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96% I AM BETTER BECAUSE OF YOU / Chapter 24: how it happened

Chapter 24: how it happened

Lena goes near him.Zane was staring at her with his blue eyes.lena bent towards him and look at his eyes.His eyes were staring at her.his eyes gives her a warm feeling.

"it's my zanes true eyes that I saw when I meet him.this eyes makes me want to be in his arm forever"she thinks to herself and stared at him.

she unbuttoned his shirt and removed them gently.She touched his chest with her soft hand and pushed him down the bed.she lied over him and start to kiss him.

Zane was surprised by her every moves and staring at her closed eyes and feeling her kissing.

"what a bad kiss,she don't know how to kiss but I like it"he thinked to himself.

Lena was losing herself and her fingers start to run over his body.

she stopped suddenly.she stand and turned around.

Zane was confused why she stopped suddenly.

"can we continue this tomorrow"she asked softly and didn't look at him.

"but why"he asked with sexy voice and sit in the bed staring at her.

Even his voice make her want him.

"lena leave the room,you can't let him know you lost your control"she thought.

"I-i-i am not feeling we-well "she said with trembling voice.

Zane didn't believe her words.He pulled her towards him and rolled.They both were rolled in the bedsheet 3 times and Lena was arrested with him in the bedsheet.

She didn't dare to look at him.she turned her head.

Zane stared at her face.she didn't seem to be normal.

"Why she is avoiding to see my eyes.Is she lost her control and try to hide it from me"he think to himself.

"Lena"he called her name with soft sexy voice and runned his lip all over her face.She closed her eyes and seem to be enjoying.

Zane kissed her lips gently and bite it gently.Lena slowly start to move her lips and swirl her tongue inside him.

"she lost her control"zane thinked and rolled 3 times to free them from bedsheet.

After he freed,lena grabbed his shoulder with her hand and they kissed passionately.

Zane runned his hand gently and unbuttoned her dress.Lena body was trembled with pleasure.

He pulled down her dress and slided his lips in her shoulder,then to her breast.she hugged him tightly with her hands.

Zane slowly start to go into her.lena start to moun "aaaaahhhhh haaaaaaaaaa aaaaahhhh hmmmmm"her whole body is moving with pleasure.

Zane goes up and down slowly then he goes very fast and hard.

She was completely gone crazy and mounted"aaaahhhhhhhhhhh haaaaaaaaaa"she buried her nails in his body.

When she was mouning in pleasure,zane murmured in her ears,"tell me now,do you want to continue tomorrow"he asked with his sexy voice and keep on going deep into her and rubbed his face with her.

"aaaaaahhhh hhhhhaaaaa hhhhaaaàa"lena was mouning.

"ughhhhhh tell me,can we continue tomorrow"he murmured again and holded her face towards his face and stared at her eyes.she can't even stare at him with her eyes completely open.she completely losted herself in pleasure.

"No ahhhhhhh haaaaaaaaa"she shouted and grabbed zane very tightly.

Zane keeps on going into her and finally they both lost themselves in pleasure.

it was like traveling in a dream world full of pleasure and no worries.

"haaaa I am going to cum"zane Murmured.

"hmmmmmm aaahhhhhh don't cu-cum inside"lena said softly.

Both of them cummed at same time and Zane cummed inside her.

They lied in the bed next to each other with sweated body.they both breath hardly.their room was filled with their breathing sound.

Zane look at Lena and pulled her towards him.he hugged her in his arm.

"why are you keep on avoiding me when you can't stop losing your control to me"he asked her very softly and keep on caressing her hair.

Lena Suddenly become cold and stand."well as I said I gave myself to you.dont forget to keep your words"she said coldly.she was about to dress herself but Zane pulled her back.

"you came at 10 and now it's only gave yourself for 2 hrs but I said you to give yourself for 24hrs"he said softly and lied in his bed.

Lena lied next to him,"I give you myself for another 5 hours Zane"she said coldly.

"well then let's do it again and again"he said with sexy voice and bitted her breast like an hungry animal.

They both had sex for 4 times and Lena losted herself 3 times.

it was 5 and Lena gets up from bed and dressed herself.zane was looking at her.Her body was full of his bite mark and looks very tierd and exhausted.

"well 7 hours are gone and only 17 hours remaining"she said coldly and brushed her hair.

"Ok,what are you going to do"he asked with soft voice.

"Hmm I going to bath and then I need to go and start doing my punishment"she said coldly.

Zane gets up and pulled her hand.he make her sit in his lap and and hugged her.Then he kissed her back shoulder.

"Zane your time is over,if you keep on doing then I will deduce from the 17 hrs"she said coldly.

