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60% I AM BETTER BECAUSE OF YOU / Chapter 15: she is mine

Chapter 15: she is mine

All the students who were came to Wizardry school are really excited to see the school.they all happy with their school but only thing that bothers them is dark sky with hard thunder.

all the students were resting in their room, suddenly a bell rang and an announcement was made,"come on students everyone get ready for a party at golden pavilion."

after hearing the noise, students who were sleeping,gets up from their bed with red eyes full of sleep and tired.they brushed their hairs and make up themselves for the meeting.

They all make up themselves and are excited for the party.

While booba and Zane was still sleeping in their bed after playing for long time.they both were in a deep sleep.

Here Lena and bubble were makeup themselves for the party.Bubble fills her lips with pink lipstick,his eyes with black kajal and his face with rose powder.she also braids her hair well and wear a long black gown with sleeves and a high heels black shoes.

while Lena was dressed very simple,she was bare faced,she wear her formel pink colour gown which is tied with white lace on back side.she also wears a normal shoe in white colour and had a lose hair.

Even though she was dressed formally but she was looking very beautiful which can mesmerize anyone.

Bubble look at Lena,she was shocked to look Lena dressed formally.she asked Lena,"Lena come on its a are still being same,if you dress like this then your Boyfriend will change you."she kidded her and laughed.

Lena stared with her golden eyes and exhaled deeply,"He is not my boy friend."

"well your friend."she said.

Lena look at her and smiled,"hmm that good.if he wants to change me by looking my appearance then I won't need him."she said and walked.

Bubble was confused by her words,Hey Lena don't go stop,I can't understand what you mean."

Lena turned back and smiled,"well don't worry,you will understand soon."said and started to move

Bubble nodded and continue to make up.

Everyone are ready and are waiting for call.the door in every rooms were knocked by little smurfs.Each smurf took two students to guide them to golden pavilion.

while the door in Lenas room was knocked.lena opened the door it was fufay.lena was happy to see fufay.she carry fufay in her arm and rounded with happy.

while fufay was shocked to see Lena dressed formally but she looks very beautiful.lena landed fufay in the floor."wow fufay I meet you again,do you how much I am happy to see you."she asked with golden eyes full of happiness.

Fufay stared at Lena without any expression and look at bubble who was dressed very beautiful.Lena was disappointed by fufay reaction,"fufay don't you miss me,you seems to be disappointed."

fufay look at Lena and smirked,"ofcourse Goldie I missed you too but I was shocked to see you dressed like this for party."he said with his child voice.

Lena asked gently,"why am I not beautiful."

fufay smiled,"of course you are but your dress is not seem to be like other girls."

Lena was look at fufay with confusion,"what."

Fufay without telling anything take his magic wand and spelled,"Dabrela fabrela make it perfect and beautiful." after he spelled two faries came from window.

Lena and Bubble were shocked to see the faries.they are short but are like humans,one was in blue colour dress with silver wings and other was in pink colour with silvery pink wings.They also wear a glass shoes which continuously emitting sparkles while the fly or stand "

They also keep on flattering their wings and look at Lena's dress,they both goes around Lena and look at her from top to bottom.Suddenly they both filled Lena with bright light.

Bubble was shocked and she can't see Lena,she closed her eyes with her fingers while Fufay was looking at these with smile on his face.

Suddenly the light started to dim.bubble slowly opened her eyes and look at Lena,she was shocked to see Lena

"her dress were fully filled with flowers and glitters,it was shining in dark and light,her hair was filled with pink rose and her shoes were shining like crystal"

Lena was looking like a fairy in the eyes of bubble.

"oh Lena I can't believe my eyes you look very beautiful.'"she said with her astonished voice.

Lena look at her and was shocked,she look at fufay and smiled,"thank you are helping me each and every time we meet."she said with her cute voice.

Fufay was mesmerized by her beauty and stared at her then he said,"it's my pleasure goldie.dont think it as a help think it as my duty as a friend of yours."he said and Carry her hand and take them to Golden pavilion.

On their way everyone eyes falls on lena,her beauty mesmerized everyone,"Who is this girl,she looks very beautiful like a princess in a story."everyone murmured among themselves.lena was very shy,her cheeks were red.she bent her head down the floor and keeps on walking towards golden pavilion with fufay and bubble.

While in Zanes room when smurf knocked,no one oppened.the smurf again knocked hard.Zane and booba who was sleeping hears,tap tap taaapppp"

booba after hearing without opening his eyes with half sleep" zane open the door someone is knocking." Zane hit booba with his leg,"hey you go I can't."They both keep on arguing"you go.."with half sleep.

The smurf outside hears the sound.She tapped her head with hand and take her magic wand and spelled,"Tap tapp tapp let the door be opened."After she spelled the door opened.

She saw both Zane and Booba sleeping without getting ready for party.they both are entangled where Zane leg was over boobas stomach and boobas one leg over Zane and other to the floor.

The smurf was disappointed after seeing them like this but she was attracted to Zane calm face.

she spelled with her magic wand,"fly in the top."after she spelled both of them float in the top with the bed.

Booba and Zane feel like they are in air.booba with half sleep."Zane I feel like I am in air."Zane with sleepy sore throat,"me too."."why we feel like this."he asked with his sleepy eyes without opening his eyes.zane again with sore throat,"because we are in space a."he said and laughed in sleep.

