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30.95% I am Scp O76/Able in Scp the copy cat / Chapter 13: Becoming a Copy Cat

Chapter 13: Becoming a Copy Cat

As I stood in the bathroom of my room, I was repeatedly stabbing myself with my sword. Able's voice echoed in my mind, filled with a mixture of concern and irritation, not wanting to see our body getting stabbed multiple times.

"Done," I said, pulling out the Gate Guardian's sword. "Now it's adapted to fire and stabbing."

"Was this really necessary?" Able asked, his tone reflecting his unease. "Did you have to go through this much pain?"

"Yes," I replied, catching my breath. "The more pain, the more I adapt. Besides, I need to be prepared for anything. You know that."

Able fell silent, still uneasy with the methods but understanding the necessity.

"So what will you do now?" Able asked, his voice resonating in my mind. "What are your plans?"

"Simple," I replied, glancing at him. "There are a lot of SCP abilities I would like to have. I wonder if the higher-ups and doctors will allow it."

As I spoke, I cleaned the blood off the floor, removing any evidence of my self-inflicted wounds. I already had a list of SCPs whose powers I wanted to acquire.

The next day, I approached Dr. Bright and Dr. Kondraki with my request. They looked at me skeptically.

"You want to what?" Dr. Bright asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I want to experiment with copying the abilities of other SCPs," I said confidently. "I believe it can enhance our containment capabilities."

Dr. Kondraki sighed, rubbing his temples. "Do you realize how dangerous that is? Some of these abilities are incredibly volatile."

"I understand," I replied. "But with proper precautions, we can manage the risks. Think about the potential benefits."

The two doctors exchanged glances, weighing the pros and cons.

"Alright," Dr. Bright said finally. "We'll give you a trial run. But you'll be under strict supervision, and if anything goes wrong, we shut it down immediately."

"Agreed," I said, a determined smile on my face.

The first SCP on my list was SCP-096, also known as "The Shy Guy." His ability to become nearly unstoppable when someone views his face was both terrifying and powerful. I entered the containment chamber, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension.

"Remember," Dr. Kondraki's voice crackled through the intercom. "This is a controlled experiment. Do not take unnecessary risks."

I nodded and took a deep breath. "Trace," I whispered, activating my projection ability. The process was excruciating, but I felt the power of SCP-096 flowing into me.

Almost immediately, I felt an overwhelming rage and a desire to destroy everything in my path. I fought to maintain control, focusing on my breathing.

"Calm down," Able's voice echoed in my mind. "Focus. You can control this."

After a few intense moments, I managed to suppress the rage. The power was there, but I could control it.

"How do you feel?" Dr. Bright asked, her voice filled with concern.

"I'm fine," I replied, my voice steady. "I have control."

"Good," Dr. Kondraki said. "Let's move on to the next one."

Over the next few weeks, I systematically copied the abilities of several SCPs. Each time, I faced unique challenges and dangers, but with Able's help, I managed to control and adapt to each new power.

SCP-173's speed and agility, SCP-049's knowledge of disease and plague, SCP-106's ability to phase through matter—all these powers became part of my arsenal. With each new ability, I felt myself growing stronger and more capable.

One evening, as I sat in my room, I reflected on the journey so far. I had come a long way since my transmigration into Able's body. The powers I had gained were incredible, but they came with great responsibility.

"What now?" Able asked, breaking the silence.

"We keep going," I replied. "There are still more abilities out there, and I want to make sure we're ready for anything. The Foundation needs every advantage we can get."

Able nodded in agreement. "Just be careful. Power can be a dangerous thing."

"I know," I said, determination in my voice. "But it's a risk worth taking. For the Foundation. For humanity."

And with that, I prepared for the next phase of my journey. There were still many challenges ahead, but I was ready to face them head-on, armed with the powers of the SCPs and the knowledge to control them.

"But who is next?" Able asked, looking at me with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Who is next on your list?"

"Simple," I replied, a small smile playing on my lips. "SCP-999."

