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14.14% Hp: The Outcast / Chapter 13: Ch.13 Oh Hey... Dad?

Chapter 13: Ch.13 Oh Hey... Dad?

I woke up early like usual, I got up from the bed and stretched. I looked at cotton, and she was still lying down. Walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. After the little spat between Harry and Victoria, she was a little down, I tried my best to comfort her but only food worked. After having dinner, she was in a better mood.

We both spend sometime in the common room reading books. We took the sofas at the corner of the room. There was a giant window next to where we were sitting. It was quite a corner of the room. We stayed out for some time, reading books.

When I got to my room, I was expecting that I would find it thrashed or something, but I found that the room was untouched. No one entered the room. Looks like the spell worked. Although I did see some damage done where the lock was placed.

After done brushing my teeth, I put on shorts, t-shirt and my running shoes and went on my morning run. I was slowly trying to push myself, I still did 2 km run but increased my push-ups to 50 and my sit-ups to 50 as well. As usual, I could only see a few people, but the numbers increased a bit. 

I saw many older students they were out doing runs as well, I think they were the quidditch players. After the morning routine was done, I took a long bath and relaxed. After the bath, I put on my uniform and took my books out of my trunk and locked it. I locked my door and went to the Common room.

I sat down at the sofa and waited for Victoria to come. Slowly, the other student woke up and made their way to the great hall for breakfast. I got many scornful looks from them, but I tried to ignore them. I was getting a little bored, so I opened up the book and started reading it.

"Good morning." I looked up to see, and it was Victoria along with Tracey and Daphne. 

I closed my book and got up and said, "Good morning." I looked at Victoria and said, "You took quite the time."

She shrugged her shoulders and said, "Not everyone is  a morning person." 

I looked at Tracey and smiled, "Good morning." She bobbed her head and said, "Good morning." I looked at Daphne and said, "Morning." She hummed nodded, "Morning."

I sighed and said, "Breakfast?"

Tracey said, "Oh, I am starving."

We walked to the great hall and I got to know that Victoria was sharing the room with Daphne and Tracey.  We sat at the Slytherin table and were having a pleasant breakfast when an owl came flying and landed at the table. It had a letter.

Victoria recognized the owl and took the letter, but didn't open it. She put the letter away in her robes and the Owl went away. We finished our breakfast, we made our way to classes. 

We had joint lectures with Gryffindor, many were not all that excited for it. The first lecture was Transfiguration. We reached the classes and Victoria sat with Daphne, Tracey sat with another girl from Slytherin and I sat alone which was amazing I just had so much space I was spread on the table like butter on bread. But that happiness didn't last long.

"Can I sit here" I looked up, and I saw a guy, he was thin as a wire. He had pale skin, his eyes were brown, and he looked uninterested and asked, "Is someone coming or something?"

I shook my head and asked, "You sure you want to sit with me?"

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's one of the few good seats."

I slid over and he sat with me. He and I didn't talk much, he was busy reading. After a few minutes, the class started to get filled with students. I saw Hermione, and I did a little wave, but she gave me an awkward wave with an uncomfortable smile, which was pretty sad. Harry and Ron were late somehow, I don't know how, but they were. They still got an earful from McGonagall for being late. 

After that class finished, I wished to ask if Ted wanted to go to the class with me, but he just got up and left on his own. Victoria said, "Jon, come!" I turned and saw that she and the others were already at the door. I nodded and got up from my seat. The next class was Herbology. Today was just about the introduction to classes and what we would learn in the upcoming lectures, so it was just a little boring.

After Herbology, next up on the docket was potions, Victoria was both excited and nervous about today's class. We entered the class and took up the seats and since it was a long bench we all could sit together. 

Snape entered the class with his cape fluttering. He stopped in front of the class and spoke, "There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few…" He looked at Draco, and he was happy, and it was obvious from his grin.

"Who possesses, the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death."

Instead of writing stuff down, Harry listened to what he was saying. Hence, there was no back and forth between those two. But that didn't mean he didn't cut off points. He took every chance to cut the points of the other houses, and us Slytherin were mostly scared to talk during his lecture anyway. He told us about what potions exactly are. 

They are liquid that are produce by a number of different ingredients and with some magic. Muggles cannot make most of the potion even if they have the ingredients because most potions need a wave of your wand if you want to make sure that the potion has its intended effect. 

After the introduction, he told us about the potions we would be making this year and gave us homework to memorize the list of ingredient and the method of preparation of cure for boils potion.

After the class was over, we went for lunch. While we were eating I felt like someone was watching me, I turned to see it was Harry, he was the one who was looking at me. I tried to ignore Harry and just focus on my meal. I gave Cotton pieces of meat of my plate, and she liked it. 

The girls also met with Cotton, out of them Tracey handled Cotton with ease. Victoria was a little uncomfortable at first, but then she was okay with her as well as for Daphne, I don't know. She didn't care for it. That was pretty on point for her.

After the lunch was over, I had a very dreadful feeling seeing how Quirrell will be taking the next class or should I say Voldy. I mean he is also in the class so like a substitute I think. We arrived at the DADA class, and I was just standing in front of the door class thinking about how this will go.

Victoria turned around and saw me contemplating and asked, "What happened?" 

I looked at her and shook my head, I took a deep breath and resolved myself and walked into the class. I sat down with Victoria, and Daphne and Tracey sat together. After a few minutes, Quirrell came into the class, and he smiled , but it was a weak smile. He was a good actor, man. He stuttered and said, "Goo…d students. Welcome to Defe…nce against the Dark Arts."

I sighed and I knew this was going to be a long lecture and sure enough it was. But it was very interesting as well. Once you get past the stutterers he was actually good at teaching. He made gave good explanations in easy to understand language.

Even though I was learning something, I wasn't able to quite fully relax because I was in the same room as one of the most powerful wizards of all time. As the bell rang, I was relieved. Victoria and got up, and we were about to leave the class when I heard, "M-Mr. Beeston C-Could I have a moment of your time?"

I stopped and Victoria said, "I'll be right outside." I smiled and nodded. She walked out of the class and I sensed a dark and ominous presence watching me. A cold gaze fell on me, I didn't want to be in the room, but... I turned around and asked, "Yes, professor?"

Quirrel smiled and sat down on his desk and said, "It's n-nothing I just that you were a bit distressed during my class. So I wanted to ask are you doing, are you a-alright?"

I smiled and nodded, "I am fine, prof. I am just having a hard time adjusting, that is all, but sir, I must say your lecture was one of the most informative and easy to understand I have attended today."

Quirrel smile and said, "Oh it's my pleasure to teach such dis...ciplined stude..nts…  if you want you can come to me for any qu...ery you have."

I smiled and said, "Thank you, prof."

I left the class and walked away, I sighed in relief and Victoria was leaning against the railing. She saw me and asked, "What did he say?"

I shrugged it off and said, "Nothing important… let's go." She nodded and we walked away.

Inside the DADA class.

Quirell asked in a hushed tone, "Is there something wrong, master?"

The raspy voice responded, "There is something about that boy that feels oddly familiar, like I know him somehow, keep an eye on him… now, will you?"

Quirrell nodded and said, "Yes, master."


Section with Cotton 🐍

Greetingsss Readersss,

I hope you liked the chapter, thanks and shoutout to Morgansinn and Curly01 for helping me with this chapter. Drop a comment if you liked the chapter and throw some stones while you are at it and I will see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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