My name is Deimos Yusha. I am a (self-proclaimed) studious college student who is in my junior year. All in all I would say I was a pretty normal guy. The kind that you wouldn't look twice over if you ever passed me by. I really don't know if I have any family since, as long as I can remember, I was always an orphan. I could honestly say that my entire life has just been one thing after another that's always been on permanent repeat. I've never been known as an outgoing guy and have always acted as somewhat of an introvert. It's not like I don't enjoy being with people and prefer to be alone, it's just I find it tiresome and feel like I could be doing something else that's more valuable to me instead. Anyways, I moved out of the orphanage and entered college, full-ride because I would always study in my free time as well as try to improve both my mind and body. I took up a couple part time jobs here and there to make some money that I can use to at least splurge on myself since I at least wanted some form of luxuries. Everything in my life right now has just been some mundane task of just going with the flow. That is…until now.
One day my roommate invited me and a couple other people to a bar where he was hosting his 21st birthday party. Now, I'm no drinker or anything, but I did accept his invitation after some nagging.
Me and my roommate are currently walking together out of the exit of the bar. I can't really say that he was walking, since he's all but sober right now. All of his friends that he'd invited to his party encouraged him to keep drinking since it was the first time he could legally drink and now he's a complete mess who's just wobbling and stumbling around. I took out my phone to dial a taxi for us both since I don't currently have a car. Would've been great to have one right about now since it was getting pretty late. In the few seconds that I took my eyes off him to look at my phone to call a taxi, I heard tires screeching not too far from us. I looked up and saw that a car was speeding on the road in front of us. But I looked back towards my friend's original position to find him not there anymore. I look around and notice that he's walked on the street. In those few seconds that I took my eyes off him, he had stumbled on to the middle of the road. At this moment, my heart started to race. I don't really find myself as an altruist or anything like that but right at this moment, my legs started moving on their own when I saw the same speeding car heading right towards him. I ran straight for him to see if I could do anything at all to save him. I reached him just at the knick of time and shoved him away from me with all the strength that I could muster and thankfully, he was pushed far enough away from where the car was supposed to hit him. Just when I took a sigh of relief and looked back at the car, all I saw was a bright light. Brighter than anything that I've ever seen to the point that it was blinding. Then everything went blank.
When I woke up and took in my surroundings. I saw myself standing in the middle of a white room. "Where am I?" were the first words that entered my thoughts and told myself aloud. There was absolutely nothing in the room other than a white door with a black outline on one of the walls. I started pacing around the room as I collected my thoughts, thinking if I had teleported here or I had just died and my soul had just followed a certain rule to end up here. I walked myself towards the door and just before I went to open it, I thought to myself, 'Am I going to meet some R.O.B or something like that?' Now I wasn't the most religious person you would find and talk nonstop about it, but I did feel comfort that there would be an enjoyable afterlife for those who earned it through their actions.
After some contemplating, I took a deep breath and looked towards the door. I slowly walked towards it and heard the echo of my footsteps. It all sounded really ominous. I slowly grasped the handle and opened it, only to find an elegant looking chair that seemed Victorian sitting in the middle of a room that was identical to the one I was just at. I don't know why, but I felt a strange pull towards that chair. I slowly but calmly walked and sat on the chair and that's when I saw it. I saw a pale red screen that appeared right in front of me. While I looked and observed this screen, I heard a robotic voice. Kind of like Siri, but with the British Indian accent?
{Hello User}
{Welcome to the Movie World System…System Integration will now commence…}
All I could say to myself is "what?" Had I gone insane or something, since this is exactly what happens to those randoms who get resurrected for pulling the exact same thing I just did not even a few moments ago. As I was thinking to myself as to what's happening right now, the robotic voice started talking to me again.
{System Integration has now been complete}
{Please enter your name}
As this voice said this, a keyboard following the same design as the screen appeared in front of me. It was the universal QWERTY keyboard and awaited my input. I punched in my name and pressed the 'enter' key and waited for something else to happen.
{Hello, Deimos Yusha}
The system went quiet for a little bit after that. I think it wanted a response to me, so I said "Hello?"
{It's nice to hear you speak now}
{As I've said before I integrated myself to you, I am the Movie World System}
"Are you like those systems that I've seen in my fair share of novels that I've read over the years?"