"hmm ok you deduce but now sleep with me"he said softly and fall in the bed with her and hugged her in his arm.

he slowly caressed her head after few minutes she fall into a deep sleep in his arm.Zane look at her sleeping face and fall into a sleep.

Zane was sleeping.he heared the sound of birds and the sound of everyone playing.he slowly opened his eyes.he saw the sky through the was bright with dark clouds and thunder.he look at the time.

It was 10 o clock.his arms feel very heavy by carrying lena for 5 hrs but he keeps on carrying her and didn't disturbed her.

After 10 minutes lena waked up and saw zane staring at her.she saw him carrying her in his arm.she suddenly waked up from his arm.

"Lena it's ok if you feel sleepy then sleep"he said calmly and sit.when he moved his arm,he felt very painful but he didn't show that to lena.

"Fresh up fast,we have heavy work in Herbarium."she said in hurry and opened the door and went into her room.

Zane slowly move his arm and went to get fresh up.

Zane bathed and dressed.he was about to go to dinning room to have breakfast.

"hmmm I need to take that litten kitten with me orelse she will skip her breakfast"he talked to himself and go to call her.

When he opened Lena's room.she was standing with towel.she just came from her shower.zane goes in and closed the room.

"you pervert jerk moron,why did you enter into my room"she scolded him and hold the towel in one hand.

"Don't move there is a cockroach"zane said with hurry."aaaahhhhhhh"lena was shouted with scare and leaved her towel down.she run and hugged zane with naked body.

"throw it away....throw that..."she murmured with fear and hugged him tightly with closed eyes.

"ha ha ha ha haa haha"zane started to laugh.Lena slowly opened her eyes and look at the place.there is nothing other than her towel.

She beat him and take a bedsheet and hidded her body.

"Hahahaha what do you want to do that at day time,it's ok I am ready.come on lets start"he said with flirty voice and look at her.

She moved with bedsheet and took her clothes in hand and walked into the restroom.

Zane was laughing about thinking the way she grabbed him.

"Stop,it's not that much funny"she comes out from restroom and brushed her hair.

Zane was looking at her."well don't come in without knocking"she said with soft voice.

"well why should I need to knock while coming into my bed partner room"he said and laughed.

"only 12 hrs bed partner after that you should not come into my room and shouldn't talk to me"She said with soft voice.

but Zane felt very disappointed.he stop laughing and went sad.lena noticed his silent and sad face.she goes near him and sit in his lap and grabbed his shoulder.

Zane look at her with surprise.lena stared at him and kissed him gently.zane kissed along with her.

"Thank you for last night pleasure"she said with soft voice and smiled at him.

Zane smiled,"is this a thank you kiss"he asked with soft voice.

Lena stared at him and smiled,"hmm maybe.I decided to be kind with you the whole day"she said calmly and kissed his forehead.

Zane was surprised.he smiled at her.

"then can I get one more kiss"he look at her lips and said very softly.

Lena closed her eyes and kissed him.

"well zane hurry up let's go to herbarium"lena said

"No we are going to dinning room to get breakfast"he said strictly and pulled her hand and opened the door.

they both hold their hands and walked to dining room.

they had their breakfast.

"Lena eat more then only you can last in bed with me"he murmured and smiled at her.

Lena hitted him with hand and had the breakfast.

After they finished they went to herbarium.

Zane opened the herbarium was fully dusted and things are collapsed her and there.

they both shocked.

"well we need to work little bit hard"lena said to zane and stared at him.

They both cleaned the dust and herbarium together then they start to arrange them in order.they started the work in morning but still they didn't complete in evening.

Lena was arranging."I am hungry"zane said with tierd voice.

"then go and have something,in will manage here"lena said kindly and keeps on doing her work.

Zane hugged her from back,"I want to eat you"he said with sexy voice and bitted her ears.

Lena turned towards him and grabbed his shoulder,"Mr zane fan,we are in herbarium and you can't eat me here just wait until it dark"she said kindly and caressed his head.

"atleast one kiss...just only one kiss..."he slowly slowly goes near her lips and Lena closed her eyes.they both kissed gently.Zane slowly inserted his hand into her shirt and grabbed her breast.lena pushed him.

"Zane wait,it's almost completed only few left"she said kindly and started to arrange the shelf.

They both completed their work.

"hmmm its over.lets go and inform grandpa"lena said with tierd face and stared at zane.He was dusting his hair.After he dusted his hair was completely messed,he was trying to brush it but it keep on going lena eyes he look like a cute child.she stared at him and smiled

"can I look at him like this forever and be happy like today"she thinked and look at him.

Zane look at her staring at him.He goes near her and bent to kiss,she closed her eyes and waiting for him to kiss but he didn't when she open the eyes he stand beside her and laughed

"hahahaaaha "She hitted him hard."you don't want to kiss me.its fine then I won't allow you to kiss"she said and runned.

