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I’m Batman? I’m Batman? original

I’m Batman?

Author: Mohammed_Jawad

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1:Something Something Title

It's been a long day for me I just finished writing a new chapter for my Webnovel and I'm sooo tired.Being the lazy person I am I just fell asleep on my desk which surprisingly felt really comfortable,I felt my mind slip into the darkness and I decided to just go with it.The next thing I know is I woke up in front of a giant computer and I'm wearing a really tight black suit.What was even weirder was that my body felt different like really different I'm taller and muscular.

I used to be a fat otaku who just stayed home and ate food while watching TV like a real American,the only reason I got a job was because I ran out of money to buy pizza and snacks.And that right there is how I became a Web Novel writer,the job was easy all you had to do was write some random Shit that people like and make sure everything makes sense.

Anyway back to the dark place that I'm in,I just started looking around until I saw a mirror and man did I feel my stomach drop down to my ass I WOKE UP AS BATMAN?!?.I pulled down the cowl and I looked exactly as Bruce Wayne and damn this mofo is handsome no homo.His body was muscular and he looked like the cartoon version of Batman from Justice League War.

"My God,wait what the hell my voice sounds exactly like Kevin Conroy's this is so cool I really am Batman!!!"I said out loud maybe too loud because I heard something open like a door.I turned around and saw something running towards and I squinted my eyes and finally saw that it wasn't a something it was a someone!?!.

Oh fuck I'm screwed I don't know a single thing about fighting the only time I fought someone was when I was back in high school and I practiced boxing but it's been years since I last tried.I tried getting into a stance and prepared for what was coming at me, a small foot tried kicking me but I was barely able to dodge.

I looked and saw the figure come into the light and guess who it was that's right you got it it's robin which one you may ask I don't know to be honest they all look the same.Robin took out a sword and rushed at me than my brain finally started working the little shit was Damian Wayne.Which means I'm about to get my ass beat or worse,well fuck I'm screwed.

Robin swung his sword trying to slash at me but I side stepped to the left and saw an opening and took it with all my power I rushed at the little shit and swung my fist with 100% confidence that it'll make contact.Good news my fist did make contact bad news it wasn't to Robins face it was that stupid giant penny.

I just started cursing profanity's out loud and started to kick the giant penny which I probably messed up because I just made Robin suspicious about my behavior.Robin sheathed his sword and walked up to me slowly and stopped in front of me.I looked down at him and said"the fuck do you want you little shit".

Next thing I know I'm on the floor in a leg lock with the devil spawn trying to break my arm."Who are you what have you done with Batman" was all Robin said in a cold voice with a pinch of worry in it."Fuck you I'm your dad you little shit" was all I said before the little shit dislocated my arm which was the first time I've ever felt such pain.

I roared in pain and looked at the devil spawn with anger and killing intent,the only thing that went through my head was when I'm out of this I'm shoving that little shits head into a Seven eleven toilet.I felt the little shits grip on my arm loosen and took that chance by punching down on his stomach making him let go of me.

I got up as fast as I could and kicked the little shit in the stomach leaving him on the floor in pain trying to catch his breath.I looked around and saw the Bat mobile and I took a second to recognize it's beauty.I jumped into the Batmobile and just started driving out of the Batcave as fast as this bad girl could go.

I found myself in Gotham City and I must say calling this place Shit is an understatement it's just straight up garbage.I parked in a dark alley and jumped out of the Batmobile.I started walking and thought"wait if I'm gonna be Batman I have to do the og Shit and use the grappling gun.

I took out the grappling gun and pointed it at the top of an apartment building and shot at it.I just stood there wondering if I had to jump while I shot it so it could bring me with it.I saw another trigger and pulled that and all of a sudden my body is thrown into the air and I somehow superhero landed onto the rooftop of an apartment building.

My god that was fun but damn that shit hurts the knees I don't know how Batman does this-but before I was able to admire myself I heard a woman scream.I don't know what happened but I just took off and jumped over some rooftops until I got to the location of where the scream originated from.What the hell my body just ran on its own is it because of this body I mean I am in the man who helps anyone out no matter what.

I looked down a dark alley and saw a woman being cornered into a dead end by 4 thugs and from the look of their faces they didn't want to just rob her.Right when one of the guys grabbed the woman something in me snapped my body went into a flight or fight situation and being in Batman's body(no homo)I chose fight and jumped off the building landing on one of the thugs.

The 3 other thugs turned around and one of them screamed"Shit it's Batman let's-" but before he was able to finish I punched him in the face knocking him out.I turned around and saw the other two thugs running away but I took out a Batarang and through it at them.The Batarang turned into a rope and attached to the thugs legs tripping them.

Holy shit I just took down 4 bad guys I don't even know how I did that,is this like a muscle memory but for fighting.I was about to leave when the lady came running behind me and hugged me.Im gonna be honest I thought she was gonna attack me so I was getting ready to Judo flip her ass.

The lady started crying and thanking me and all I did was just stand there not saying anything,after she was done crying I grappled onto a building and flew away.I smiled when grappling onto a roof and thought"hey saving people might not be so bad after all".But as always Murphy's law kicked in and there was an explosion and I heard a voice over the comms say"Gotham bank is being robbed by the Joker all units in that area go to that location".Than the Bat signal turned on and showed the Giant Bat Symbol appear in the night sky.And only 2 words went through my mind.

"Well Fuck"

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