Able laughed, thinking I was joking, but then he realized I was serious. His laughter stopped abruptly, replaced by shock. "You're not joking, are you?"

"No, I'm not," I said, my expression serious. "999's ability to induce happiness and euphoria can be incredibly useful. Not every battle is won through brute force. Sometimes, it's about changing the battlefield itself."

The next day, I made my way to SCP-999's containment area. The small, amorphous orange blob greeted me with its usual enthusiasm, bouncing up and down with delight. Its presence was immediately calming, making me feel a sense of peace.

"Hello, 999," I said, kneeling down to its level. "I need your help with something."

999 responded with a cheerful gurgle, extending a pseudopod to pat my shoulder. I activated my projection ability, focusing on copying 999's power. The process was surprisingly gentle, unlike the other abilities I had acquired. Instead of pain, I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and warmth spreading through me.

Later, I met with Dr. Bright, Dr. Kondraki, and Dr. Clef to discuss the results.

"So, how did it go?" Dr. Bright asked, her curiosity evident.

"Surprisingly well," I replied. "999's ability is... different. It's not about destruction or combat. It's about healing, bringing happiness. I think it could be a game-changer for us."

Dr. Kondraki nodded thoughtfully. "It could definitely have applications in calming other SCPs or even defusing hostile situations. This might be one of the most valuable abilities you've copied so far."

Dr. Clef, always the pragmatist, raised an eyebrow. "Just be careful. Even with something as seemingly benign as 999's power, there can be unexpected consequences."

Over the next few weeks, I integrated 999's ability into my arsenal. It had an immediate and profound effect on my interactions with other SCPs and personnel. Containment breaches were defused more easily, and morale among the staff improved noticeably.

One day, during a routine training session, I decided to test the limits of this new power. I activated the calming aura in the presence of SCP-682, who had been particularly agitated. To everyone's surprise, the usually hostile entity seemed to relax slightly, its usual rage dampened by the wave of euphoria.

"Impressive," Dr. Bright said, watching the monitors. "If you can calm 682, there's no telling what else you can achieve."

That evening, as I reflected on the day's events, Able spoke up in my mind. "I have to admit, I was skeptical at first, but 999's power is truly remarkable. What's next on your list?"

I thought for a moment, considering the possibilities. "Next, I think I'll go after SCP-343."

Able's voice took on a tone of wary curiosity. "God himself, huh? You're aiming high. Just be careful. 343's abilities are beyond comprehension. But if you can manage it, the potential is limitless."

"I know," I replied. "It's a big risk, but the reward could be unimaginable. We're building something powerful here, Able. And with each new ability, we're getting closer to ensuring the Foundation's ultimate goal: the safety and preservation of humanity."

Able listened as I explained my perspective on the Foundation's goals and my own motivations.

"The way you said that," Able remarked, "hearing about the Foundation's goals from my host. Do you believe in that crap?"

"Not really," I admitted, shaking my head. "I'm not a hero, Able. Heroes save lives, even those of their enemies. With all this power, I could easily escape and become an anomaly on the run. But I'm not doing that because here, within the Foundation, I have more to gain than anywhere else."

Able considered my words silently. "So, what are you gaining from all this?"

"Knowledge," I replied, reflecting on the abilities I had acquired and the deeper understanding of anomalies and their powers. "Power, in a sense. And maybe a chance to change things, to make a difference in my own way."

Able chuckled softly in my mind. "You're ambitious. I'll give you that. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility."

"Yeah," I agreed, thinking of the weight of the responsibilities I now bore. "I know. And I intend to use it wisely."

As we continued our journey within the SCP Foundation, navigating the complexities of anomalies and containment, I remained focused on my goals. Each SCP's power I acquired brought me closer to understanding the mysteries of the universe and perhaps, one day, making a significant impact on the world around me.

As I was sleeping , I felt something touching me on my cheek, I opened my eyes wide, startled by SCP-040-JP's unexpected appearance in my room. Instinctively, I leaped out of bed and grabbed my sword, holding it defensively as I scanned the room. The humanoid cat-like entity stood there calmly, her red eyes fixed on me with an amused expression.

