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80% I AM BETTER BECAUSE OF YOU / Chapter 20: I am a devil

Chapter 20: I am a devil

Lena look at the was wetted all the way because of zanes pant.she start to think about the way he cared her in restroom

"He was very kind when I saw him for the first time.he changed after his fight with rookie.why did he changed,maybe he changed because I ignored him...?no that's not possible, rookie said he enjoyed with zomie.thinking of this,why the current goes out suddenly?why zane entered the room when I am scared?why did he kissed me and make me lose my control?...Lena everything was done according to his plan.lena you are stupid,you fall in love with him at first sight and trusted him very soon.finally you lost yourself Lena."she cried with pain

"Lena you already know your mistake yesterday but you still lost yourself to him in the can you be shamefully lost to Lena no dont let him have you should not happen again Lena"she determined herself and start to clean her wetted room.

Zane put on a new dress and waiting for booba to have his breakfast.he feels very hungry and strengthless after being hard yesterday.

"why is he not returning yet.ok zane lets go and eat breakfast"he talk to himself and start to move towards the dinning room.when he comes down the step,he saw zomie.he smiled and started to walk but zomie grabbed his hand

"hey Zane going to dinning room"she asked politely.

Zane with smile,"yes zomie feels very hunger".

"well then can I accompany you"she asked politely.zane takes her hand from his hand and said with sexy voice,"hmm well let's go".he can't deny her so accept it without any heart.Zomie again holded his hand and start to talk all the way.

Zane didn't hear any of her talks,he was thinking to himself,"every girls are going crazy over me but she didn't even care about me instead planning to ignore me.little kitten let's see how you are going to escape"he smiled by thinking about her.

Zomie thought he was smiling on her talks and she continued to talk.Zane just nodded his head and think about Lena.

Lena finished all her works and look outside the window.she enjoyed the breeze.she saw the dark sky and thunder

"hmm the sky was dark even in daytime and the thunder it strikes all the day without all seems to be really mysterious.i need to find out what happened here."she thinks and look at those birds.

a small blue bird look at her standing near the was mesmerized by her cute face and her golden sit in the window door and look at her.lena look at the bird back.they both look at each other.

Lena pushed her hand forward towards the bird.the bird afraid but it didn't fly.its body was trembling.

Lena smiled on the bird

"don't be scared.i won't hurt you.come on"she talk to the bird with sweet voice.

Zane who is walking in the ground towards dinning room saw Lena standing near window.zane stopped zomie.

"zomie you carry on,I need to get relax here for sometime"he said politely and look at Lena.

Zomie thought he wants to spend time with her so he is telling some reason."

"Its ok let's sit here and have some air."she said with smile and pulled zanes hand and make him sit near a tree.

zane sit in the position opposite to lena and zomie sits opposite to zane.zomie was talking and Zane was nodding his head and looking at Lena.

zomie takes zanes hand and play with it and talking non stop.zane didn't notice anything he was seeing lena talking to the bird.

"Hahaha so childish, talking to a bird.hmmmm seeing you make me even forget my hunger.only 5 days left to know you are her or not."he smiled at look at her.

Lena after talking to the birds almost 10 minutes and finally the bird fly and stand on her look her beautiful eyes and face and looks her up and down.

"eeeeee you finally came,what's your look so cute.will you be my friend"she was taking to the bird politely.

"I am coco,can we be friends"it asked with soft was like the bird was singing.

Lena was shocked,"can you speak"she asked with surprise.the bird kissed her lips and said,"yes let's be friends"it said with its beautiful sound.

Zane was looking at all this but he don't know what she is talking to the bird but he enjoyed her crazyness.

When zomie was talking to zane suddenly a spider falls on her.she shouted and hugged zane.zane without any conciousness hugged her back and looking at lena.

Lena eyes falls on them after Zomie shouted.she saw both of them hugging each other.her eyes filled with tears and she went inside the room with the bird.

"what happened why did she gone inside after seeing me"he backs to his conciousness and look zomie hugging him and the way his hand also hugged her.he try to push zomie

"zomie what are you doing,don't let others think wrong about us"he said coldly and pushing.

zomie hugged him tightly"there is a spider,no I don't I don't"she scremed and hugged him tightly.

everyone who are going through the ground look at them.

