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8.67% I am reborn in Akame ga KILL / Chapter 15: A Joint Affair

Chapter 15: A Joint Affair

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The next day, I arrived at the Night Raid's base early in the morning, although I like to create artefacts, but I've been doing it for the past few years without a break, only monster hunting had been a pleasant routine for me, but I would like to dilute that routine with a girl, and yesterday I really realised that Najenda was a pretty good option, that Najenda is not a bad option, she is beautiful, smart, she can stand up for herself, after all, she survived the meeting with Esdeath, and this can boast only a few, and Najenda is not a sadistic cruelty, and if necessary, she can even persuade the enemy to cooperate with her, and this is not only about me, but also about the same Akame, who was sent by the Empire to kill Najenda.

The base was on guard at all times, mostly by Lubbock, whose threads were used in the signalling system, but I had bypassed that system many times before, and now I was able to sneak right inside the base, where everyone was asleep, because during the night some members of the Night Raid had gone out to carry out elimination orders, and had not returned until the morning.

To help Najenda recover her arm faster, I decided to make her a super class monster breakfast, I had quite a large supply of various monster meats stored in my spatial pocket, which I mostly ate, apart from ice cream. It would be better if Najenda ate the raw meat so that it had more energy left in it, but as a compromise, you could cook steaks with blood and roast it all on wood from the Ents.

And since there were four other girls in Night Raid besides Najenda, I decided to cook breakfast for the whole squad at once. The kitchen at the Night Raid's base was pretty good, better than the kitchen at my house, even though I don't cook anything at home. In fact, I was cooking quietly until my animal senses detected Shelly quietly picking up a knife and quietly coming up behind me to strike.

- Bummer. - When Shelly decided to stab me in the back, a pair of mechanical arms emerged from my armour and grabbed both of my arms, preventing her from attacking me. - I said as I continued cooking. Like the blades on the mechanical limbs, I made an additional pair of mechanical arms, which could also be controlled by a second person, a feature I had recently added.

Shelly, however, kept trying to overpower the mechanical arms and still stab me in the back.

- Oh, stop it. - I turned my face to Shelly, and my mechanical hands spread her arms up and apart, and even lifted Shelly up a little, so that now I was looking at her lush breasts, and my other self immediately took control of my body to put our faces to Shelly's tits, - Soft, like velvet. - I rubbed my face against Shelly's breasts.

- Shit, it's burning. - I used a light trap on Shelly, which immobilised her body, leaving her head free. I continued cooking the meat, and soon Akame came to smell the food. She stared at the huge plate with a mountain of fried meat on it, not paying attention to Shelly's frozen form.

- ...' Akame licked her lips as she looked hungrily at the meat, her hand involuntarily reaching for the food.

I continued cooking while watching Akame, she looked quite funny now, but Akame couldn't stand it and started eating the meat with her hands, her eyes opened wide and she started eating piece by piece as if in a trance. Quite large steaks disappeared in her small mouth in a matter of seconds, a whole mountain of meat disappeared in just a minute and a half.

- I'm surprised, you have a talent for eating meat fast, if there was a contest like this, you would definitely be the winner. - I said, and Akame stared expectantly at the meat that was roasting on the grill. 'If you fight me with swords after breakfast, I'll roast you a huge piece of this meat. - I offered.

- Why do you want to fight? - Akame asked.

- Last time I defeated you only through tricks and superior equipment, but you are still superior to me in swordsmanship, and I want to fight you only with swords. - He pulled out a huge piece of meat, which had to be cut into three pieces because it didn't fit on the grill.

- I'll take it. What kind of meat is this? It's the best I've ever tasted. - Akame asked, and watched with anticipation as the huge piece of meat roasted.

- A super class monster, the stronger the monster, the tastier it is. You can calm that crazy one down, she tried to kill me again. - I pointed to Shelly.

- Shelly, taste how good his meat is. - Akame took the steak I'd recently put off the grill and gave it to her friend, whose gaze changed from blank to one of considerable pleasure.

- It's good. - Shelly said.

- Yep. - Akame added, giving Shelly another bite, and she ate the rest herself.

- Here comes the con artist. - I noticed Leone entering the kitchen.

- I smelled roast meat, I hope you didn't poison it, Gin. - Leone took a couple of steaks and poured herself a beer in a wooden mug.

- I see Lubbock's not doing a very good job. - Gin, why are you becoming a chef?

- To restore your arm you need to eat meat from the strongest beasts possible, I have several tonnes of steaks from a super class monster. - I replied, flipping a huge steak for Akame on the other side.

- So you did this for the boss? - Leone asked.

- Certainly not for a con artist like you.

- You're vindictive, but the meat is really good. - Leone drank a beer and had a steak with it.

- Where's the homo and the pink flatboat? - I asked.