"I feel bad for whoever's room is below us," SCP-040-JP remarked casually, her voice clear and eerily calm despite the surprise she had caused. "And also, you've become quite the copycat, Able."

I lowered my sword slightly, my mind racing. SCP-040-JP was known for her deceptive appearance and her connections to cosmic-level SCPs, including being the sister of the Scarlet King. Despite knowing her potential danger, she had never shown hostility toward me before.

"What brings you here, SCP-040-JP?" I asked cautiously, still keeping my guard up. "And how did you get into my room?"

She tilted her head, her white cat ears twitching slightly. "I wanted to see the one who's been collecting abilities like souvenirs," she replied cryptically. "Your ability to copy is impressive, but do you truly understand the consequences of wielding such power?"

I hesitated, considering her words carefully. "I only use them to protect myself and others," I replied cautiously. "But I'm aware of the risks."

SCP-040-JP's gaze seemed to pierce through me, as if assessing my true intentions. "Just remember, Able," she said softly, her tone turning serious. "Every power you wield has its price. Be mindful of what you take, lest it consumes you."

Also. Scp 040 jp said looking at me. Why are you acting like we are meeting for the first time, did I shock you that much

"Sorry," I replied, trying to regain my composure after the shock of SCP-040-JP's sudden appearance. "It's just... unexpected to see you here."

She nodded, her expression unreadable. "I can imagine. You've been through quite a lot since we last spoke."

I nodded in agreement, recalling the various SCPs I had encountered and the abilities I had absorbed along the way. "Yeah, things have been... eventful."

SCP-040-JP's red eyes seemed to flicker with amusement. "Eventful indeed. You've been busy collecting powers, haven't you? Quite the copycat now."

I chuckled nervously, feeling a bit exposed under her scrutinizing gaze. "I guess you could say that. It's been necessary for survival, for understanding..."

"For power," SCP-040-JP finished for me, her tone neutral yet piercing. "But do you truly understand what you've taken? Each ability carries its own weight, its own consequences."

Her words struck a chord within me. "I... I do my best to be responsible with them," I admitted, my voice quieter now. "But sometimes it feels like I'm walking a thin line between control and chaos."

She regarded me silently for a moment, her tail swishing gently behind her. "Remember, Able," she finally said, her tone softening slightly. "Power is not just about what you can do, but how you use it. Be mindful of the paths you tread."

With that cryptic advice, SCP-040-JP turned and padded towards the window once more. As she prepared to leave, she glanced back at me one last time.

"We'll meet again, Able," she said with a hint of certainty in her voice. Then, with a graceful leap, she vanished into the darkness outside.

I stood there for a while longer, contemplating her words and the implications of my actions. The encounter with SCP-040-JP had left me with a newfound sense of introspection and caution. As I finally settled back into bed, I knew that my journey with SCPs was far from over, and that each encounter brought both challenges and lessons that would shape my path ahead.

Will that just happen. Able said to me. Did you just get an advice from a cosmic level Scp, or is she using you I mens her brother is the scarlet king

"It's hard to say," I replied to Able, reflecting on SCP-040-JP's enigmatic nature. "She didn't seem hostile or manipulative, more like she was offering a warning from someone who understands the consequences of power."

Able nodded silently, his expression thoughtful. "She's right about one thing though," he said after a moment. "Each ability you absorb comes with its own weight. It's important to tread carefully."

"I know," I said with a sigh, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on my shoulders. "I'll be more cautious, especially with what I take next."

"Good," Able responded, his tone firm. "We can't afford to make reckless choices, not with the Foundation watching our every move."

As I lay there, contemplating the events of the night, I couldn't shake the feeling that SCP-040-JP's visit had been more than just a chance encounter. Her words echoed in my mind, a reminder of the complexities and dangers inherent in the SCP universe. With newfound resolve, I resolved to approach my abilities with greater mindfulness, aware that each decision could shape not only my own fate but the fate of those around me.

To be continued

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