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20% I AM BETTER BECAUSE OF YOU / Chapter 5: 5.Destiny bought them..

Chapter 5: 5.Destiny bought them..

Zane and Lena hugged,their skin burning completely gone.Zane and lena was relieved for a while from their skin burning.

Zane hold her hand tight," little cuttie lets go and find your parents".he said with innocent and strong Face.

When both of them close to each other they can't feel their skin burning.they forget their skin burning completely and start to search her parents.

After 5 min Lena was tired,"Little Brother I need water." she asked with her eyes full of sparkling.

Zane look at her with cold face," I am really exhausted,cute girls are really trouble maker.Just now you cry like a pig to find your mother and father but now you are asking me to find water." he said with his hand on head.

after hearing these Lena start to weep.

Zane look at her with fake smile,"Hey don't cry,I will find water for you.'" he peace her cry.

They both look for water and finally found water.He let her drink the water.

After drinking water Lena look at a room.the room was fully filled with ballon as soon as she saw them she run towards the room.Zane also followed her.

As soon as she left Zane her skin start to burn.She sit in the Corner of the room and Cried.

Zane go near her and hugged her,their pain vanished.As Zane is smart kid,he found his pain disappear when he is with he hold her tightly in his arm.

Zane look at her with his blue eyes,"Is it burning now ?." she look at him with tear in her golden eyes," no it's not little brother".

Both of them hugged and Sleep in the corner of the Room.The person who is in charge of the room closed the room without noticing the childern sleeping.

In Sorcery city,The whole city was filled with fragrance of wisdom tree flower.people were confused about the smells.this smell gives the feeling of peace to their souls.

George,Ronald and every famous magicians rushed towards the Floating tower.

they saw the magic portal tv,they saw the kids hugging each other and sleeping.their eyes filled with joy.

George also notice their burning was no more when they are together.

George announced to the people with eyes full of tears," the destiny bought them together.they are next to each other." with tone full of happiness.

people all over Sorcery city start to celebrate even more.

In country B,both parents noticed their children missing they started to search everywhere.Due to the crowd they can't find them.

president keeps it secret in order to protect his son from kidnapper.both of them search everywhere.

George and Ronald came to see the children,they look at them with their eyes full of excitement.

Zane put his hard around Lena's neck as he is protecting her.He looks very strong even when he is sleeping.Lena with Kind and cute attractive face sleep in the arm of Zane.

They were like cocoon entangled in a silk thread.George and Ronald see them with their eyes Full Of Happiness.

George Think to make this moment last for one day,so he take his Magic Wand and spelled," ebasca abasca let the searching heart filled with sleep for one day."

After he spelled both Lynn and Fan family forget their children missing and went to sleep.

The next morning the whole city return to its busy schedule but still Lynn and Fan family takes a deep sleep.

In the room Zane wake up and look at Lena.He look at her sleeping face.He smiled," cutie pig wake up fast, I know I am cute but you should not think of making me yours."

As soon as Lena wake up,she start to cry again.

Zane with cold face,"Hey stop crying like pig,I lied I was not cute,I will search your parents for you."

He stand and walk towards the soon as he goes far from her,his skin starts to itch,he tries to open the door but it was closed from outside.

He goes near her and hold her peace her mind.

Finally the full moon day ends their burning also gone.this was their first full moon day which was without any sense of burning skin.

For Few hours Zane was trying to get out of the room.

Lena was shouting,"Someone Open the door."

looking at her shouting Zane with disguised face," Hey stop shouting,My father will find us soon I will sent you to your parents."

Lena come close to him and sit near him and said," ok little brother."with her tears in golden eyes.

Finally their parents wake up and started looking everywhere.

Lynn Filed a case in police station about Lena missing.President also ask his cops to search his son.

The room was opened,the children run outside the room,seeing president son,he called the president and informed.

They came to pick his son,they saw the baby girl near him.

His mother with eyes full of tears hugged his son.his father carry him in his hand and kissed all over his face.they feel like finding water in a desert when the found their son.

His mother with soft voice," Darling who is this small cute girl." she look at the baby girl and smiled.Lena was looking at her with her mesmerizing golden eyes.

Zane stared Lena with his blue eyes," Mom she is small pig who missed her parents,help her find them."he say softly.

He goes near Lena and hold her hand,"Don't worry little pig,my father will found them."Lena look at him," ok little brother"said with innocent smile in her face.

Zane mother and father were mesmerized by the cute girl face,they are also surprised to see Zane being very close to her in one night

president inform the police and found their parents.Lena parents where filled with joy in eyes they hugged her and kissed her face.His mother cried hard," sorry baby Mommy missed you,forgive Mommy."she said with her weeping tone.

Zane look at these even though he is happy to go back to their parents but he feels little sad.his eyes start to tear.his blue eyes were filled with water.

Lynn Thanked president and are about to left.Lena run towards Zane.

She hugged him with her small hand and kissed with her soft pink lips in the smooth cheek of Zane.Zane stared at her with his blue eyes.

Lena said with cute smile on her face," little brother you found my Mommy daddy,thank you."

Zane stare her leaving with his blue eyes filled with tears.

They were left the place but both Zane and Lena was little bit sad on their seperation.

Rosy Lynn looking at Lena sad face asked with soft tone,"baby girl are you sad on leaving little brother."

Lena stared at her mother and nodded her head like yes.

Lena mother hugged her and deviated her from her sadness.

Here Zane tells his mom and dad," Mom my skin itching was vanished when I touch her,why is it happened ?.he also said he wants to keep her with him as he like her very much."

Miranda Fan and Mero Fan look at their son and Laughed.Miranda Fan asked," ohh you like her then let me send you to her house"she said with smile.

Zane with cold face," no I don't want to,I was just kidding,who likes to be with crying pig even If it is cute." he said with fake smile

His mother know his feeling and Change his mood with some other thoughts.

but they were thinking why their son itching stopped.

From that day Zane dream about the small girl Lena every night.They both remember and wish to be together whenever their skin burns.

George and Ronald watch all these things.they felt the love that blooms in their heart.

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