/ Anime & Comics / I Dragon In One Punch Man!
The story of "Yusuf" unfolds in a small town surrounded by dense forests, where Yusuf, a simple man who dreams of adventures and loves fantasy stories, resides. After becoming "Yusuf," a young dragon, he embarks on a new exploratory journey. He discovers his newfound abilities and learns to control them, while exploring a new world full of challenges and risks. He confronts strange creatures and engages in fierce battles, beginning to understand his responsibility as a dragon and a hero. The story revolves around Yusuf's journey of growth and development as he explores his new identity, facing challenges with courage and determination, while searching for his place in this unfamiliar world.
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Write a reviewAuthor BaDwY_GaMeR
My honest review (still biased) .with respect to fanfictions, I'd round it to 5/5 , "I'll be honest, I have many ideas, but the challenge is how to connect them together. I don't want to fill it with empty nonsense or compromise the quality of the story. So, your support if you like the story means a lot to me."