- Bulat is training in the mountains, after the loss he was always training, and Mein is napping, she doesn't wake up before noon. - Najenda replied, trying to put food on her plate with one hand so that she would be comfortable, I helped not only to put food on her plate, but also started to feed the girl, cutting off the meat one piece at a time and bringing it to her mouth on a fork.

- Thank you, Gin. - Najenda smiled at me.

- That's the kind of service the boss has, even envious. - said Leone.

- So she has no hand, let's cut off one for you, and I'll feed you like that too, con artist. - I replied.

- You know, it seems to me that you are offended by me, right? - Leone asked.

- You don't think so, con artist. - I said, and after cutting up Najenda's steak, I let her eat it herself, because I was grilling the next portion of meat, including Akame's huge steak,' 'Here, Akame. I don't like vegetables, so I only have meat in my spatial pocket. - I handed Akame a piece of meat.

- It's okay, I like meat a lot more than vegetables. - Akame replied, taking a bite of steak. I freed Shelly, too, and sat her down to eat, though she occasionally glanced at me or at her meat knife.

- You're friendlier with Akame than you are with me, even though you wanted to kill Akame in the first place. - Leone remarked.

- And she, unlike you, a con artist, did not try to deceive me, only to kill me, and that, precisely in response to my attacks. - I said, and continued feeding Najenda.

- Gin, how would you like to work with Night Raid? You've killed criminals that operate on the street, but the really bad crimes are committed behind closed doors. - Najenda asked, looking at me.

- Well, I'm free at night, I only sleep a couple of hours if I'm not too tired during the day. I think with the information from the revolutionary spies, I can eliminate the really dangerous criminals, not the madmen who went out to kill in the streets, although those are worth eliminating.

- Great, we have an order on a family of aristocrats who deceive people who come to the capital from the countryside, they lure them with sweet speeches to their mansion and then they kill them in all sorts of ways for their own amusement, we were supposed to eliminate them a week ago, but you took Teiga away from our main fighters. We need to eliminate the entire aristocrat family and their guards who were aware of what their masters were doing. Preferably you should eliminate the guards, they are armed with firearms, and the aristocrats will be eliminated by Leone, Akame and Shelly. - Najenda spoke after chewing the meat.

- Well, then I'll fly you now, then I'll train with Akame, then I'll go back to the city, then I'll come back here in the evening, I'll fly you again, and then I'll go on a mission with you at night. - I answered, cutting a new steak for Najenda, -You eat, eat, Najenda, you can't get fat, because you'll need a lot of building material soon. And by the way, I can smell cigarettes on you.

- Well, I smoked one when I woke up. It's hard to quit, but I promise I will. - said the girl.

After breakfast, I went with Najenda to her room, where with the help of magic I managed to grow about six centimetres of arm, Najenda was hungry again, so she went to finish the meat that was left for Mein, Bulat and Lubbock, but Najenda ate it herself, although even before that, Akame ate half of it, thinking that no one would see or know.

Finding Akame outside examining her reforged sword, I suggested she start a practice fight:

- Well, you may not hold back and try to kill me, if you succeed, it will be my miscalculation. - I decided not to use the reinforcing armour or tiger saber right now, but I still took the form of a half-tiger just in case, so I wouldn't completely lose dry to Akame.

- I'll do my best. - Akame replied, adopting an upper sword stance, which was more of an attacking stance, while I adopted a middle sword stance to better defend myself.

Even though I tried to react as fast as possible, Akame was still faster than me, even when I thought I was able to block the girl's lunge, there was still a scratch on my skin that could have been fatal to me. The girl had definitely sharpened her style to inflict even a small scratch on her enemy by any means necessary, she would suddenly change the direction of her strike, or twist her sword so that Murasama's point would wound an unprotected spot.

Each of her tricks only worked a couple of times before I learned how to block it, but if the fight had been real and I hadn't been immune to Murasama's poison, I'd have been dead a couple hundred times over.

- Hey, Akame, where's my breakfast?! - The pink-haired girl Mein came out to us with a grudge.

- Cook it yourself, flatfoot, can't you see Akame's busy. Or how about you take her place and she goes to make you breakfast, or rather lunch? - I muttered as I attacked Akame with my katana, all my quick strikes she either blocked and counterattacked or missed and attacked back while I was open.

≪Why are you hurting the girl? Small breasts have their charms too. ≫

- I really should be making dinner by now, can you lend me some meat? - Akame asked, instantly getting behind my back, where she stuck a blade into my back, piercing through my heart, the end of the blade showing in front.

- Okay, as a prize for your victory, here you go. - I dumped out a huge piece of monster meat, - And could you take the blade out of my heart already, it's a little uncomfortable?

