a guy gets reincarnated into one punch man universe and does whatever he wants, i hope you like it.
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Write a reviewThis fic takes itself way too seriously. You’re in the world of one punch man stop talking about the socio economic climate or public relations or whatever. The world is a parody just chill and stop taking it all at face value.
Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽Don’t drop 🧽
dont drop .....................................................................................................................................................
basically a psychotic MC with an op power... the writing quality could be better.. updates are utterly random.. story development, boring.. world background.. what's that? can you eat it? so.... don't waste your time..
Is there romance here? ....................................................................................................................
Are you going to update today or are you going to need some time off? ......................................................................................................
Question Did you drop this? dsd d s ds sd sdds ds ds sd dssd sd ds ds s sdds d s ds sd sd sdsdsdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
I'm back.... I lost the book. I searched and searched now.. I'm back................................................................................
Looks good -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~…~…~…~…~…~…~…~…~…~…~…~…~…\…\…\…\…\…\…\…\…\…\…\…\…\…\…\…\\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\\_\_\_^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\[\[\[\[\[\[\[\[\[\[\\[\[\[\[\[\[\[\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\[…_[_[_[¥^4^…_\_[_[_[4[4\5[[_[[4[5[5[_[4[[4\5[^[_[4[5[^[7[5[^[^74]4[5757475[5677]^[4[475747_7_7_7_747[4647_]¥[4754[47]4[4674]_[363758_]3647_][3747_[3[47_]4[63747_[3747_
it is amazing best opm ff i have ever read..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Мс мусор полный,не советую читать не кому. Ллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллдлллллллл
Continue please kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkajjakakakakakakakakakakkakakakakakakakakakakakakkaakakkakahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahaha
OP MC but I like the way he do things [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]
Author ThyCubeVT
well the story is basically about mc bashing everything in OPM and changing the personalities of every character to justify it. Mc is a hypocrite and a psycho and has the personality of tutorial villian in shonen anime. But he does whatever he wants so it's not false advertising.