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43.57% Human Or Demon? / Chapter 61: CMC Day 2

Chapter 61: CMC Day 2

The second day of the CMC came as the crowds filled the Domus Flau's seat

"here we are with the second day of the CMC! And it's one heck of an event that we have right now!" Lola exclaimed as on the arena, a wrestling ring was on

"Orraaah!" Mira exclaimed as she wore a female's wresting outfit while carrying up Toby of Lamia High

"OOhhhnnn!" Toby exclaimed before Mira slams him down to her knee, making several bone cracking sound

"what an attack! Mirajane is not letting him go away!" Lola commented as she got on Toby's back and started pulling his legs up, making him whine like a crying puppy dog

"Uncle! Uncle! Uncle!" Toby cried out as he was in pure pain

Mira grins as she pulled his legs harder, making him beg even more

Natsu was by the side, only wearing shorts while having a bored look

"poor guy" he thought as Toby was now crying while howling like a hurt dog

"Tag! Toby Tag!" Yuka, another member of Lamia High exclaimed trying to reach a hand to Toby for a tag switch

Toby flailed around as he tried to reach Yuka's hand but Mira didn't let him

"time for the special!" Mira exclaimed as she grabs Toby waist and lifts him up "Mira Dynamite Suplex!"

Mira fall backward as she slams Toby's head hard and everyone near them could hear the bone cracking sound

The bell soon rang as the match had ended

"it's over! Mirajane Strauss of Belserion High won the match!" Lola exclaimed as Belserion High's team point got increased

"alright!" Mira raises a fist up in victory while Toby was out cold on the floor

"why did we even pick Toby!?" Yuka exclaimed while facepalming as Toby was getting taken away on a stretcher by two medical personnel

Natsu sighs as he didn't do anything at all for the event

At Magnolia, Éclair and the others gathered in Natsu's apartment, watching tv

"ouch, that had to leave a mark" Cana said as they watched the replay of Mira using her special Suplex attack to knock out Toby "hope the poor guy lives"

"matters aside, they're in the lead now so a win-win….maybe" Levy said while feeling sorry for Toby

"the battle round is about to begin" Ikaruga said as they quiet down and watched the screen

Happy meowed as the feline sat down on Éclair's lap while the girl was caressing the feline's head

"what an amazing event today!" Lola said with a smile "Belserion High sure is vent on winning"

"impressive" Yajima said with a smile

"ah, and we have our commenter, Mr Yajima. And our guest Commenter, Lyon Vastia" Lola added in as he apologized for the late introduction "how do you feel after seeing a member of your team taken out, Lyon-kun?"

"sad, but since his opponent is that Majin Mirajane. I would say that it was a predicted defeat" Lyon said in comment

"there you have for today's event match, folks. Now let us move on to the battle portion and today is going to be a tag match like the event!" Lola exclaimed as Mato took to the stage

"Roulette start!" Mato exclaimed as a magic screen appeared and started spinning "who gets picked, who will fight, nobody knows~ kabo!"

The roulette soon stopped as Kagura and Erza got chosen on their side

"looks like it's our turn" Erza said standing up as so did Kagura

The second side soon stopped as their opponent is Raven High members' Kurohebi and Nullpuding

"Raven High" Lucy said before looking to the Raven High Podium as the members smirked

Natsu and Mira walked back to their tunnel before crossing path with Erza and Kagura

"break a leg, you two" Mira said raising her hand as she high fived them "I'll pummel you two down if you lose"

"as if we would" Kagura said with a small smirk which Erza mimicked

"don't let your guard down" Natsu added in "I don't trust that the Ravens will fight fair"

"they never will" Erza stated before the two went off

Natsu looks to them as he could feel something stirring up in his gut

"entering the arena are the Swordswomen of the East, Erza Scarlet and Kagura Mikazuchi!" Lola exclaimed as the two entered the arena

"flowers in the battlefield" Yajima said with a smile

"I think this will be their win again" Lyon said crossing his arms while having a smile

Erza and Kagura stood at their field before seeing Kurohebi and Nullpuding coming out of their tunnel while having creepy smiles on their faces

"both fighters, ready-kabo?" Mato said as the two teams stood in the middle of the arena and faced each other "well then, Ready!?"

They bowed to each other before getting into a battle stance

"Begin-kabo!" Mato exclaimed as both teams jumped back from each other while the crowds went wild with cheers

Natsu and Mira got back to their podium in their team uniform as Lucy and Minerva were waiting on them

"good work" Lucy said as to congratulate the two on winning the event

"thanks" Mira said as the two watched the arena and sees their teammates dominating the field "this is going to be an easy win"

"I wouldn't say that for sure" Minerva stated looking to the battle "believe me or not, but those ravens are cunning and unpredictable"

"you say that like you once fought them" Natsu said looking at Minerva who shrugs her shoulders

"what is this!?" Lola exclaimed as everyone looks to the battlefield and sees Kagura fighting against Erza "Kagura Mikazuchi is attacking her own teammate!?"