{Precisely, Deimos}
{Do you have any questions for me so we can get better acquainted with each other?}
This is now the perfect chance for me to clear up some things that were welling up in my head right now. "Alright then. First of all, what happened to me after I shoved my friend out of the way on the road?"
{Let's put it this way}
{It seems that you have been hit by the car that was initially supposed to hit your friend, but ended up hitting you instead. You were taken to a hospital shortly after but died in the ambulance on the way there.}
{A tragedy that befell you but commendable one since you saved a life}
"Huh so that's what happened to me. Hurray for my heroism, I guess? Alright, so where am I and what happens to me right now?"
{It seems you've taken it better than I expected. Good job!}
I deadpanned and just looked straight at the panel. I also wondered why I wasn't really freaking out at all about this but, I just made it out to be that I just accepted the fact that I have died and there's really no use of me mugging over it.
{Now as to where you are. You are currently in my domain. And as to what happens to you.}
I looked around and wondered to myself, 'So this is her domain? Seems really bland since she doesn't have anything around other than this chair.'
{You will be given a choice to either be resurrected back into your original world, in your original body and living how you originally had OR you could accept everything that happened to you right now and accept me as your system and conquer different worlds that you've seen during your life and to change it to how you see fit!}
"Hmmm?" So those are my options right now? I could either go back to being a baby and reliving my boring life or actually have some sort of excitement in my life? Having to change things according to my will? Won't that make me some form of God or something similar?
"Would I be some sort of Godly being? Or something else entirely if I accepted you as my system?"
{You would be nothing of the sort since there can only be one. But you would definitely be someone with unimaginable strength, depending on how you act around the many different movie worlds you would travel to.}
"That actually doesn't sound half-bad. Okay, this is epic."
"Before I take you up on that offer, if I were to be resurrected again, would I have my knowledge about everything that I've learned up until this point? Or am I being reset in everything?"
{You would indeed be reset along with your memories}
"Alright then, I'll accept your offer"
{Splendid. Would you like me to make any changes to your appearances now or would you like to stay the same?}
I mean… who wouldn't want to at least alter themselves to at least look more refined? "I want make some changes"
{Alright then. Here's a menu that you may be familiar with to make it easier to change your looks.}
I was shown a screen that had a very strong resemblance to the BDO (Black Desert Online) character creation menu but with more customizations. Now I would say that this is really overkill since with this, I can change even the most miniscule amount of details. So after I was shown the menu, I started to get to work right away.
The entire process took just under 3 hours since I really went all out. I mean, with all the options and customizations that I had at my fingertips, as well as a mirror that was graciously given to me by the system, I had an absolute blast to create my new self.
I used my normal appearance as a base to start off since I didn't want to look at a mirror and be surprised by a complete stranger looking back at me. I first refined my facial features. Removed a couple skin blemishes I had, acne scars, etc.. I gave myself a nice strong and sharp jawline, a nice nose that fit my face perfectly, reducing some unwanted fat on my face as well. As well as giving myself those sword-like eyebrows. Now onto the body. I originally was 5'6 and had always wanted to be taller. So why not do that? I made myself at a nice towering height of 6'3. Reduced my entire body fat percentage to a good 9%. Gave myself plenty of muscle. If I had to guess as to how it looked, I'd say it was almost identical to this fighter's physique from a popular manga called Kengan Ashura. I also gave pp size a decent boost but we don't need to talk about that now, do we?
As I pressed the dark red "submit changes" button, my entire body started to glow and morphed into what I had customized. I looked over at my progress and felt content. I achieved my dream physique and reached the pinnacle of masculine energy (idk lol).
I called out to the system to tell her that I was done. Shortly after I heard it call me.
{My goodness, Deimos! You look absolutely stunning!}
I stared into nothingness to contemplate what she had just told me and a slight blush appeared on my face.
{Ahem…anyway it seems that you are done and you've done an outstanding job.}
{Are you ready to head to the first world?}
"Which world am I going to first?"
{The Mummy world. The one with Brendan Fraser}
This was inspired by lucifer_112. This is my absolute first time in doing something like this so I'm just expanding his novel a bit more with (I hope) better grammar and punctuation!