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22.5% I’m Harry Potter (MCU Xover) / Chapter 9: Founders of Hogwarts

Chapter 9: Founders of Hogwarts

Sitting in the living room looking at the ring on my finger. I couldn't help but think of the potential for what I can do. I can summon anyone I can think of from the afterlife. The best people I can think of to summon are the creators of Hogwarts. Salazar Slytherin the founder of Slytherin House a parselmouth and master Legilimens. Godric Gryffindor the founder of Gryffindor House a powerful duelist. Rowena Ravenclaw founder of Ravenclaw House known as the most brilliant witch of her time. Helga Hufflepuff the founder of Hufflepuff House she prided herself on fairness, loyalty, and hard work. Not much else is known about their strengths their's only one way to find out.

I pour magic into the stone and four transparent figures appear in front of me. A bearded muscle-bound redhead man dressed in Gryffindor scarlet and gold. A black-haired woman dressed in Ravenclaw Blue and bronze. A white-haired balding man with a long goatee dressed in Slytherin green and silver. Lastly, a plump woman with brown hair dressed in Hufflepuff yellow and black. They all looked around curiously until they saw me sitting on the sofa.

"Hello everyone I'm Harry Potter. I'm the one that summoned you here today sorry to take up your time." I said. They looked at me with curiosity. I felt a nudge on my Occlumency shields when I made eye contact with Salazar.

"I would appreciate privacy in my own mind if you don't mind." I say breaking eye contact with Salazar.

(Author note: I could do old-time style voices for them but I feel that would be annoying)

"So young and he can call upon the dead and bat away Salazar's Legilimency what are they feeding kids these days." Godric said with a chuckle.

"This is not a laughing matter you fool. Who knows why this child summoned us or if he's even a child at all." Salazar snapped annoyed with Godric and skeptical of me.

"Will you relax for once you old snake even in the afterlife you still have a stick up your bum." Godric grumbled.

"Will you two shut up and stop arguing so much. Honestly, you're like an old married couple." Rowena chided them.

"Alright lets all just calm down theirs no reason to be so worked up. Hello, Harry, I'm Helga it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. What year is it and why have you summoned us?" she asked looking around at my modern living room.

"Yes I know who you all are. The year is 1987 and I called you all here to ask if you would be my teachers." I said as I stood up and bowed hoping to show my sincerity. I could order them to teach me but I might as well try the diplomatic approach first.

"Huh this kid summons the dead just to ask for teachers. You've got guts kid I'll teach you." Godric declared.

"This idiot, we don't even know anything about the boy and you're already agreeing to teach him." Salazar snapped.

"Calm down boys. Where are your parents and why do you need teachers can you not wait until Hogwarts?" Helga asked.

"My parents are dead and I could wait until Hogwarts but why not get a head start." Rowena nods in approval.

"Also, many of the teachers at Hogwarts are incompetent. The divination professor is a known drunk that gives fake death readings to her students. The history class is taught by a ghost that only cares for goblin rebellions. The defense against the dark arts position is cursed so it's hard to find anyone capable who wants the role. Lastly, the potions master was a follower of the most recent dark lord. He's also known to favor Slytherins over the other students and from what I hear he isn't a very good teacher. A talented potions master yes but he despises working with children." I explained as I took my seat again. Many of my elves worked at Hogwarts so this information is accurate.

"This can't be possible. Who is running my school for it to fall so far?" Salazar exclaimed.

"Our school." Godric corrected.

"Albus Dumbledore is the headmaster at the moment but you shouldn't hold it against him. Yes, Albus is to blame for it but there are circumstances that made things this way. The divination teacher was only hired because she gave a prophecy of the defeat of the last dark lord. That dark lord made Horcruxes so he may come back which is why Dumbledore is keeping her close to Hogwarts."

"I don't know why the ghost is still teaching maybe to save money? As for the defense against the dark arts (DADA), a man named Tom Riddle requested the job and dumbledore turned him down. That man cursed the position then went on to rename himself, Lord Voldemort the dark lord I spoke of. Now no DADA Professor lasts more than a year."

"Now on to Severus Snape the head of Slytherin House and potion master at Hogwarts. He was a Death Eater which is what Voldy called his minions. He was a loyal follower until Voldemort killed the love of his life. Snape is now a spy for Dumbledore keeping an eye on Voldy's remaining followers and watching for his revival." I explained

"If this is true we have a huge mess that needs cleaning. How did you come upon this information?" Rowena asked.

"House-elves are underrated servants. Many people use them to cook and clean but why can't they be good little spies. You never question seeing a house-elf at Hogwarts they practically keep the school running." I said. Obviously, I'm not going to tell them how I know most of it. It's really not even a lie most of that information was confirmed by my house-elves. They all looked dumbfounded especially Salazar. Imagine the founder of the House of the cunning and ambitious with an army of house-elf spies.

"Hahaha there may be some Slytherin in you boy. I'll teach you as long as that information isn't false." Salazar stated with an approving look.

"~Thanks for the compliment~" I say in Parseltongue his eyes go wide.

"Are you a descendant of mine?" Salazar asked.

"No, I guess you could say I picked it up later in life." I said cryptically.

"Well the only way to confirm it is to see it for ourselves." Rowena said getting back on topic.

"Can you still use your magic in the state your in?" I asked feeling dumb for not testing that with Lilly earlier. Rowena casts a silent and wandless Lumos brightening up the room. I may have to be careful with the more hostile souls I summon.

"Then this is easily solved. Apparate to Hogwarts unnoticed and ask the resident ghosts about the school. You should still be keyed into the wards, you created the school after all. I only ask that you don't mention me and swear them to secrecy." I said knowing Rowena's daughter is a ghost so they can easily obtain information.

"Why should we not mention you?" Helga asked curiously.

"I guess you can say I'm a bit famous for 'defeating' Voldemort." I say making air quotes with my hands.

"How could a child defeat a dark lord?" Salazar asked not understanding my gesture.

"I didn't my mother did but the world somehow gave me credit for it. The prophecy I told you about pretty much says I'm the one who will be the downfall of Voldemort. Voldy found out about the prophecy and came to my house while I was an infant killing my parents then tried to kill me. My mother did some kind of sacrificial blood magic before her death. So when old Tom fired a killing curse at me it backfired and he died. I'm now world-famous for defeating a dark lord and being the only person to survive the killing curse." I explained. They all looked at me with pitying eyes.

"You don't have to feel bad for me I'm very resourceful. I may not have parents but they left me more than enough money and like I said house-elves are underrated servants and they take care of me well. Thanks for your sympathies though." I said.

"Alright we won't mention anything about you and any ghost will be sworn to secrecy." Helga said.

"Good, before you go just know that the way I brought you here will slowly make you feel more irritable the longer you're in the living world. You probably already feel like you don't belong here am I right? (They nod) That feeling will probably slowly grow stronger the longer your here. So don't take to long get your answers and come back here." I said and they apparated away leaving me sitting on the couch letting out a sigh. Being diplomatic is hard but it's better to have willing teachers than unwilling.

(Thanks for reading!)

AlienWarlord AlienWarlord

First chapter of today enjoy. Thanks to everyone like always I appreciate the power stones and you saving my novel in your library’s. I’m gonna shoot for three chapters today like usual but I have some laundry piling up so we’ll see. When Harry starts Hogwarts I’m going to do a straw poll for the HP harem member. I reserve the right to veto it tho. Keep giving me ideas for the novel you’ve been helpful so far. I'll start the next chapter now. Thanks for reading!

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