"what is Kagura doing!?" Mira exclaimed, leaning over the railings

"why is she fighting Erza-san!? The enemy is behind them!" Lucy exclaimed

Erza was in a sword fight against Kagura whose eyes glowed purple

"Kagura! What are you doing!?" Erza exclaimed as she was holding off against Kagura's blade with her sword "snap out of it!"

Kagura gritted her teeth as she pushed Erza before kicking her hard

"guh!" Erza skidded back before Kagura went and strike her blade at her

Éclair and the others watched the tv as they were in bewildered shock and confusion

"did something happen between the two!?" Levy exclaimed seeing the fight between Kagura and Erza "why are they attacking each other!?"

"that time.." Ikaruga said as Kagura got hit with a sand magic attack from Kurohebi "..Despicable"

"Raven High.." Ultear muttered out as this was the doing of Raven High

"what is going on!? A dispute between members!?" Lola exclaimed in surprise and confusion as Lyon looks surprised as well

"this does sometimes happen" Yajima said with serious eyes "or perhaps, a plot.."

"what is she doing? Kagura and Erza are allies and comrades, yet why is she attacking her!?" Lyon thought while gritting his teeth

Kurohebi and Nullpudding just watched the two fight as they smirked

"guuuh!" Erza parried off Kagura's attack as her sword swing was heavy "damnit! Her sword swing got heavier due to the training, we endured!"

Kagura glared at Erza as in her eyes, she is facing Kurohebi

"Fugutaiten!" Kagura exclaimed as she holds her blade in a pierce motion before dashing towards Erza "Go no Kata!"

Kagura pierced her sword forward as she appeared behind Erza

"gaaah!" Erza screamed out in pain as her sword and armor were broken into pieces

"what an attack! Erza Scarlet is in trouble!" Lola commented

"this is bad!" Lucy exclaimed "Erza-san can't fight against Kagura-san!"

"the Raven's doing" Minerva stated looking at the two Raven Members who looks at the fight "cunning and despicable at the same time"

Natsu watched the arena as Erza struggled to get up with the heavy wound, Kagura inflicted upon her

Kagura walks towards Erza as she holds her sword by her side

"stand up" Kagura said looking at Erza as she was Kurohebi in her sight "I will finish you"

"Kagura….snap out of it!" Erza exclaimed holding her injured side

Kagura holds her sword with both hands as she went into a stance

"it's over" Nullpudding said with a grin

Lifting her sword up, Kagura readied her blade to deal the final blow

Erza looks at Kagura as she couldn't defend herself

"raaah!" Kagura swings her sword down as its blade face towards Erza

Erza closed her eyes, awaiting the final blow, but it never came

"w-w-what is this!?" Lola exclaimed as the crowds were gasping in surprise

Erza slowly opened her eyes as Natsu stood in front of her

"N-Natsu!?" Erza stuttered in surprise and shock

Natsu faces towards Kagura as he caught her blade with his hand

Kagura gritted her teeth as she tried to push down her sword

Natsu snapped his fingers in front of her as Kagura's eyes turned back normal

"w-what happened?" Kagura said staggering back while holding her head "what did i?"

"referee" Natsu called out as Mato looks to him "our team will surrender this match to them, is that fine?"

"if you insist-kabo" Mato said "but are you sure-kabo?"

"yes" Natsu said as he helped Erza get up "we declare our surrender in this match"

"very well-kabo" Mato said before raising a hand up and the bell rang

"looks like Belserion High surrendered!" Lola exclaimed, "with such a scene going on, it's no wonder that they would want to surrender!"

"a very thoughtful decision," Yajima said while nodding

"if such a scene had happened, it's not surprising for an act of surrender" Lyon commented while having a serious glare at Raven High who went back to their tunnel "those Ravens cheated this time"

near an infirmary room, outside the door


Kagura got a hard slap to the cheeks by Mira who had a furious look

"what was that!?" Mira exclaimed grabbing Kagura by her collar "You attacked red head all the sudden! Were you trying to kill her!?"

"Mira-san! Please stop!" Lucy exclaimed trying to stop her "Kagura-san was under an Illusion Spell! She didn't know what she was doing in the first place!"

Mira looks at Lucy before to Kagura as she just pushed her away

She rubs her head as take a seat down

"it's not the time for us to fight, we have to focus on the competition," Lucy said trying to calm the situation down

"Mira has a point though, it's very disappointing to see an Empress like Kagura to be easily manipulated by illusion magic in the first place," Minerva said smirking

"this isn't the time to be pointing fingers!" Lucy exclaimed as she could feel the tension rising

Everyone was in silence but the tension wasn't leaving

Before long, the door to the infirmary room opened and Natsu came out

"how is she?" Lucy asked to Natsu who shook his head

"broken ribs, some of her organs are injured. She won't be able to fight for for the next two days" Natsu told her as Lucy frowns

"it's my fault" Kagura said as she grips her left arm with her right "if only I had known"

"but you didn't" Minerva said with a smirk "you attacked her relentlessly like she was your enemy"

Kagura clenches her fists before she runs away

"Kagura-san!" Lucy exclaimed but Kagura just runs

"so pathetic" Minerva said laughing a bit

"I had enough of your fucking prideful stance!" Mira exclaimed getting up on her seat "you're always making other people damn annoyed! Even at such moments, you throw salt at their wounds! You don't give a damn to this team, do you?!"

