/ General / I admit I cheated on my otome game husband but is there a need to suck me into the damn game?

I admit I cheated on my otome game husband but is there a need to suck me into the damn game? Original

I admit I cheated on my otome game husband but is there a need to suck me into the damn game?

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Author: Daoist366859

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I cheated on my artificial intelligent A.I. Boyfriend in a mmorpg otome game and got suck in the damn game.

"My wife... I thought you were dead."

"I am. I am a ghost now boooo."

"Love, you are alive?"

"Well... Lemme check my heart. Yep it's beating."

"Why did you cheat on me with them?"
"My dear is it true that you are seeing other men?Why? "

"Cause... I thought....." You were fake.

Go back to being fake!!!!!

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Author Daoist366859