"shit,this women won't let me go until I kill the spider"he thinked and killed the spider.

"zomie it's gone "he said softly with cold Voice and pushed her.

she looked around her.zane stand from his place and seeing whether lena is coming back.

Lena came back to the window with the bird and she sent back the bird with smile and kissed it.

"I need one kiss"zane was murmuring and staring at her.zomie heard that and was about to kiss him.when lena saw Zane and zomie,at perfect time ,zomie kissed zane "thank you"she said calmly and runned.zane was shocked and wiping his lip hard.

Lena saw of this,she closed the window and get inside the room.

"I have doubt when rookie said he is with zomie but now I saw everything by my eyes.he played with me."she talk to herself and cried.

Zane gone mad after she kissing him.he was afraid what lena would think about him.

"that bastard how dare she kissed me,shit lena already started avoiding me after what I she saw zomie kissing.she would thought I am also kissing her.zane hurry up go and explain her"he thinks and hurried to her room.

Booba and bubble were talking to each other and carry food for Lena and Zane.they saw Zane running fast in the step from far.

"hey why he is going upstairs very fast."bubble asked booba.booba with smile,"don't mind him,he may in some hurry"he replied and both of them walk slowly and chating with each other.

Zane runned towards Lena room and opened the door.he saw Lena sitting in the corner with tied hand and leg crying very hard.

He goes near her,lena look at him.her eyes were red and tears fall like a water falls.she look very pale and her body is trembling.

Zane was going to touch her but lena shouted,"get lost from here mr.zane"she stands up and pushed him out.

"Lena listen t..."before he complete lena throw the pillow on him,"I don't want to listen to you"she said with crying voice and pushed him.zane forcefully pulled and kissed her.she got mad and pushed him hard and slapped his face.Zane was shocked.

he know she is mad now so he try to make her calm "it's not lik.."he can't complete his words "you don't need to explain to me.i am nothing to you more than a sex doll"she screamed and falls on the floor and cried.

Bubble opened the door and saw Lena lying in floor and she saw Zane standing there too.she silently closed the door and don't know whats happening she went to call booba to ask what to do.she even didn't notice lena crying after seeing zane she immediately left the room.

booba was in his room waiting for Zane."booba your friend.he is in my room" she said with hurry.

booba with surprise"what""yeah he is there come with me"she said and put the Lena's breakfast in the table and pulled him towards her room.

While Zane was trying to calm her.he touched her.lena pushed his hand away.

she was crying more and more.her heart aches.she start to scratch her skin with nail.

"lena don't be mad listen to me"zane was pleasing her."listen to me lena its not like what you see.....""listen to me..."he was begging her.

the more he please the more she scratch her skin with nails.

booba and bubble came inside the room and saw Lena acting madly and scratching her skin.

they both hurried up and stop lena.Lena was not listening to them she was acting like a mad.she was crying hardly.she didn't listen to anyone and screming and crying.

Bubble Begged her,"lena stop don't do that"..."lena tell me what happened don't be mad lena.."she is begging but she hear nothing.

when Zane try to go near her.she slides back and scratch her skin more."zane plz don't go near her.she is out of control"bubble Begged him and stopped him.

Zane was looking at her madness,he felt a heavy pain in his heart and his eyes are red and blood clot.he dont know what to do.he wants to touch her but he can't".

booba touched lena shoulder with both his hand and shaking her,"lena listen to me...stop scratching..."he begged but she didn't listen and keep on scratching and crying.

Booba shouted"lena" and slapped her face with full force.Everyone in the room were shocked and looking at lena.zane was clenching his fist.

Lena stop scratching and look at booba with her red and swollen golden eyes.her body is trembling.Booba was staring at her silently.she hugged him tightly and cried.

Zane gone completely mad and was hitting the pillar.bubble and Lena were scared.zane goes near her slowly.

lena hugged booba tightly and slide back with him.booba caressed her head,"it's ok I am here don't be scared"he console her but she was trembling and looking at zane with eyes full of fear.

booba noticed her being afraid when Zane comes near them,"zane stop.go back to room.lets talk later"he beg zane.lena was tightely hugging booba.booba cared her in his arm and console her.

