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79.51% I'm ruby rose / Chapter 66: 11

Chapter 66: 11

(one week later)

It's been a week since I arrived, Ruby has been here for a whole year now shes tortured everyday, forced to take poisons and give as little nutrition as possible to keep her weak

While I've been in her, I could hear all her thoughts as I could feel the energy in her eye changing

"ohhh you have been acting strangely this past week my little pet" the psycho said as he ripped off a finger, as Ruby didn't respond or flinch, as I could see the man's eye twich

"AAAAAHHHHHH, SCREAM YOU SHITTY PIECE OF MEAT, SCREAM SCREAM SCREAM SCREAM" he shouted as every would her would slashed and stabbed for a full minute

"haah hahaha you know I was saving this for last but it seems like there no point in hold it anymore... Your friend know where you are, they where informed of your location a few months back , no they where the ones who sold you to us, taking that mission and inviting you was so that no one would question if you suddenly disappeared" he said as he took out a scroll and began showing Ruby pictures of her team her sister living there best life, but what broke her was the final image

'lies but...'

A picture of qrow, with black spears coming of of his body

"he never stopped looking for you but in the end he-" that when I felt something snapped, as her thoughts, energy and mindset completely changed

"I accept" she said as I materialized with a smile on my face

"then I'll send you some of my memories on using ourpower and my aura" I said as I sent her how our semblance works, the silver eyes and aura control since they did something to take away her aura I had to fluid her system with the rose force, which is what I've been doing this last week, but at a slower rate but now

"go crazy, little Rose" I said as her body began to burn with aura as sparks off lightning flashed for a bit before

"ohhh so you finally-" he couldn't finish as ruby broke the chains as her lower half shattered into roses

"how-" he said as his tail was cut off and before he could scream Ruby grabbed him by his neck and sent aura into his spine cutting off movement

"did you know that, if you touch the right spot in the brain you can increase pain to the point that even air feels like you've been set on fire" she said with a smile before she sent her aura into the psychos brain

'wow she not even used to my memories and she can do this.... Amazing hehehe' I giggled in excitement as she slowly removed the psychos eyes as he screamed out in pain

"ohhh you must be going through so much pain, right now huh, let me help you take your mind off it" she said as she began to remove all his nails, then fingers then arms, the she moved to the legs and did the same, but the key factor was that she did all this, incredibly slower maximuming the amount of pain he felt

This went on for a full week before Ruby brought him to the top of a mountain, with high winds and cold and left him there

'ripped off his arms, legs, eyes tongue and destroyed his eardrums'

"he should last a week before he dies"

"aura is a magical thing, but you need to focus, your legs should healing, as well as you eyes, I've tried to do something about you hands but you'll have to live with having less control for a few days but you need to eat your body can't heal itself in this state" I said as I had to stop my aura from healing her body while she basically a skeleton

"then what should I do" she asked me as I could see that at this point she was a shattered mirror that was trying to build itself up

"you have three days worth of aura, one and a half if you use you semblance the whole time, we need to find a town or village, eat as much as you can, we need to get your body back into shape because I give no free bees" I said as she didn't say a word only nodded, turned into her rose form as we flew for a few hours before I spotted a town

"get clothes before you reform" I said as she went into a clothing store and took some items, then she went to a fast food restaurant and stole everything they had, then a store took the food, before she went into an abandoned building

'Baki don't fail me now'

"water, enough to refill your body, as well as sugar, three bags should do" I said as she stopped


"we need to reactivate your body, one year of shit and poison has left you in a very weak state, if it wasn't for my power, moving would be impossible, so do as I say until you at 100%" I said as my eye twitched a little as she nodded and went back to the town and got what she need, she had enough food to feed three body builders for five days

"now what" she asked

"..... eat" I said as she looked at me then at the food as she immediately dug in as she ate everything within an hour

"aaaahhhhh so full" she said as she layed back with a big belly

"your not done yet" I said as I used the energy in her body to pick up the bags of sugar and dump it into the water before I mixed it in

"usually this amount would kill a normal person, but, we were never normal, drink all of it, after that I'll begin the transformation process" I said as she looked at me


"nothing to serious, I'll try to heal your eyes and improve your overall body so that you can handle begin connecting to the rose force and not exploding when I leave"

"rose force"

"a aura I created, it what you accepted" I said as she nodded and began to chug the water, before steam was begin released from her body as she passed out

"well time to fix you" I said as I began to control her body function as I changed and fixed them, as her body began to rapidly become to fill up as i used my aura to destroy and rebuild her muscles, bone, nerve and organ, as well as restart her aura, fusing it with the force as her body began to glow red before the was a massive release of aura coated with silver energy as it lashed out destroying everything in its path before it disappeared

