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26.6% I Am Doom (Marvel) / Chapter 28: Chapter 28: A Force Named Doom

Chapter 28: Chapter 28: A Force Named Doom

Standing within the security room of his personal research base, Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker had both his eyes trained on the multiple monitors in front of him.

[Insert Image of MCU Baron Strucker Here]

As did the other HYDRA agents in the room with him.

The monitors themselves all showing the same image, just from different angles.

It was of Victor.

Who was waling through the forest, making his way to the research base at a leisurely pace.

Like he didn't have a care in the world.

Seeing this Strucker could only sneer. "The fool." He spoke. "I do not know how he located us, but it matters not. For in doing so he has forfeit his life. Eliminate him." He said.

"Yes, Baron Strucker!" The HYDRA agents inside of the security room chorused in unsion.

Several of them who were seated in front of the control panels, located right in front of the monitors, began pressing buttons on them.

This in turn activated the defenses HYDRA had set up within the forest surrounding the research base.

While continuing his walk turrets soon popped out of the ground and began firing at Victor.

Yet the shots that hit him didn't slow him down in the slightest. They didn't even do the slightest bit of damage to his armor.

Seeing this Strucker got a curious expression on his face. "Well it seems this man isn't a total fool after all." He admitted. "His armor can at least take some punishment. Makes me wonder what it is made out of." The HYDRA leader mused. He then got an idea. "Change of plans. I want you to send out our forces, and tell them to capture that man alive. Or least his armor intact." He ordered.

"Yes Baron!" The HYDRA agents replied.

They then relayed Strucker's orders to the rest of their forces on the base.

Once this happened it only took them a few moments to fully mobilize.

Soon fully armored HYDRA agents carrying energy weapons, tanks, and heavy duty tactical vehicles equipped with machine guns began heading towards Victor's position.

Within ten minutes they met.

Yet despite seeing all the firepower before him Victor never stopped walking forward.

Which was just fine with the HYDRA agents. Who all aimed their weapons at Victor.

"Open fire!" One of the HYDRA commanders yelled.

When they did a powerful salvo of energy shots, machine gun fire, and tank shells, all began racing towards Victor.

But none of them even came close to touching him.

All fire stopping a meter (3 feet) from his position.

Courtesy of the force-field Victor had activated the moment he was fired upon.

Though the HYDRA forces didn't know this.

That's why they continued firing upon Victor. Despite the fact none of their attacks were reaching him.

This continued until Victor was right in front of the HYDRA forces.

Once he was he held out both his hands in its direction and unleashed powerful blasts of electricity into it.


The blasts in question striking the HYDRA soldiers, the tanks, and the heavy duty tactical vehicles. In turn easily killing the former, and heavily damaging, and even in a few cases, destroying the former two.

Upon learning all the enemies in front of him were dead Victor stopped his electricity blasts and lowered his hands.

He then started walking again. Stepping over the dead bodies, and the charred and destroyed remains of vehicles he had created without any problem at all.

Back in the security room of the base, having witness what just occurred, Baron Strucker and the HYDRA agents with him were all left speechless.

"That's impossible. Simply impossible!" Strucker cried. Getting an angry expression on his face. "No man is that powerful. Attack him again. This time full force! I want him dead!"

"Yes Baron." The HYDRA agents replied.

Though not with the same vigor as before.

Since after seeing what Victor just did they had lost it.

Still they began executing their leaders commands.

They dispatched more of their forces to confront Victor.

While also launching missiles at the man, from the missile launchers they had installed on the outer edges of the base.

As they raced through the air the missiles eventually reached Victor's position and began bearing down on him.

But before any of them could make contact his force-field stopped them.

So despite being engulfed in an explosion, when the smoke cleared Victor was still perfectly fine.

As well as still continuing walking towards the base.

But just as he was before he was soon encountered by HYDRA forces.

Yet unlike before Victor went on the offensive immediately.

Raising the points of his fingers in their direction Victor unleashed beams from each of them.

His ten finger lasers easily destroying all HYDRA forces in his path within a matter of minutes.

Thus unlike before Victor did not have to stop walking.

"No, no, no!" Strucker cried. "Enough of this." He said. "Call in all our forces! I want this armored man destroyed, and I want him destroyed now! Contact everyone. Even those not at the base presently." The HYDRA leader ordered.

"Yes Baron." The HYDRA agents with him in the security room replied.

