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64.7% I AM SCRAGGY!!! / Chapter 7: First Encounter

Chapter 7: First Encounter

This World is Truly Amazing.

We've been walking for about 3 hrs and the things I've seen since we started our journey have left me in awe. This place is quite different from my last world. The tall green trees, the sunlight shining through the leaves, the various sounds of other Pokémon just living their lives. All of it just comes together to form this majestic and picturesque scene. A scene that I could only see far from civilization in my last life.

Even though me and most of my companions are content just taking in the beauty of nature, one of us is displeased by the lack of activity. "I'm bored!!!" Hops complained.

Not really paying attention to her, I reply still engrossed by our scenic path." How can you be bored with all of this around you." I gesture towards the trees around us.

"What? The trees? I could see trees back home! I was expecting action, adventure, things I could never get while staying there." Hops exclaimed annoyed, which I have to assume is rare for her. Eva spoke up in my defense, saving me from having too. " I believe he means nature in general, and how beautiful it is."

"Yeah, what she said. Why would I mean just the trees?" I confirm, finally turning my attention to the conversation at hand.

"I don't know! You are pretty weird, so I wouldn't put it past you." Hops finished with a pout. While I do think I'm on the weird side, I don't believe I've done anything particularly weird since coming here. "Why do you keep calling me weird? What have I done to earn that description?"

Almost like she's been waiting for this moment, Hops starts to list one thing off after the other. "For one you ask weird and obvious questions, you pretty much just accept everything that happens, you're friends with me, you-" She apparently had more to say, but I had to interrupt. "Why is it weird for me to be your friend?" I ask genuinely confused. I mean who wouldn't want to be friends; sure she can be a little too much sometimes, but overall she seems to be a very nice and friendly person.

"It just is! I didn't have any until you came along." She started her statement with a shout, but towards the end she was mumbling. " And you only hatched a week ago. That's such a short amount of time. I'm sure you would have made plenty of friends even if I didn't come along." I say, in an attempt to comfort her.


"Really." I respond. " And I'm sure the others agree, right?"

Before I could get a response, we heard someone scream. "NOOOO, STOOOOP!!!" it seemed to come from somewhere in front of us. At that moment it seemed our group had come to a general consensus because we all took off in the direction of the scream, without saying another word.

After running for a minute or two, we slowed down and quietly crept forward to take a look at what's happening. In a small glade, three Pokémon seemed to be ganging up on another one. The three bullies seemed to all be of the same type of Pokémon; they looked to be a bit taller than me, have bluish-grey skin, and three light brown ridges on top of their heads. I immediately recognize them as Machop.

The three Machop are currently crowded around the base of a tree, and the one in the center is pulling on a white, fluffy tail, with a blue streak down the middle. "No! Stop! Leave Me Alone Trent!" A female voice yelled out from up the tree. "Come on Gige (Gee-juh), we just want you to entertain us a bit." the Machop, apparently named Trent, said while yanking on Gige's tail again. "OW! Stop it, just let me go. Please?!" Gige begs while on the verge of tears.

"Trent, how about if me and Amber help? I doubt she could resist all three of us pulling her down." the unidentified Machop on the right proposes. Trent nods in response. The other two Machop grab a little higher up on the tail and prepare to pull. "On 3, Ready? 1, 2,-"

At this moment I interrupt with a well timed, "Ayo!" As soon as the other two Machop reached for the tail, I ran out from my cover preparing to help the Pokémon in need. I quickly covered the distance between us and by the time I shouted, I was right behind Trent who seems to be the leader.

Hearing my shout all three Machop look at me. I do a small hop, to give me a little bit of height advantage, and then Trent is met with a headbutt to the face. The moment my head made contact with Trent's face, me and my instincts, which I haven't heard from in a while, yelled out at the same time.


Trent's head went back in recoil, and blood shot out from his nostrils. " Ah! What The Fuck?!" Trent cried out in pain. After landing on the ground I respond Trent's rhetorical question. "Fuck You Dude! I'm not sure what you were planning, or what's even going on, but leave her alone!" Trent doesn't reply right away; he instead let's go with one of his hands and reaches up to wipe the blood from his face. After he sees the blood on the back of his hand he growls before speaking up. "*Growl* Get 'im!"

The other two Machop immediately let go of Gige's tail before approaching me. Luckily for me, I'm not alone, otherwise I would've been a bit worried. Before the Machop can get too close, one takes a rock to the face, and the other takes a glowing paw in theirs. The Machop, named Amber, stumbles backward from the rock to the face. While the unnamed Machop is knocked back flying into the woods, his condition unknown.

I take a second to nod in appreciation at Jules as she runs by, intent on not letting up on the Machop she apparently punched. I would've looked back and thanked Eva for the rock, but Trent took all my attention when his left leg lit up with a copper brown aura. He was using a move, but I couldn't say which for sure. At least I couldn't until his leg shot out, aiming for my knee. I was unable to dodge in time, so I ended up taking his Low Kick head-on. His attack caused my knee to buckle and I was half kneeling on the ground as he prepared to follow up with another attack.

Fortunately, Trent was stopped when two rabbit feet hit him in the face. Trent's head got knocked back into the tree, and Hops did a backflip before gracefully landing on the ground. "Looked like you could use some help." Hops said without looking back at me. "Yep, and you came in the nick of time." I say as I start to stand up. 'Fuck that hurt! A lot more than I remember getting hit in the knee would. I wonder if it's cause he used a move?' I began to quietly muse to myself. I didn't get to muse for long before Trent was up and ready to launch another attack. He was apparently quite resilient.

Suddenly a copper brown aura enveloped Trent's entire body, and he took a low horse stance. It kinda looked like he was gonna go Super Saiyan. Chalk it up to his bad luck, but I wasn't gonna let him finish powering up, or whatever he was doing. I said 'Thunder Punch' inside my head as I took a step forward and cocked back my fist. I felt something move from my torso to my right fist. When I heard the sound of electricity crackling I knew my move was ready. I then threw my fist at Trent's face as hard as I could.

At the same time my Thunder Punch made contact with his face, Trent was knocked out of his stance and off his feet. His back hit the tree and he slid to the ground with bolts of electricity flashing across his body occasionally.

With seemingly down for the count, I looked around to check on my friends. Hops was fighting with me, so I know she's okay. I look to my left and see Eva standing over a downed Machop. Looking to my right, I see Jules dragging an unconscious Machop behind her. "He was knocked out after my first punch. No challenge what-so-ever." Jules complained with a groan.

Evidently, Jules is far stronger than I thought. "We need to have another in depth talk about our strength." I say while making eye contact with Jules. She shies away, but nods in confirmation. "Anyways, Are you okay?" I yell out towards the Pokémon in the tree.

I get no response, so I yell out again. "We took care of them, so it's safe for you to come down, if you're still there." I look towards my companions, but I get shrugs in response. Just as I was gonna give up, the leaves of the tree began to rustle. Then a white and blue figure jumps out.

"Is it over?"

Sin_of_Acceptance Sin_of_Acceptance

Please give me feedback on what you guys thought about the fight scene. And what you'd like to see different in the next one.

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