"huh that's new, but it seems that I'm now full connected to her, if I wished I could take over her body... Nuh I've got my own" I said as I sat down ad waited for her to wake up, which took a week

"oh you've awakened, that good, anyways go find a scroll or something electronic"


"your going to hack into everything and find a way to restore your leg, I recommend you build them, or use Penny's blue prints" I said as she looked at me

'I want you to build those before I heal them'

"how am I going to"

"that for you to figure out, your smarter then you give yourself credit, just focus on your imagination and builded but really, learn how to hack, it's useful" I said as I went inside her as she nodded and stole a wheelchair and used it to get around since constantly flying was a waste and the fact that she wasn't use to staying in her rose form for long periods of time

(two weeks later)

It's been two week since Ruby's awakening, I've been coaching her on a few things mostly control since she killed about 7 people, unintentionally, since her strength has grown way higher then I thought it would, then there was the fact that time has slowed to a crawl, which was a panic attack and a half, but it was useful since she was able to get used to it and adapt very quickly.... One week

Right now we where in one of the abandoned factory, Ruby was able to create working legs for herself, they looked like the ones I made for other me but these ones where way more powerful

'should I allow her legs to heal.... Nuh she seems to like her robot legs, let restore them when she needs a boost in power'

"Rose" ruby said as I appeared


"Qrow, what is he to us"

"I don't think you need me to answer that for you" I said with a smile

"no no you do not, so what should I do"


"The words of that psychopath are nothing but lies, what I can say is that you need to complete your promise you made to your mother, then you kill Salem and her little pawn" I said to her as she nodded

"I need to retrieve Qrow scythe"

"and where is that"


"you know this how"

"I hacked into there system"

"... Other than the bursts of madness, you may actually survive this world now its time to go back to school" I said to her

"or I could just walk in and kill-"

"don't be an idiot, random killing makes on into a psycho like that thing you killed"

"but I've seen you messicar thousands"

"an ability I have, I'm able to see the souls of everyone I meet, and all those I killed deserved it" I said spouting complete bullshit

"so I can kill people if they are evil" she asked as I yawned

"yes, and don't view them as people, they are nothing but an infraction"

"yes" she said as she packed up her things which was just a bag with clothes

"where's your cap" I asked as she took out a scroll and showed me

"why does this asshole have our cap" I said as the room began to crack and shake

"calm down me, now let's go, I wish to get fathers weapon and mothers gift" she said as she disappeared and reappeared in front of a shipping station

'it's so odd moving so slow when using speed' I thought since even if she was fast to me it was... Nothing

"one ticket to Vale" she said as she placed the lien she stole as she was given her ticket

"hy girly your new to these part ain't ya" a hodo looking man said with a group behind him

"if you value you freedom of movement you will walk away immediately" she said as one of the men stepped forward and tried to grab Ruby only for his hand to go limp

"the armpit has nerve that control arm movement, I've separated those nerves from your brain, you will never use that arm again" she said she had a blindfold over her eyes since we were still close to the bad lands

"what are you idiots doing, get her" the one that lost his arm shouted as they all charged as Ruby ran forward and punch on in the stomach before she ducked, as a fist passed over her as she spin around and kicked one of the goons in the face, removing her jaw sending her flying before she jumped off the ground as a pair of hands came up as two more goons appeared

"teleportation" ruby said as they took out they blades as tried to cut through her but the blade passed through her body before she spit kicked them with enough force to send them flying as she vibrated her hand before punching the ground sending shock waves into the one underground before she appeared in front of the one with the gun, and quickly took it apart before she flicked him in the head

"is that all of them" she asked as I nodded before we spoke to the cops to explain what happened and since there where no deaths.... Currently, we where let go

'what a sneak one you are' I thought as I smiled, ruby was able to send her aura into the goon, which cut and severed nerves in there brains

"they won't live long, I give it two days" I said as we went into the ship

"sending your aura to wick havoc in there body's"

"it doesn't matter, for now I wish to sleep"

"dreams are nothing but illusions your mind has made, and you have full control of it" I said to her before she closed her eyes as she fall asleep before I took over

"huh she's why weaker then I thought, but she got my boost and a few other neat tricks, what worries me is the silver power, it seem to vibrate on a different frequency then mine" I said as I made a ball of silver energy

"hn, doesn't matter, but what's interesting is the fact that I'm operating as a second personal, an inner demon, the rose force also seems to be doing its job, almost like the speed force but with other physical amps" I said as I could feel rubys body get stronger and stronger, before I returned into her head to decrease fear then I went deeper into her, to find that little light she had inside

"after everything that has happened, you still hold on... Hehehe" I giggle as I wrapped a layer of aura

"I don't want you to disappear, but I also don't want you to grow" I said as I left and went back to the train since Ruby's body felt... Wrong

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

..... Yeah I wrote this mini arc in a car so.... Yeah

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