The nightmare creature furiously pounced to attack, while Ybur flipped his body over and squeezed into the crevice like flowing water.
In reality, when dealing with nightmare creatures, there's one word, drag.
Compared to the previous somnus demon encountered, this nightmare creature wasn't actually that strong but was more agile. The last somnus demon, once it burrowed into the earth split, had no way to proceed, but this time it was different. The distorted veins on the creature's body wriggled out like numerous little snakes, launching an assault at Ybur.
But it didn't matter.
Ybur calmed his mind, ready to block incoming warriors and cover over with soil the water that came. He didn't dodge the fine veins as they pierced into his body, and then quickly rolled them up with his stomach and started to eat right there on the ground!
These things... were not easy to digest.
Ybur's mind conjured the description "like old cured meat."