/ Sci-fi / I'm a psychopath

I'm a psychopath Original

I'm a psychopath

Sci-fi 1 Chapters 4.2K Views
Author: changrul

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Malia grey was a girl who suffered from severe trauma starting from the death of her family when she was a child to being kidnapped and used as a tool by the same people who had a hand in her family's death..........she was going to slaughter them one by one and it would be memorable...hehehe......she developed abnormal feelings with insticts to kill from hatred she had lost her senses .....

but then she came across him, a handsome criminal psychologist, as twisted as faith could have it be.
she was supposed to stay away from him, but she couldn't help these strange feelings of attraction. what was it?, was it love?......... hehehe. would he be able to save her from her insanity? or would she perish from her strong urge to take lives..........?.

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Author changrul