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45.55% HP: Ronan's Journey / Chapter 41: Chapter-41: Quidditch

Chapter 41: Chapter-41: Quidditch

Hey guys,

First of all, I would like to apologize for the previous week. It was a very arduous week for me, with college and a family function I got so busy that I didn't have any time to write. 

To make up for the previous week, I would be uploading one chapter a day, for the whole week. P*atreons will get bonus chapters.

I have not decided on the number of bonus chapters.



Ronan was having a hard time learning Legilimency. And the biggest reason behind it was the book that he had. According to that piece of crap, there were two ways to use Legiliemency. One of them was by staring straight into the eyes of the victim and letting your magic penetrate the Filgia, which is a thin natural magical layer surrounding the mind. But it was easier said than done. The second and most straightforward way was to use the spell, Legilimens, and penetrate the mind.

He knew that to perform any sort of magic work, intent is pretty important. That is why for the past few days he had been staring into the eyes of his fellow Slytherins to see whether he could penetrate through their Filgia or not. But till then, he had no luck in penetrating anyone's mind. And this was getting on his nerves.

He was insistent on using and learning the wandless and chantless method because of its convenience, also using this way he be able to read surface thoughts and see whether Filigia is broken of a person or not. But if he were to use the wand method, his penetration might go way deeper than he wants it to be. He would be able to see through the memories of his victim, which he wanted to avoid. He is not a monster, that is why he was stuck to the wandless method.

That faithful morning, when Ronan woke up, he was feeling a little bit tired. Last night he outdid himself and spent the whole reading up to his 3rd year course. All this time, juggling his telekinesis, Occlumency, Runic Projects, and now Legilimency had really pushed back his studies. So he had decided to rest his telekinesis and Occlumency practice for now and focus on his Runic Project, Legilimency, and his studies.

Yesterday he outdid himself and stayed up the whole day, without eating or drinking he was able to complete the whole third-year syllabus. Now as a repcussion, his head felt like exploding. So he decided that day he would just lay back and relax and not do anything that might increase the intensity of his headache.

Luckily today was the first quidditch match of the year, between Gryffindor and Slytherin. So he was quite looking forward to it. As he got out of his room and got to the common room, he saw some of the Slytherins had made a banner for Malfoy.

Ronan remembered that he said to make a banner for the pale bastard when he would get selected for the team. With, that he happily went to the banner and helped them enchant the banner. It was a simple banner, Malfoy for the win, but it was the thought that counted. Everyone was in a good mood because they knew that today they would be winning the match. All the team members had Nimbus 2001, which gave them a very huge advantage over the Gryffindors. That is why everyone believed that there was no way that they could lose today's match.

Joining the festivities, Ronan adorned the green scarves around his neck and came down from the castle with all of his friends. Soon the match started….

As both the teams walked out onto the field, a roar of noise greeted them, mainly cheers. Madam Hooch, asked the team captains, Flint and Wood, to shake hands, which they did while giving each other threatening stares and gripping rather harder than was necessary. Everyone could see the spark of conflict between them.

The whistle sounded and everyone took off. They saw Potter and Malfoy flying higher than anyone. Daphne had given Ronan spare Omnioculars, which he used to see Malfoy and Potter. And as he had thought, Malfoy seemed to be busy taunting Harry, rather than looking for the golden snitch.

He then ignored the duo and looked at the match before him. Slytherin was simply dominating Gryffindor. Their brooms were so fast, that the Gryffindors chasers were not simply able to keep up with Slytherin chasers. The twins were trying their best to send as many bludgers towards the Slytherin team, but they were simply not able to make a dent in the formation of their team.

After a few minutes, it was apparent that Slytherin would be the winner of the game, as because of broom advantage, the score was 80-20 with Slytherin in the lead. But there was still a doubt in his mind, if Potter were to find the golden snitch the match would be over. And sure enough, by the time Slytherin scored a hundred points, Potter dove in towards the ground, with Malfoy racing behind him.

Ronan's omnioculars were following both the players, based on what he could see, Malfoy's seemed to have an advantage in their descent. Both the players were making their way towards the ground with incredible speed, and from what he could tell they would collide with the ground if they dont stop their descent soon. Draco was the first one to chicken out and stop his descent.

