/ Fantastique / I am a special zombie.

I am a special zombie. Original

I am a special zombie.

Fantastique 11 Chapters 6.5K Views
Author: AngelPikas2

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My name is Zei and I'm a zombie. Unlike other zombies, I maintain control of my body... or at least I try to. I thought a zombie apocalypse was the weirdest thing I'd ever seen, until one day, an Orc appeared in front of me and I was saved by an Elf. What are fantasy creatures doing in my world?! Are they related to zombies?! Searching for answers to my questions, I decided to investigate on my own. Elves, Dragons, Orcs, Goblins. All kinds of fantasy creatures are invading my world. Zombies are no longer the only existing threat in my world.

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Author AngelPikas2