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I Am Found I Am Found original

I Am Found

Author: heyonlynewangel

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue

Surrounded by the clouds at the top of a mountain, a joyous celebration is taking place at the palace of Crystalia. Queen Adela gave birth to two lovely princesses a year ago, and on this joyful day, everyone in the kingdom is preparing for the ball in honor of the princesses' first birthday. At such a young age, Princess Alexandra and Princess Amelia were privileged to have a ball in honor of their rare birth. This ball is guaranteed to be the grandest yet, for, in the history of the royal bloodline, there was not one occurrence where twins were born, until the time of King Cedric.

The palace gates were opened to welcome guests from neighboring kingdoms, as well as the commoners, and many adored the king for his generosity. He believed everyone is welcome to celebrate with the royal family for such an amazing miracle. Guests arrived in their finest and glorious ball gowns and suits, bringing gifts for the princesses. They presented themselves in front of the king and queen and gazed at the princesses in their cribs who were awake and well. Many thought that the princesses will grow up to become beautiful maidens, as beautiful as their mother. And others thought that they will become wise princesses, as wise as their father. The princes, aged 2, 4, 5, and 8, were also adored by the guests for their charming presence in the room.

Many gifts were given to the princesses. Some are made of fine gold, some are made of rich silk. But among them are the necklaces from the king and queen, with their names engraved in a crystal pendant. It was a reminder to the twins that they were born into the royal life. And no matter what happens, nothing will ever separate them.

They wished that the princesses can never be lost out of their sight.

But wishes can't always be granted free. It can come with a price.

Midas, a dark sorcerer, was determined to destroy Cedric's life to earn his place on the throne. He's not a rightful heir to the throne, which makes him desire more for the position as king. He may be powerful enough with his dark magic, but it can never be enough. He wanted the authority to take over the land and the people.

He arrived at the palace wearing one of his finest clothes, with his staff made of gold that he always brought everywhere with him. The guests were shocked to see such a visitor, and guards stood around the ballroom with swords.

Midas made his way to Cedric and Adela and bowed in an exaggerating manner.

"Cedric, I'm glad you've welcomed me here."

"Who said you were invited?" Cedric asked bitterly.

"I did," he chuckled. "Now, what a beautiful celebration for the two beautiful princesses. I almost missed the occasion. But luckily, walls have ears."

"You've seen the princesses. Now go." Cedric spoke with sharp bitterness in his voice that made Midas laugh.

With a grin, Midas walked closer and clicked his staff against the floor. "Now won't it be rude if I left without any gifts for your daughters?"

"Don't you dare," Cedric pointed a finger at him with a scowl.

"Please, Midas. Leave," the queen pleaded.

"You don't want my gift?" Midas mocked in sadness. "I was just trying to be nice. But since you won't allow me, fine."

Right then and there, with both hands holding his staff, Midas works his staff, a cloud of red smoke coming out of the staff and surrounding him. The guests were terrified and stepped away from the sorcerer. Cedric signals the guards to aim at Midas.

Midas' voice roared across the room, eyes filled with rage. "I will take away what you dear. But you will have to choose. Your daughters," he paused before looking around the room, staring at Cedric's people with a sinister smile. "Or your kingdom?"

The king gasped as he stood up, turned his head to the princesses, and back to him. "Midas!"

"I made it easier for you, Cedric. Usually, I won't let anyone pick. I just take what I want. But for you, I gave you options. Now choose."

"You can't be serious, Midas," Cedric spoke while shaking his head.

"Does it look like I am joking?" Midas grinned.

"Midas, please," Adela, with tears threatening to escape, pleaded with agony in her voice.

"So you won't choose?"

"I beg you, don't do this." The king pleaded, almost kneeling in front of Midas, desperate.

Midas' grin grew at the scene in front of him, and is amused for the king is begging for a sorcerer like him. He became more tempted and determined to steal the throne upon seeing his power against a powerful ruler. Much powerful than a sorcerer like him.

He turns his heel and makes his way to the doors of the ballroom, humming before speaking. "I will let this pass. But we're not done yet. Tomorrow, I will need answers. And if you don't…"

He pauses walking and turns his head to Cedric. "I'll leave that information out. But for now, you better choose properly."

And after that, he left.

After everyone has been sent home, King Cedric ordered his maids to help his daughters escape until things are set right around the kingdom. The maids got out of the castle that rainy midnight on their way to their own houses until a terrible accident has occurred.

An accident that separated the princesses from each other.

From a distance, Midas watched the scene, and let out an evil laugh.

"Trying to save them won't work, but you tried. And you failed. Now, enjoy your kingdom without your daughters." Midas whispered to himself and walked away with his laugh echoing among houses and buildings he passed by.

The kingdom was devastated by the twins' fate. King Cedric and Queen Adela wept in their sleep, knowing that they will never find Amelia and Alexandra alive. The princes couldn't sleep on that dreadful night, fearing for their sisters' lives. Midas, well, he slept soundly, for he knew that Cedric's life will never be the same again. The people of Crystalia were saddened, for the miracle was gone.

But little do they know that another miracle can still happen.

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