Harry on the other hand got very close to the ground, and only then he pulled his broom up, which was an incredible feat to watch firsthand. He saw the boy following the golden color ball, just a few feet above the ground. And he was about to catch it. To grab the ball, Harry leaned in, when his broomstick lost balance, and he was thrown to the front. The boy had a very rough landing, but soon he got up while waving the golden ball in his hands.

All the Slytherin who were cheering for their team stopped midway, unable to comprehend what had happened there. And before they knew it, they started announcing the Gryffindor's win…


Neville came running down the stands towards the ground, accompanied by his friends and Hagrid. All of them had a smile on their face as they had won. By the time they reached the ground, they saw that Harry was injured. His right hand was broken, but as they were about to take him to the hospital wing, when Lockhart came running to them.

"Let me see the boy. I can help." Lockhart instructed. Although he didnt feel that this would be a good idea, he relented as the other guy was a professor.

Harry shared his emotion as he spoke out loud, "Oh, no. Not you,"

"Doesn't know what he's saying," said Lockhart loudly to the anxious crowd of Gryffindors pressing around them. "Not to worry, Harry. I'm about to fix your arm."

"No!" said Harry. "I'll keep it like this, thanks. . . ."

Harry tried to sit up, but due to pain, he sat back to the ground, giving Lockhart a chance to whip out his wand. The flash camera got Neville's attention, he saw Colin clicking the photos of the incident. "Not now, Colin" Neville snapped, "We dont want a photo of this,"

"Lie back, Harry," said Lockhart soothingly. "It's a simple charm I've used countless times…"

"Why can't I just go to the hospital wing?" said Harry through clenched teeth.

"He should, Professor," said a muddy Wood, who couldn't help grinning even though his Seeker was injured. "Great capture, Harry, really spectacular, your best yet, I would say…"

"Stand back," said Lockhart, who was rolling up his jade-green sleeves.

"No — don't —" said Harry weakly, but Lockhart was twirling his wand and a second later had directed it straight at Harry's arm.

The most unusual thing took place, Lockhart's spell instead of mending the bone, deflated Harry's arm. It was like all the bones of Harry's arm had vanished with the spell.

"Ah," said Lockhart. "Yes. Well, that can sometimes happen. But the point is, the bones are no longer broken. That's the thing to bear in mind. So, Harry, just toddle up to the hospital wing…" Then Lockhart turned towards them, "Ah… Neville, could you and Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger would you escort him to Madam Pomfrey? She will be able to tidy him up a bit." And without any distraction, they took him to the infirmary…


"Today was a good game," Ron said with a smile on his face. They were returning from the infirmary, and going from the clock tower.

"Ron, you should be ashamed," Hermione said, "One of your best friends is in the infirmary because of the stupid game. And here you are, grinning for the past…"

It was then Neville noticed a shadowy figure, "Who is that?" Neville said, gathering the attention of the duo. The whole school was inside the castle, as it was too cold outside. But from the top of the tower, they could see a lone figure, making their way outside.

Without sharing a word, all of them jumped on the opportunity and came running down as fast as they could. When they got down and started looking around, they saw the figure heading towards the broom shed, located near the quidditch ground. Making sure that they were maintaining their distance, they saw the figure go into the shed and come out with a brown parcel.

The trio were all on the high ground and were pretty sure that the figure cant see them. "Who is that?" Ron whispered.

"Can't tell," Hermione said, "But based on the person's height, he can't be older than third-year student,"

"Do you reckon that parcel contains some weapon?" Neville asked, then a realization hit him, "Do you think that he is Malfoy?"

"I can't see his face," Hermione said.

They were looking at the figure slowly making his way towards the castle. Neville was thinking that they may be they should confront the man, at least they would be able to know the identity of the person this way, even if they are not able to tell what is in the parcel.

It was then he heard a buzzing noise, it was like a fly was flying around his neck. Before Neville could say anything, something bit him on the neck. "AAH!" he screamed with pain, he swatted away the thing, only to realize that it was a pixie, similar to the one that Lockhart showed them in class. "It bit me," he yelled, gathering the attention of Hermione and Ron.

Before they could make sense of what had happened, they saw a group of blue color devils making their way towards them.

"RUN!" Ron yelled. And so they did.

The pixies were attacking them, unlike how they behaved in class, these group of pixies were biting them. They were simply not doing any mischief, they were all trying to kill them.

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