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16.5% Hp: The Outcast / Chapter 16: Ch.16 You chose wisely.

Chapter 16: Ch.16 You chose wisely.

I woke up before the daylight and went on for my morning routine. A few days have passed since the troll incident. It had caused quite the stir in the school. Many people were scared, they thought that this was the safest place, but it's kinda far from the truth. This is the like the start.

As a result of it. I was getting a little recognition. Some already knew me because of my excellent control over magic for someone my age, and now because of my cool nerves. Have to say it was nice. But I wasn't the only one who was affected by the incident.

Quirrell, our DADA professor, fainted because of a troll. His reputation as a teacher took a hit, which should have been an impossible task. But it happened. And today was our first DADA class after the incident. So I don't know how it will go.


I was at the table with others, and we were having our breakfast. Ted was scribbling something on paper and I asked, "What is that?"

He looked at me and said, "I am writing the odds for the upcoming quidditch game, quidditch cup and the house cup."

I chuckled and said, "Well, I don't know about the house cup but the Quidditch cup is good as ours mate." We have been winning ever single match this year and since Harry is not in the Gryffindor team, to get the golden snitch. We won against Gryffindor.

I looked at him and asked, "But why are you doing this? Is there a bet?"

That got his attention and he chuckled and said, "Yeah, but as things are the quidditch cup seems good as ours so… you want to bet?"

I chuckled and said, "Well, what are the odds?"

He smiled and said, "Next match against Hufflepuff Vs Ravenclaw… what do you say?"

Hmm, Ravenclaw, has been doing good this season being close second to Slytherin… So I decided to bet on it. "I will…"

He smiled and said, "Well, then how much?"

I thought about it and said, "How about 2."

He smiled and said, "2 Knuts it is." Victoria and Daphne sighed while Tracey chuckled and I said, "Ah, I meant like 2 Galleons."

He looked at me and asked, "Wait what?" Others were surprised as well and ted said, "2 whole Galleons?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah." I reached down my pocket and pulled out two galleons out of my pouch. I put them on the table and everyone looked at them. They were surprised.

Victoria looked at me and asked, "Where did you get that?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I saved up."

Ted took the coins and said, "Alright buddy, but don't come crying to me when you loose.~"

I chuckled and said, "We'll see."

Victoria looked at me and asked, "You sure it's a large amount?"

I nodded and said, "I am pretty sure… and when I win."

Ted cut me off and said, "if you win."

I chuckled and said, "When I win. I am gonna take his money~"

Ted scoffed and Victoria said, "Your loss."


After the breakfast was done, we moved on to our classes. Today we had Charms and DADA. Charms class was first and I had an easy time during this class than any other. Next up was a free period during which I went to the ROR and studied up more on runes.

I had the basics down by now all that was left now was to use the knowledge that I had acquired. So I thought of a project that I would like to accomplish… I wanted to make a muggle device that ran on electicity completely out of runes.

It was going to be a hard task since nothing electric works… we'll it's kinda not complete some stuff worked but I have yet to see them. Like the radio that we see, Artur weasely's car amongst other things.

After the free period was over I met up with others and we made our way to the DADA class. As usual first ones to appear there well some ravenclaw students were there early than us… these are almost always in class.

I sat with Ted and we were sitting and talking, goofing around and slowly the class started to fill and after a while Quirrell walked in class and he started teaching but unlike before the students were quite chatty. There were murmurs and giggles.

Obviously they were talking about him and how he fainted and all… Quirrell powered through that and finished the class as it was done. All of us were leaving and he said, "Mr. Beeston… if… you c-ould wait for a mo-mment I would li-ke to hav-e a cha-t with you."

Ted and others went out of class and I stayed behind, I didn't like it but can't say no. He walked towards me and sat on my table and said, "I kn-ow wha-t my stu-dents thi-nk of me… I am su-pp-osed to the Def-ence against Dark art-s teacher… I am supposed to equip you… my st-dents with knowl-edge so that y-ou can pro-tect you-self and…"

He sighed and said, "You kno-w Mr. Beeston… learnin spe-lls and usi-ing them are tw-o diff-erent things… I do-n't have the cou-rage… to fi-ght, but I do ha-ve kn-oledge… and I would like to i-mpart that kno-wledge onto you."

I looked at him and said, "Why me, sir? There are others more talented and skilled…"

He chuckled and said, "Don-t sell your-slef short, Mr. Beeston… you have th-e be-st magi-cal co-ntrol amon-st the fi-rst ye-ars and to be qui-te ho-nest. You do-n't judge me lik-e oth-ers. You se-e me fo-r my ta-lents so, let me do the same f-or you… let me t-each you what I kn-ow… then may-be oth-er will also see me for what I can do."

I was confused why would he want to teach me? Did Voldy put him up to this? Then should I accept? He saw my expression and said, "We-ll yo-u can take som-e time to think abo-t this, Jonathan… I w-ill be ri-ght here." He got up from the desk.

I smacked my lips and got up, "Thank you, prof. I will think about this…" I got up and left the class.


I was sitting in the library thinking about his offer, he can teach me some good stuff, but there is a massive red flag called Voldemort right there, so I was a little confused about it all. As I was thinking this, Victoria asked, "Hey, Jon, is everything alright?"

I shook my head and said, "Yeah, no, everything is fine." I looked around, and I asked, "Hey, where is Hermione, she is never late."

Victoria sighed and said, "Well, she said, she is doing some research about something… she said, she can't tell me what it is until she is certain."

Huh, looks like she is doing research about the stone. Victoria closed her book and asked, "What happened, Jon? When ever you and Prof. Quirrell talk. You don't seem to be the same… did he say something?"

Others now looked at me intently, and I said, "It's nothing, he just talked about the Troll incident."

Ted scoffed and said, "I still can't believe he is our DADA teacher… he should have been fired"

Daphne said, "You are not wrong there." I looked at her, and she said, "What?"

I just shrugged my shoulders and said, "Didn't know you were invested in it this much."

She looked at me and said, "Of course I am, it's about our future, if the foundation is not strong then how can you build a castle on it."

I said, "I believe the term is a house… but well in your case it would be a castle."

She bobbed her head and I saw a slight smile and others chuckled. I sighed and said, "I don't know… he seems a good enough teacher, his only downside is his stutters and utter lack of confidence…"

Tracey said, "Well, the utter lack of confidence is like a big thing, if you don't have confidence in anything you do, you'll second guess yourself."

I nodded and said, "Well, then I think I have made a decision."

Victoria asked, "About what?"

I smiled and said, "Can't tell you until I am certain."

Victoria scoffed and Ted booed. We were then scolded by the librarian, and we went back to doing our homework. I have made a decision, I will take up Quirrell on that offer, I will learn everything he throws at me and then use it as my own.


Section with Cotton 🐍

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