Booba also laughed,"I think we are dreaming."he said and slowly opened his eyes.he was in top floating in air but he thinks he is dreaming,"hey Zane open your eyes and see we are floating in air."Zane suddenly opened his eyes and look down they are in top of the room.he also look at the smurf laughing at them.

Zane with sore throat,"wake up we are really floating."

booba with half sleep," it's a dream Zane sleep again ."he said.

Zane kicked him very hard,he wake up ans shouted with pain,"you idiot why did you hit me"he said and looked down."aaahhhhh ahhhhh he was screaming".Zane with shock face,"hey shuuu shuuu stop shouting what if others see us like this if they saw then we will be perfect comedian material,there is a smurf she will help shut up"

the smurf laughed too hard.zane look at her with cold face,"hey you little stop laughing and take us down"he said with sore throat.

but the smurf keeps on laughing,"oh my god it's very bad my heart didn't melt try again once."she said and continue to laugh.

Booba and Zane got angry.booba rised his left hand like beating her but he forget the fact that he was on top.his Body slightly slips,he was going to fall but Zane hold him on time.

The smurf still laugh and didn't help them.Zane was really very angry.he was searching for an idea to get down without her help.he saw his bed sheet and come up with an idea.

Zane tie his and booba bedsheets with one another then he tie one end in the corner of bed and put other end at the floor.

then he slowly comes back to floor.booba also followed his idea and comes down.the smurf was happy to see his capability to handle situation but she didn't show that on her face instead with cold face,"well it's already more than 30 minutes you guys are late for the party.get ready to get scold."she said and laughed.

Zane and Booba were very angry,Zane took his step to scold the smurf but booba stop him by holding his hand.booba was really afraid of getting punishment so he stoped him

"Zane don't waste time hurry up let go and join before they notice our absence"he said and hurried.

Zane look at the smurf with cold eyes and went to dress himself.

they both dressed well and the smurf took them to the was their lucky time,the party was not started yet.everyone are gathered as a group and taking to each other.the golden pavilion is full of chit chat.

Zane was wearing a white suit with pink tie,he also wears a white shoe which was well polished,he also weared a wrist watch in his hand.he was looking very handsome with his blue eyes and we'll brushed hair.

while booba wears black suit with red tie and black shoes.he was also looking handsome.

all the girls in the gloden pavilion sorrounded both of them.they were trying to talk with them.

while Zane was looking for Lena but lena was not in the pavilion.

He managed to escape from the crowd but he can't, suddenly he hears a voice

"hey rookie really she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen,I hope atleast once I can dance with her." then he another voice "yeah I too but not only dance I want her to be my girl friend,I am going to give a try." "hey if want too then you must be ready to fight with me and many boys" the other guy asked,"why should I" rookie replied,"because her golden eyes mesmerized everyone."

after hearing this Zane was sure that they are taking about Lena,he was also getting angry.he pushed the girls before him and walked towards the two boys with cold eyes like killing them but when he goes near them he faked his anger and asked gently,"hello may I know where is the girl you are talking about."they both look at him with cold eyes then rookie,"which girl" Zane again said with his soft and sexy voice,"the girl with golden eyes."rookie with cold face,"why should I need to tell you and you don't try to get close to her with your handsome face,she is mine."

Zanes was more angered by hearing him,he grabbed his collar,his blue eyes were filled with anger it was like he was going to kill him.with cold and harsh voice,"tell me where is she"but he didn't tell anything but stared him.

Everyone in the particular area where looking at zane,booba rushed towards Zane and asked him to leave him but Zane didn't listen to him,booba was trying to take his hand but he can't,he was holding him even more harder,he ask again and again with cold face,"where is she...where is she..."but he didn't reply and he was not afraid of zane.the other friend who is with rookie was afraid and gone from that place.

every girls are looking at zanes anger face,it was more handsome when he gets anger.

Suddenly Zane hears a voice,"what's happening."it was Lena's voice Zane leave him and look at lena.he was completely mesmerized by her.her beauty makes him forget everything,he feels some kind of happiness on seeing her,his hands wants to hug her.he was starring at her with his beautiful blue eyes.

while Lena look at zanes red face,she was shocked to see Zane like this,she wants to know what happened so she asked everyone around her but everyone tells,"I dont know,I just saw them fighting."

she was really disappointed to see Zane like this,she look at rookie his face filled with sweat.rookie started to act in front of Lena like zane hurted him badly.

Lena goes near Zane,zane stared at her and thought she was coming for him but she goes near rookie.zane was shocked and look at her with confusion.

Lena holds rookie hand,"are you ok."she asked with soft voice.rookie with his voice full of pain,"I think so."

Zane and Booba were shocked to hear this because zane didn't beat him,he just holded his collar.

Zane actually wants to talk to Lena but he hesitate when booba tries to talk to her,Zane hold his hand and ask him to be quite.they both look at Lena.

Lena asked with soft voice,"what happened between you two."

"he started everything first,when I talk about you he comes near me and told you are his girlfriend and no one has the rights to talk to you.i object him so he start to beat me."he lied to Lena.

Lena was shocked,both Zane and Booba were also shocked.zane take a step to talk with her,"I am..."but Lena with cold face with golden eyes full of tears stoped him with her hand ,"enough,I don't think you would be like this.from this moment let's keep our distance." she said and run from the place with her eyes full of tears.

Booba was trying to catch Lena and explain but Zane stopped him.zane was very disappointed.he feels like his heart was completely broken into pieces,his eyes were filled with tears.he walk towards the door with silently and leaves the golden pavilion like lena

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