/ Movies / Hp The Storm Lord

Hp The Storm Lord Original

Hp The Storm Lord

Movies 2 Chapters 7.2K Views
Author: Eldarking

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Annatar hails from the House of Storm, a once-powerful pureblood family famed for their command of lightning, storm, and thunder magic. His ancestor, Taranis the Thunderer, wielded Stormbringer, a legendary weapon that amplified magic with the force of a thousand storms. However, over the centuries, Stormbringer has lost much of its power and now only holds a fraction of its former strength. Despite this, it remains one of the world’s most powerful magical artifacts, capable of amplifying lightning spells to immense levels. Annatar has devoted himself to the study of ancient runes, seeking to understand and restore Stormbringer’s lost power to revive his family’s glory.

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Author Eldarking