"hey wait I was kidding.i need one....wait"he shouted and followed her.the whole building is silent and no one is there.onlt few smurfs cleaning the floor.They are running and laughing in the silent building.

Lena stopped at the ground,she bent and breathed hard.zane bent besides her and breath hard.they stared at each and laughed.

"Zane you are a are distracting me from doing works"lena said with her soft voice.

"work ? we have completed everything"he said tierdly.

"of course but we didn't inform to grandpa"she said politely and pulled his hand and start to walk towards floating tower.

"lena do you like me"zane asked very softly.lena look at him and her eyes are filled with tears.she didn't say anything and keeps on walking.

"well you don't need to say"zane said calmly and followed her.

"I know you love me.i will make you tell that from your mouth and make you obey and follow me every where"he thinked and keeps on following her.

They saw George and bent toward him.he was watering his plants in his garden.

"grandpa,we completed"lena said politely and smiled.

"that good don't make any mistakes again"he look at both of them and said calmly.

"grandpa it's night.its their sleeping time.why are you watering them now"she asked with confusion.

Zane borrow the pot from George and helped him to water.

George smiled at zane.both lena and George stared at zane watering plants.

"These plants are not same like others plants.these are magical plants that sleep at day time and prepare their food at night time.each and every plants here have some benefits.these are rare and beneficial plants"he explained them politely.

Zane and Lena was surprised to hear them.

"Professor can you tell me about this plant"zane showed a red colour plant with heart shaped leaf.

George look at that and said,"it's Barbora,it's a powerful one can control themselves when they have this leaf"he said calmly and look at them.

Zane and lena were stared at him.

"grandpa can you teaching me about this plant"she asked calmly and stared with his golden eyes.

George look at her golden eyes,"well I will,come here at 7 everyday but you should also help me watering them"he said and laughed.

Lena accepted his condition happily and smiled at him.

"Zane are you going to come with me here"lena asked him and waiting for his answer.

He exhaled deeply,"no I am not.someone joined me in foodball club and my practice time is 7 to 9 "he said sadly and keeps on watering.

Lena nodded her head.

"Zane I joined you in the club.i think you are perfect to lead the team"he said and smiled at him.

"thanks for believing me professor"zane smiled him back.

After zane watered the plant he asked politely,"professor Is there anything left to be watered"

"yes zane"he said and walk into a door far from the garden.Zane and Lena followed him.

when they entered the room they are surprised and shocked to was looking like a room from outside but inside it was like a galaxy but it was not was bright and stars are floating in the center of room there was a tree with silver flower and golden fruits.the whole room is filled with the smell of the flower.

"it's tree of wisdom,water this tree"he said softly.when zane move forward to water.he stopped him.

"lena go and join him"he look at Lena and said calmly.

lena was confused but she obeyed him and goes near Zane.

they both water the tree together.When they watered it, suddenly the tree is filled with silver flower and the flower turned into fruits.A spark from the fruits circled around Lena and Zane them it goes directly towards the sky.

Lena and Zane were surprised even George don't know whats happening.they all hurried and went outside to see the sky.

the spark goes into the sky and disappeared.all the dark clouds and thunder vanished after it disappeared.the whole sky is clear with bright moon and star.

They are surprised to see that and they don't know whats happening.

in Sorcery city ,"hey look the sky was clear...the sky was clear..."everyone shouted and all the people's look at the sky with happy and was the first time after 25 years the moon light completely falls in the city.

"I believe they are back...they will vanish everything...."all the people are shouting.

Magician and Student in school are also surprised and thinking how it happened.

"Grandpa,how it happened"lena asked with surprise.

George hugged both of them and cried.they don't know whats happening so they stared at each other.

"Lena Zane go to your room.dont say anyone about you both watered the wisdom tree"he said and left in hurry.

Lena and Zane was confused.zane hold her hand and start to walk along with her to the room.

George was searching book from his shelf to find why it happened.ronald rushed into the room.

"professor how it happened"he asked with surprise.

George look at him with teared eyes,"lena and Zane watered wisdom tree and spark from their fruit vanished everything even I don't know the me to find the answer"he said and start to read books.

Ronald helped him and he also start to read books.

other magician and professors rushed into floating tower and asked George how it happened.

"because of their arrival it happened"he lied and make everyone believe it.

"can we know who are they"someone asked him politely.

"why are you keep on asking this question,I can't tell anyone.plz understand the situation"he said coldly and asked everyone to leave.

Everyone left the room with disappointment and happiness.

"I am afraid eliyana will came to know their arrival for sure now"he said to Ronald and cried.

"professor don't cry zane will protect her from eliyana"he console him.

"I hope"George said and start to search the books.

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