/ Fantasy / I'm The Beast

I'm The Beast Original

I'm The Beast

Fantasy 87 Chapters 42.2K Views
Author: MidiDreams

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"I'm not impressed." He said and Kalina guessed the laughter in his words.
"Still." She returned, trying to match his amusement and completely failing. That man had a knack for annoying her, that was for sure. ¿Why? Kalina didn't know for sure. She felt a little stupid about the discovery, but there was something else. Something attracted her to him, that was undeniable.

  1. Charfire
    Charfire Contributed 340
  2. WydesthsRhyme
    WydesthsRhyme Contributed 238
  3. SpueakFN
    SpueakFN Contributed 155


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    Author MidiDreams