Zane didn't listen to him and coming near to her with cold face and killing blue eyes full of blood shots.lena starring at him with eyes full of fear.

"Zane she is scared don't come."booba begged him.zane shouted,"shut up" with cold face.booba can feel he was very anger.even booba was afraid to talk to him but he holded lena tightly to make her feel protective.

Zane sit near them and stared at her with killing blue eyes.lena was staring at him with scare.he pulled boobas hand apart from lena and pulled her towards him and hugged her very tightly.

booba don't know what to do.even bubble was afraid to talk with zane.

He hugged her tightly,lena was struggling in his arm and was crying silently."Stop orelse I kill you"he said lena with cold face and voice.

lena was scared and stop struggling.she look at him with fear.

Zane look at booba and bubble,"get out"he said with cold voice.Bubble was scared and afraid of leaving lena alone.she goes near them and holding lena hand with her trembling hand.Zand look at her with eyes full of anger,"I said get out"he shouted again.

booba know about zane.he pulled bubble out inorder to save her from getting hurt.bubble left with him and looking at lena.

lena was pushing her hands towards them and ask them to stop.she was crying.zane clenched the hand that try to stop them.

"aaahhhhh "she murmured with pain and fear and stared at his killing blue eyes.

"does it made me do like this"he said with cold Voice and hugged her tightly.

She was trying to push him again.he saw her crying.he freed her and closed the room.

Lena was sitting in the floor with fear.he goes near her and make her stand.he hold her both shoulders with his hand and staring at her with anger.she was staring ar him and crying.her whole face,hands and neck are swollen and red because of her scratching it.

"does it feels good while hugging him tightly..."he said and clenched her shoulder."ouch"she murmured and stared at him and cried.

"stop crying..."he said coldly but lena can't stop crying."I said stop..."but she can't stop because of pain and fear.she keeps on crying.

he got mad at her crying face.he pressed her breast with one hand.she start to cry even more in pain and try to push him.

"do you want to push me...uhhhh do you want to push me.."he said coldly and stared at him.he clenched her shoulder tightly and shaked very hard and shouting

"you love to hug someone tightly but not didn't even try to listen to me,am I looking like a devil.yes I am a I said you are mine now and you can't escape from this devil."he said coldly and face full of anger.

lena was scared.she feels exhausted.she was looking at him and crying.suddenly she feels dizzy and went blackout.

Zane who was holding her shoulder.saw her dizzy.he carry her with anger and make her lie in the bed.he opened the door and left angry without telling anything to booba and bubble who were standing outside.

Booba and bubble went inside and saw Lena lying in bed.bubble was calling her but she didn't wake up.bubble was scared and start to cry.booba was even shocked.he pour some water on her face.lena waked up and look at booba and bubble.

"lena sleep peacefully,we are here don't worry"booba said kindly and caressed her head.

she feels exhausted after crying and screaming a little.she tried to speak but she can't only air came from her mouth,"wa-t-er"she asked.bubble was crying besides her.booba gives her water and caressed her head and make her sleep.

she went into a deep sleep.booba called bubble outside and console her

"bubble you don't take them very serious.they both love each other but some misunderstanding happened between them."he was telling her.she interrupted him"but Zane went insane and hurted her"she said and cried.booba hugged her with pain,"no zane is usually not like that.i don't know what happened he changed like this after their fight.he will be alright.i will talk with him"he said with sad voice and console her.

Zane in his room.locked the door and cried.he feels a heavy head ache and pain in heart.

"why don't you allow me to explain think everything in a wrong way and try to go far away from me."he talk to himself and cry.

he closed his eyes and think about the way she scremed suddenly and he thinks the way he hold booba tightly.he got mad

"lena I won't let anyone touch or have should be only me who touch you.i don't care even if you get hurt I won't let you to go away from me."he said with cold voice and eyes full of anger.

he saw the food in the table.he remember lena didn't have food from yesterday night.he take the food and goes into her room.he saw Lena sleeping in bed.he look at her red face and feel sad.

he goes near her and lied down with her in the bed and hold her in his arm and caressed her face and hand.

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