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52% I AM BETTER BECAUSE OF YOU / Chapter 13: only six days more

Chapter 13: only six days more

Zane and Lena keeps on walking.

Zane with his soft tone,"ms unknown,are you mad ".

Lena look at Zane,she lift her left eyebrows,"why are you scolding me."asked with her cute voice.

Zane put his hand in head,"I asked you to stay untill I come but Why did you follow me.what if the old man gives you punishment for hidding."he asked with his eyes full of care.

Lena laughed,"ha ha ha but he didn't punish me so don't act as a mad devil."

Zane with his sexy,"what am I devil,do you what devil will do."he asked with smirking.

Lena stared at his eyes,"what devil will do."she asked in her whispered voice.

Zane come closer to her,"devil will beat you left and right and will pinch you in cheeks."he whispered and lift his hand to pinch her cheeks.

Lena laughed ,"blaaahhh you can't."she said and start to run.

Zane with smile,"you stop...hey i am telling you stop."he chased after her.

lena saw bubble with a boy,she goes near them.zane also followed Lena.

Lena watched them,they both are fighting like rat and cat.

Bubble,"do you have any brain..."with cold voice

Booba,"I have but I think you don't have so only you act like a crazy."

Bubble,"you bastard,it's not my mistake.why did you stand in the place where my ball falls."

Booba,"are you really a girl,I think you are a devil distinguished as a girl."

Bubble,blaaah blaah....Booba,blaah blaahh..."they both keeps on fighting.

Lena and Zane look at each other.Lena goes and touch bubble hand and Zane go and touch Boobas shoulder.

Lena and Zane stared at each other,Zane asked,"is she your friend."he asked with soft voice.

Lena nodded yes and asked,"is this handsome your friend."she asked with blushing cute face.

zane face suddenly turned cold and look at Booba face and then he brushed his hair with finger and licked all his sweat in face.then he look at Lena with cold Voice,"yes ms unknown."

Booba and bubble stop fighting and look at them.

Lena with smile and golden eyes full of care,touched Booba forehead,"It's bleeding,can i help you to dress the wound."she asked with her sweet voice.

Booba was shocked and blushed,"it's ok it's not that much painful,I can dress it myself."he said and smiled.

Zane look at them with jealous.Bubble pulled Lena's hand.with cold face,"don't touch this pervert."bubble said.

Lena with cold face,"bubble you shouldn't talk like this."she said and pulled boobas hand and make him sit under the tree.

Bubble and Zane look them with cold face.

then Lena pulled her ribbon from her hair and searched for water then she found the water in the fountain.

Booba was about to stand,Lena pushed him,"just sit,I won't kill you.wait for me."she said with her soft voice and left towards fountain.

Booba without telling anything to Lena look at zanes cold face and whispered in air,"Forgive me."With his face full of fear.zane with cold face stared at him without any reaction to his world.then he look at bubble,she was killing him with her eyes.

Lena wet the ribbon in water,she came near Booba and cleaned at his blood on fore head,she cared his head very gently.then she tear the bottom of her dress and toe it around his head.

Booba look at her with eyes full of tears,he was astonished by her care.Lena with smile on her face,"it's over,is it still painful."she asked with soft voice.

Booba smile,"no it's not."Lena smiled and turned around and look at bubble and zabe staring at them.

she goes near bubble and asked Booba,"how did you get hurt,"she asked with gentle voice.

Booba stared at bubble with angry face and then look ar Lena and smiled,"an idiotic crazy devil throw ball on my head,"he said with cold face and again stared at bubble.

Lena look at both Booba and bubble,then she understands it was bubble who throw the ball.

She comfort bubble and asked her to say sorry.bubble can't refuse Lena's world," sorry"with cold face she said and left.

Lena was disguised and look at Booba,"sorry she was very stubborn but really kind,don't take it serious."

Booba smiled,"it's ok i forgive her for you."Lena smiled and look at Zane."well thanks for today,see you later."she said and chased towards bubble.

Zane waved his hand and look at her with sad face.Booba put his hand in Zane shoulder,"she is nice maybe I will be your rival in future."he said with funny voice and laughed.

Zane punched in his stomach,"kill you."Booba with pain,"hey I am kidding,it's paining."he said with voice full of pain.

Zane smiled and stand sad.Booba asked with doubt,"is she really your sweetheart."

Zane with doubt face,"hmmm I don't know but I feel like being with my sweetheart when I was with her."

Booba,"how are you going to confirm."he asked with doubt.

Zane stared at him with his sexy blue eyes,"only 6 days more,I will found out whether she is my sweetheart."he said with serious face.

Booba with doubt,"what if she is not,will you stop chasing after her."

Zane look at him,"yeah but I will be her good friend because she is kind girl."he said with gentle voice.

Booba nodded as yes and they both start to move towards their room.

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