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1. Cargo Crates

• Small Standard Crate = 1 cubic meter (1x1x1, cube Shaped)

• Medium Standard Crate = 8 cubic meters (2x2x2, cube shaped)

• Large Standard Crate = 27 Cubic meters (3x3x3, cube shaped)

• Small Long Crate = 2 cubic meters (1x1x2, rectangular shaped)

• Medium Long Crate = 16 cubic meters (2x2x4, rectangular shaped)

• Large Long Crate = 54 cubic meters (3x3x6, rectangular shaped)

2. Rare materials

• Erethrium crystals = main component of shield generators, found only on magma planets that orbit close to type G stars

• Inanisite = primary material of stealth armor, main component of stealth components, only found on asteroids in a binary star system where the two stars are different types

• Diatitanite = primary material of grade 1-2 armors, only found on planets orbiting type O stars

• Hydroclaric gas = material that is refined into self-oxidizing ship grade fuel used for the propulsion of space craft, can be found on gas giants orbiting type K and M stars (rarely on planets orbiting type G stars)

• Hyper-Conducting Qualite crystal = main component in F.T.L. drives, only found on frozen planets orbiting White Dwarf Stars, Neutron Stars, and Pulsar Stars

• Mallacalite = primary material of grade 3-5 armors, only found on asteroids and planets orbiting Supergiant Stars

3. Clothing

• Under suit = skin tight "underwear" that covers the entire person except the hands, feet, and head

• Outer suit = loos fitting, air tight suit designed to keep the wearer alive in the void of space

• Armored suit = a modified Outer Suit with strategically placed armor plates so as to provide protection from the dangers of space while still allowing unrestrained movement

• Exoskeleton suit = light weight framework with motorized joints and fully covered with armor plating, air tightness varies with models

• Utility backpack = standard backpack woven from high durability synthetic fibers

• Armored backpack = standard backpack made fully out of metal plating


• Standard multy tool = hand held (single hand) multy tool capable of material composition scanning, mining, and sealing/unsealing of crates

• Engineers multy tool = handheld (single hand) multy tool capable of damage scanning, welding, cutting, and general repair tasks

• Medical multy tool = hand held (two hands) multy tool capable of injury scanning, closing of wounds, removal of toxins, and administering medication

• Military multy tool = arm mounted (both arms) multy tool capable of all action other multy tools are capable of


1. Weapon types

• Hand gun = small weapon that can fit in one hand, semi-automatic, clip size 2, can be laser

• Sub-machine gun = small weapon that can fit in one hand (recommended to use two), fully-automatic, clip size 3, can't be laser

• Shotgun = medium weapon held by two hands, semi-automatic, unique clip size (varies by weapon), can't be laser

• Standard rifle = medium weapon held by two hands, semi-automatic, clip size 3(can be swapped for clip size 4), can be laser

• Assault rifle = upgrade to the standard rifle to make it fully-automatic, can't be laser

• Light machine gun = large weapon held in two hands, fully-automatic, clip size 5, can't be laser

• Sniper rifle = large weapon held by two hands (possible use of bipod in prone position), semi-automatic, clip size 1, can be laser

• "Launcher" = large weapon held on the shoulder, fires one shot before each reload, projectiles do not explode, projectile size = ship size 1, can be laser (clip size 5)

2. Ammunition types

• Ballistic = Physical projectiles fired from an Electromagnetic Rail Gun, long range, high accuracy, low damage, clip size 1 = 5 projectiles, clip size 2 = 9 projectiles, clip size 3 = 15 projectiles, clip size 4 = 50 projectiles, clip size 5 = 100 projectiles

• Energy = Bolts of condensed energy fired from an energy weapon, medium range, medium accuracy, high damage, clip size 1 = 10 projectiles, clip size 2 = 20 projectiles, clip size 3 = 50 projectiles, clip size 4 = 100 projectiles, clip size 5 = 200 projectiles

• Laser = Sustained (will persist if the trigger is held down) laser beam fired from a laser weapon, short range, perfect accuracy (no drop), medium damage, clip size 1 = 10 seconds, clip size 2 = 30 seconds, clip size 3 = 60 seconds, clip size 4 = 120 seconds, clip size 5 = 300 seconds


1. Base components = consists of the crafts frame, wiring, piping, internal hull, active scanners (weaker scanner component that is always active), crew surfaces (anything the crew will directly interact with)

2. Size

• The size of components ranges from 1 to 10, 1 being the smallest, 10 being the largest, components follow the rule of three (three size 1 equals one size 2, three size 2 equals one size 3, etcetera…)

3. Types

• Engine = consumes uranium to generate power for the craft

• Shield generator = consumes power to surround the craft in an invisible one way barrier

• F.T.L. drive = consumes power to propel the craft at a speed faster than the speed of light in a single direction, range limited by size, must enter a cooldown sycle after every use, must be spooled for (sixe 1-2 = 3 seconds, size 3-4 = 5 seconds, size 5-7 = 7 seconds, size 8-10 = 10 seconds)

• Armor = the outer hull of the crat, size equals thickness ( size 1-3 X 2cm = thickness) (size 4-6 X 3cm = thickness) (size 7-10 X 4cm = thickness)