- Yes, sorry, it still surprises me that you are not killed by such wounds. - She pulled out her sword, and a little bit of my blood splashed into her from the wound, which she wiped off with her hand, and then she licked that blood off her hand, -Umm... your blood tastes really good. - Akame looked at me with gastronomic interest.

- Don't give me that hungry look. I'll be going now, or you'll be thinking of cutting off pieces of me to roast. - I went to the capital, using my tiger legs for fast running, and in half an hour I was already at home, but during the day I had to move in the capital on the roofs and use invisibility.

I didn't have much work to do today, just a couple of swords to forge, but the rest of the time I was busy with my own business, and in the evening, after closing the forge, I went to the Night Raid base, where I went on a mission with them, and just in case all the members of the squad participated in the mission, including Lubbock, who was staring at me in the back of the head.

Under invisibility, I quickly disarmed all the guards without raising the alarm, so Shelly and Leone were able to fearlessly enter the house and kill the owner of the mansion, as well as his wife. They still had their daughter, who was now in the mansion's barn, where these aristocrats had a 'playroom'. That's where Akame went, and I decided to go along with her. There was a guard standing next to the barn, but I quickly eliminated him, and when we entered the barn, we saw a pretty young blonde girl gutting the torso of some russet-haired guy whose arms and legs she had apparently recently chopped off. The shed was also full of tortured human bodies, hanging on hooks, nailed to crosses, drowned corpses in special aquariums, torn corpses on the rack, corpses whose skin had been removed, and corpses that had been partially dissolved with acid.

- The aristocrats know how to have fun. - I surveyed the situation in this 'game room' littered with corpses of both girls and boys, - How about killing this bitch, eh, schizophrenia?

≪Let's shackle her up and fuck her in the arse at night.

- He's even offering to sexually enslave the bitch instead of killing her. Please, Akame. - I pointed at the aristocrat who was so busy gutting the poor bastard that she didn't notice our arrival, and soon Akame was quickly blowing the bitch's head off.

≪What a waste, she was pretty. ≫

- We should burn the place down. - Akame said, killing the still living guy our target had gutted. In order to prevent the torture victim from dying early from pain shock, he was probably drugged to prolong his agony. Akame's blow was a deliverance for this unlucky guy, he probably came from the countryside like the rest of the aristocrats' victims to conquer the capital.... but as you can see, he was very unlucky.

Before burning down the mansion and the barn, the Night Raid had robbed the house, and I had taken part in that, stealing all the books from the library, and collecting furniture to furnish the Night Raid's base, because the main rooms were furnished, and the rest were either empty or had only the bare necessities.

Mein said she wanted the bed the aristocrat's daughter had slept on in her room, the furniture I'd picked up here was better quality than the one at the base, so everyone was willing to trade the ordinary beds for the aristocrat's furniture.

Shelly decided to read the books I'd taken from the mansion, she wore glasses because she'd ruined her eyesight reading, and I could use something to read too, because I hadn't read many books in this world, mostly textbooks from Putra's Tomb. I was reading not far from Shelly, there was a moment when I fell asleep sitting in the chair with the book, at that moment Shelly came up to me and pulled out a dagger, wanted to attack me, but changed her mind and sat down to read the book again.

In the morning I cooked meat for breakfast again, and while eating, Lubbock came running to us and told us that the Empire's search party was searching near the base, a couple more kilometres and they would be here.

- I'm going to go sort this out, turn fully into a tiger, death by the beast won't be as suspicious as death by a blade near the base, the Imperials will realise immediately that they are on the right track. You eat, especially you Najenda, once I get back we'll continue the healing.

- Thank you, be careful, Gin. - The girl nodded to me.

Since the dining room windows faced the street, the members of the Night Raid could see me transformed into a five-metre tall white tiger, such a complete transformation takes a lot of energy and doesn't give me much advantage in combat, except that I run three times faster in this form.

Paradoxically, in this form I am uncomfortable to fight, and not used to it, it is easier for me to kill large monsters being a small human size, so I can easily get inside the mouth of the beast and kill it from the inside.

- Is he really human, huh? - asked the pink-haired girl as she watched the huge white tiger run off into the forest.

- I think he's at least half beast now, either way, he's very useful to the Night Raid. - Najenda said.

- Only he can't kill a girl, and that's a problem. - Akame said.

- Well, that's why we're alive, so it's not so clear-cut. - said Leone.

Among the search party was a man who wore a wolf head mask on his head, probably he came from some border clan of monster hunters, only he was not afraid and attacked me, the rest of the Imperials seeing the brave actions of their commander, also planned to attack me, but when I hit their commander in several pieces with a paw, they all began to run away from me, there was a girl among them, but she was screaming very loudly. While they were running away, I killed them all, and only the girl got out of the forest, and she had to tell me that it was better not to go here, because here lives a dangerous monster that killed her group.

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