"I'm only in this team as to my deal with Salamander, why should I care?" Minerva said as Mira glared at her

"bitch!" Mira exclaimed as she transformed into her Satan Soul

"enough" Natsu said going in between the two "if you want to settle in a fight, do it after the competition"

Mira clicked her tongue before walking away

Natsu and Lucy looks to her walking away as the team was now in pieces

"Lucy, go and talk it out with Mira" Natsu told her "I'll go and find Kagura"

"got it" Lucy said as she went after Mira

"stay here, till Erza gets better" Natsu told Minerva who scoffed to his orders

Natsu sighs as Minerva was really a Problem Child

Kagura had exited the CMC hall as she was by a nearby park, sitting on a bench alone

"ah it's her" "the girl that attacked her own teammate" "wouldn't want anyone like that around" "she thinks that everyone is her enemy, huh?" "she just wants to win on her own" some passing by people whispered around as they chattered on what Kagura did on the arena

Kagura looks at her own lap as she recalled seeing the reply of the match, and she sees how she attacked Erza will full force

"because of my utter foolishness, Erza is" Kagura thought as she clenched her fists on her skirt "those ravens!"

Kagura's eyes went glaring at the ground as she glared at Raven High Members in her head

"don't start straying from the right path" a voice spoke as Kagura looks to the side and sees Natsu standing near her "the path of revenge that is"

"you of all people should know that those Ravens cheated" Kagura said as Natsu shrugs his shoulders

"maybe, maybe not" Natsu said before taking a seat beside her

Kagura looks to her hands as she clenched them into fists

"I was played like some sort of puppet by those bastards! They made me attack Erza!" Kagura said while gritting her teeth "I can't forgive them ever!"

"and you want to take revenge?" Natsu said "I remember that didn't work out, the last time you went on the path of revenge"

"then what am I supposed to do!?" Kagura exclaimed as tears started to slide down her cheeks "I can't ever forgive myself for what I did to Erza! You know that!"

Natsu took a glance to her before sighing

"then start forgiving yourself" Natsu said "you of all people should know that Erza won't ever hold a grudge against you. No matter what had happened"

"how would you know that?" Kagura said before Natsu's hand cupped her cheeks

"because she's my friend, and yours too" Natsu told her as he wiped away her tears with his thumb "find the forgiveness in your heart and spread it inside"

Kagura blushed a bit as Natsu's hand feels warm

"come on" Natsu said standing up from his seat "Erza should be awake in the infirmary"

Natsu reached out his hand to her as Kagura looks at him then to the hand

Taking a moment for her mind to process, Kagura took his hand as the man helps her stand up

The two then leaves as they head back to the CMC

Night soon came as the second day of the CMC was over already

Natsu and the team were at their inn, as it was a tense moment

Mira was sitting by her bed but the Majin had a very tense glare at Minerva who sat by a chair with her legs crossed

"this is such a thick moment" Lucy whispered as she was sitting in between the line "hope we survive the Competition"

Erza was sleeping on her bed as she was told to take lots of rest for her injuries to heal while Kagura was sitting beside her

Natsu however was watching the replay of Kagura and Erza's match against Raven High

"mind telling us on what you are doing?" Mira said breaking the tense moment "you've been watching the replay for the umpteenth time already"

"proof," Natsu said as he rewinds the video and played it again

"proof of what?" Lucy asked as Natsu paused the video and keens his eyes

The video showed Kurohebi attacking Kagura with a sand magic attack but as he paused it, Natsu sees something purplish glowing in the sand

"proof of Raven High's cheating," Natsu said as Mira and the others look at the screen and see that Natsu sees

"what is that glowing thing?" Mira said eying the purplish glow

"my guess, some sort of substance that causes illusion" Natsu said rubbing his chin "he used his sand to cover it and used it to strike at Kagura, making her see illusions"

"but wasn't it Illusion Magic that caused her attack?" Lucy asked

"Illusion Magic may be something that has an advantage against Kagura, but no Illusion Magic is that strong to make a strong willed mage like her to attack an ally" Natsu explained "only Illegal Magic Drugs can do such things"

"then let's show this to the Competition executives!" Mira exclaimed standing up "we got to tell them that those fucking Ravens are a bunch of lousy cheaters!"

"even with the video, it won't be enough proof" Natsu said turning off the screen with the remote

"then what do we do?! We can't just let those Ravens get away with this!" Mira said

"I know" Natsu said before smirking a bit "that's why I have a plan"

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