They then went to work executing Strucker's orders just as before.

However unlike before this time a problem arose.

"Baron." One of the HYDRA agents seated at the control panel spoke up. "We have a problem." He began. "Our signals are all being jammed. I can't send one our, nor can am I receiving any." The HYDRA agent explained.

"No, that can't be." Strucker said.

"Oh, I'm afraid your agent speaks the truth Strucker." A new voice suddenly spoke up.

Surprising Struck and his HYDRA agents.

"What, who said that?" Strucker asked. "Show yourself!" He demanded.

"Quiet down fool." The voice instantly replied. "And for your information I have already shown myself. You're looking at me right now after all." The voice said.

It then only took Strucker, and his HYDRA agents, a moment to understand.

Turning their attention back to the monitors they saw Victor waving lightly at them.

"Hello there." Victor said.

"You!" Strucker cried.

"Yes me." Victor replied. "One of the men who rules one of the kingdoms you and your pathetic cult decided to try and lay your disgusting hands on. Dr. Doom." He explained.

"Wait, you are the new king of Latveria? A HYDRA agent questioned.

"That I am." Victor replied. "As well as the one who will send you all to the afterlife." He spoke.

"Enough of your useless bravado!" Strucker spoke. "Give up now and we may show you some semblance of mercy. But continue on your current path and you shall know a fate far worse than death. For you do not know who you toy with you foolish king."

"No, it is you who do not know who you are messing with!" Victor exclaimed. "You dare demand a surrender from me! You dare try and claim any dominion over me! Fool! I am as far above you as a cockroach! I am Doom!" He shouted. "And now you will know my wrath."

Victor then stopped in his tracks.

Since he was now squarely in front of the research base.

Raising his hands Victor then aimed them in the direction of the base and began unleashing two powerful blasts at it. Destroying the building with ease.

As he did Strucker and the others inside felt it. For the building began to shake around them.

"Get me out of here!" Strucker shouted.

"Yes Baron!" The HYDRA agents replied.

They them formed a protective circle around Strucker and the group left the security room.

Once they did they began moving through the halls of the research base towards one of the many secret escape tunnels Strucker had installed when he had the base constructed.

Arriving Strucker put a triumphant smile on his face.

'Looks like that Dr. Doom was just all talk. Which I knew of course. Now when we next meet I'll show him the true meaning of the world despair.' Strucker thought.

Then just after he did several shots came out of the tunnel and struck each and every one of his men, killing them.

Seeing this Strucker moved to pull out his weapon, only to fall to his knees when he suddenly felt something heavy touch his left shoulder.

Turning around to see what it was Strucker found his gaze on none other than Victor.

"Hello Strucker." Victor spoke. "Are you ready to experience despair?" He asked.

Then before Strucker could respond Victor began electrocuting him.


Struckers pained screams filling the air.

Which were music to Victor's ears.

Leading to a smile to form on his face under his mask.

For Strucker was now experiencing the first hand the wrath of Doom.

A feeling he won't soon forget.


(Victor: POV)

I continued shocking Strucker for a few more moments before I stopped.

Since the bastard had passed out, and I didn't want to kill him.

Oh no.

That would be him getting off too easy, and we can't have that.

Plus I still need to extract all the information he has in that shiny bald head of his.

So after I let go of the man, and his unconscious body fell the floor, I opened a portal under him and sent him to a cell back at Castle Doom. Where I had two Doombots standing by waiting to show him some generous Latverian hospitability.

Once I finished with that I used my technopathy to contact some of the Doombots I had stationed around the facility and ordered them to move in and begin searching the place.

Me doing the same.

Since although this place is a HYDRA base it is also a treasure trove of useful information. One I am not about to leave unattended.

So with that I, and several of my Doombots, began searching the facility.

In doing so I found plans for tech, some stolen tech, and other goodies.

But the piece of résistance was when a Doombot contact me, and informed me it had found people still alive. Children to be exact.

So when it did I rushed it to its location.

Then upon my arrival I found myself face-to-face with teenage versions of Wanda and Pietro Maximoff.

[Insert Image of Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch Here]

[Insert Image of Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver Here]

Also known in the future as Scarlet Witsh and Quicksilver.

The two of them definitely being the biggest and best discovery of the day. 


If you want more go to my paetron, where there are up to five advanced chapters of this story.

Here is the link:

next chapter
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