other sword masters design either swords to be ceremonial or for battle. But swords here are equally good looking and strong and they have good feel while using as well.

Mo Chen then get into business.

Mo Chen "Young master Ouyang, can i ask you few questions before recommending the sword to you."

Ouyang Long nodded he heard about the procedure from Bai Feng before, that shop owner will ask few question before taking a sword to recommend.

Mo Chen "You mentioned it is for your sister right. Is she single wielder or dual wielder?"

Ouyang Long "She uses single sword, she prefers to use single hand to wield other hand she likes it to be free?"

Mo Chen "I believe she prefers light weight swords."

Ouyang Long nodded , he saw that Mo Chen was making notes of these details he frowned at this practice as it can leak secrets to enmies.

Mo Chen "Can you describe her personality, cold,cheerful ,naughty and domineering."

Mo Chen "Mr Ouyang, you should tell about the personality when she is with you not outside."

Ouyang Long was confused for a moment.

Mo Chen "It is like this, you will be yourself only when you are with closest ones. The character we display to outside world is mostly influence by family and restrictions."

Ouyang Long nodded and then "Can I say devil."

Mo Chen "Yes."

Then Mo Chen asked few more questions like her height and other details. Then he went inside the shop and brought a red sword. It looked very different.

Mo Chen "Mr Ouyang, I know you mentioned that she prefers single sword, but my analysis says that she is more suited for duel wielding. If ever she switches to dual wielding she can use both swords at a time, if not she can use it as a backup."

Mo Chen "This sword is from series called ice and fire series. There are 7 sets in this series of swords. This is made using composite method using combination of orbin steel, lava from the Erotra mountains and used the demon core of Yin and Yang snake . It has both properties of ice and fire. With fire being the dominant personality. It is especially good for dual wielding but equally good at single use."

Ouyang Long looked very surprised as he inspected the sword. Only one word came from his mouth 'perfect'. It is perfectly balanced sword and its veins are very clear. Even though he is not a martial arts practice he can see the technology used in the sword is top notch. Its user will not feels much of its weight. It was 120cm long blade, with three fingered width blade. But it is not too heavy and also does not feel week. Its core is solid and there is no bending. He also felt for some reason, it is made for his sister. It has same aura of the devil he know of. Completely restrained, but when out of the sheath it will see drink blood like water. Its sheath is special and there are many drawings and symbols on it. But felt like it has a meaning. Two swords are fitted into single sheath and they are coexisting.

Ouyang Long "It is perfect. How much is it?"

Mo Chen "Mr Ouyang, this sword will cost 200 spiritual stones." 

Ouyang Long was surprised that the price is low, he expected it to be very high. In others shops swords of similar grade will cost over 500 spiritual stones.

Bai Feng was the first to speak "Brother Mo, why is the price same as my sword. There are two swords right?"

Mo Chen "It is different, prices is dependent on materials used and series."

Mo Chen "Let me say most of the price goes on the procurement of materials, your sword is a standalone sword of the series, so all the materials used are brought only for your sword, so it costed more."

Mo Chen "But, this sword is part of series so, the prices are distributed. If this sword was a single sword then it would have costed up to 800 spirit stones."

Bai Feng "Is there a hidden move for this series."

Mo Chen "Yes, there is a martial art called, Ice and fire dance for this series. If user is lucky he can comprehend the ice and fire dance skill."

Ouyang Long "You also teach martial arts?"

Mo Chen "No, young master, it is just swords have their own intent when they are created based on environment and state of creator. So, they can comprehend the same intent which takes form of martial arts. Which user can comprehend."

Ouyang Long was surprised hearing this, he immediately paid the price and took the sword with him.

Just as Ouyang Long was about to leave, is there any weapon that can be wielded by normal people.

Bai Feng was surprised by that question, he understood what is going on. Ouyang Long doesn't have talent for martial arts, so he was not able to practice martial arts. But he always wished to be able to fight in the front line. He is the son of the Ouyang Patriarch, among all his 5 siblings only he didn't have martial arts talent, so it is a huge regret in his life. he still practiced various swordsman skills and other martial arts but he can never form a core, so he is mortal. Seeing the specialty and mysteries of the this shop he couldn't help but ask.

Mo Chen "There are many weapons that mortals can wield, there are many normal grade swords that are good for practice." he spoke there was bit of excitment in his voice.

Ouyang Long " Not normal weapons, special weapons that can be wielded by normal people, that can help him fight the beasts in frontline." he asked with anticipation.

Mo Chen was silent for a moment, then took a deep breath as he spoke " There is. But.."

Ouyang Long "But?"

Mo Chen "You may count me as a fraud if I tell you the price. It can help you fight bronze level beasts head on."

Ouyang Long understood what Mo Chen meant, there was never a weapon of that caliber in world. No one would believe that a normal person can have ability to fight a bronze level beast. 

Mo Chen "If you want to try that weapon, you can come to my shop after the birthday party. You may have to stay here for a week or so. Also you may have to get some supplies yourself. Prepare 250000 spiritual stones while coming."

Bai Feng and others were shocked hearing the prize, but the expression on Ouyang Long's face looked serious and he seemed to trust him. His guards were almost about to burst but they were stopped by Ouyang Long.

The 5 people left the shop and were going back.

Ouyang Long looked at the shop once again before leaving. Studying the name of the shop.

"New Arena Weapon Shop"

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