• Primary thrusters = thrusters on the craft that point towards the rear in order to propel the craft forwards, consumes ship grade fuel to provide propulsion

• Maneuvering thrusters = thrusters placed strategically in the hull of the craft that control the pitch, yaw, and roll of the craft, consumes ship grade fuel to provide propulsion, will always be at least one size smaller than the primary thrusters

• Scanner = a component that when used (not always active) will give information about the crafts surroundings, consumes power on use, range and depth of detail of the scan determined by size of component

• Targeting system = multy function system with different functions depending on the type of weapons on the craft, if weapons are fixed = shows aim assist reticle that leads the selected target, if weapons are gimbaled = auto aims the weapons at selected target, it weapons are turreted = controls auto turrets to fire at selected target

• Battery = stores power equal to one fourth of the total output of an equivalent sized engine

• Stealth system = consumes power to constantly mask the emissions of the craft making it harder for systems no notice the crafts presence

• Stealth armor = modified standard armor by adding Inanisite during the armors production there by reducing its durability but greatly reducing the crafts ability to be detected

• Fixed weapons = weapons attached to the craft directly, the on way to aim the weapons is to move the ship accordingly, will match the crafts weapon size

• Gimbaled weapons = weapons attached to the craft through moving joints, can move in a fixed arc (depending on the craft and placement on said craft), will be one size lower than the crafts weapon size

• Turreted weapons = weapons mounted on a turret, comes in two variants = maned, auto, auto turrets require Targeting system to function

• S.S.C.N.H. = Sub-Space Communications Network Hub allows for long range coms use in non-controlled star systems and during F.T.L. travel, only available in sizes 3,5,7,10

3. Grades

• Basic = the base components that come equipped to a ship, can be purchased after market, three needed to equal one larger size component, average price equivalent to $10,000 X size

• Advanced = aftermarket parts created with higher grade processes, two needed to equal one larger size component, average price equivalent to $20,000 X size

• Military = parts recovered from old humanity military ships, sold only by players, one needed to equal one larger size component, average price equivalent to $30,000 X size

• Stealth = upgrade to a Basic part to mask its emissions making it harder to detect, can be purchased after market, three needed to equal one larger size component, average price equivalent to $15,000 X size

• Advanced stealth = upgrade to a Military part to mask its emissions making it harder to detect, only sold by players, one needed to equal one larger size component, average price equivalent to $35,000 X size

4. Weapons

• "Gun" = standard weapon mounted on a craft, can use any ammo type, average fire rate of 60-120 rounds per minute (1-1.5 rounds per second)

• Cannon = high powered version of the Standard Gun, ballistic and energy only, average fire rate of 30-60 rounds per minute (.5-1 rounds per second)

• Mini-gun = multy barreled version of the Standard Gun, ballistic and energy only, average fire rate of 180-300 rounds per minute (3-5 rounds per second)

Ship Types:

Size 1:

1. Fighters

• Light = Single person, enters cockpit from exterior of craft (cockpit opens like a hatch), no interior space, components accessed from craft exterior, size 1-2 components (size 2 thrusters occasionally), size 1 weapons, price = $30,000-$50,000

• Medium = 1-2 Persons, enters cockpit from exterior of craft (cockpit opens like a hatch), no interior space, components accessed from craft exterior, size 1-2 components, size 1-3 weapons, price = $50,000-$75,000

• Heavy = 1-2 persons, enters cockpit from exterior of craft (cockpit opens like a hatch), no interior space, components accessed from craft exterior, size 1-2 components (size 3 occasionally), size 2-3 weapons, price = $80,000-$110,000

Size 2:

1. "Ships"

• Small = 1-3 persons, interior space for crew (living quarters for crew not required), components accessed from interior/exterior of ship, size 1-3 components, size 2-3 weapons, price = $100,000-$400,000

• Medium = 1-5 persons, interior space for crew (living quarters for crew not required), components accessed from interior/exterior of ship, size 2-3 components, size 2-3 weapons, price = $500,000-$800,000

• Large = 3-5 persons, interior space for crew (living quarters for crew not required), components accessed from interior/exterior of ship, size 2-4 components, size 2-3 weapons, price = $750,000-$1,200,000

Size 3:

1. Corvettes

• 5-12 persons, interior space for crew (living quarters for crew not required but common), components accessed from interior of ship, size 3-5 components, size 2-4 weapons, price = $1,000,000-$10,000,000

Size 4:

1. Frigates

• 10-25 persons, interior space for crew (living quarters for crew required), components accessed from interior of ship, size 4-6 components, size 3-6 weapons (size 5 maximum for turrets), price = $7,000,000-$30,000,000

Size 5:

1. Cruisers

• 15-50 persons, interior space for crew (living quarters for crew required), components accessed from interior of ship, size 4-7 components, size 4-7 weapons, price = $20,000,000-$90,000,000

Size 6:

1. Capital Ships

• 30-100 persons, interior space for crew (living quarters for crew required), components accessed from interior of ship, size 5-9 components, size 3-9 weapons, price = $50,000,000-$500,000,000

Size 7:

1. Dreadnaughts

• 100+ persons, interior space for crew (living quarters for crew required), components accessed from interior of ship, size 7-10 components, size 5-10 weapons, price = $500,000,000-$10,000,000,000

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