- Till? - the girl noticed this small detail.
But suddenly, the girl's stomach growled and she shyly disappeared inside the house.
- You hungry? Let me cook you dinner. - Danzo said loudly and went inside, closing the door behind him.
Little Higane nodded lightly as she continued to hide from Danzō behind the walls.
With a slight smile, Danzo returned to the kitchen he had already credited earlier and, with some helplessness, realized that there was nothing left besides rice, carrots, a small amount of meat and spices.
"I'll have to cook pilaf... Now I understand why she cooked pilaf."
Danzo recalled with some nostalgia how he cooked this dish in his past life, when he was still a student.
Fifteen minutes later, Higane, who was watching the whole process with great interest, felt a bouquet of smells hitting her nose.
- Uncle, what are you cooking? she decided to ask anyway.
- Pilaf. A dish from a very distant country that I once visited…" Danzō casually explained.
And Higane became very interested in this strange one, so she began to ask Danzo about her non-stop.
- Well, there are no shinobi in that country and no one there has even heard of Chakra. But at the same time, the artisans of those lands are several orders of magnitude superior to all those that live on the lands of shinobi. Without Chakra, they were able to create a powerful weapon, one use of which could wipe out an entire city from the face of the earth! - Danzo told a few details about his past life.
Higane, due to her age, did not even think to doubt Danzō's words and continued to question him.
Danzo greatly dosed out information about the Earth, trying not to embellish, but at the same time telling it in an interesting way for a child. And soon the food was ready.
- Here are your sticks, wash your hands and sit down at the table, I'll bring everything now.
Little Higane turned out to be surprisingly obedient and without further ado followed all of Danzō's instructions.
- Uncle, what is it? - Higane asked, pointing to the spoon in Danzō's hands.
- It's called a spoon. You can think of her like a little cook. Using this cutlery, you can conveniently collect a large amount of food at once. - Danzō replied, already beginning to feel a little tired from childish curiosity.
Together, they sat down at the table and said "Itadakimas" in unison.
Danzo began to quickly eat plov, very hungry after the first half of his working day.
- Uncle... I have a problem. - almost crying said Higane.
Looking up from his meal, Danzō looked at Higane and immediately realized what exactly was her problem.
"The mask... Why didn't I think of it right away?"
- Can't you take it off? - Danzo stated.
- Sniff, I don't know, whine. - said little Higane, almost throwing a tantrum.
Danzō immediately approached Higane and hugged her.
- Do not Cry. Do you remember how I cooked plov? - Danzo asked, looking into her eyes through the slits of the mask.
Holding back her rising tears, Higane nodded.
- I believe that you can easily cook it at home, even tastier than I did. - Danzo tried to calm her down.
And to Danzo's own surprise, he succeeded.
- True true? - Higane asked quietly.
- True true. - Danzo answered her.
For a while, Danzō continued to hold her in his arms, afraid that she might burst into tears.
- We'll meet Again?
This question reminded Danzō of the recent war with the Land of Lightning, when before going on a mission, Higane asked if he would return.
And then Danzo answered her "no", as a result, he almost died at the hands of the Raikage, if Higane did not arrive in time to help.
"By the way, why did she even fly in then? Really…"
The last unfinished piece of the puzzle in Danzō's head came together and he looked seriously at Higane.
- Necessarily. Now please remember this. When you see me again, I will be in danger and only you can save my life. Will you help me?
Little Higane didn't expect something like this from Danzō, but she happily replied:
- Certainly! What should I do?
- You will understand when the time comes. - With these words and a slight smile, Danzō removed the mask from Higane.
*toss a coin to your author
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