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44.41% HP: Magic Punk (Completed) / Chapter 161: Chapter 161 : Charm's Class 1

Chapter 161: Chapter 161 : Charm's Class 1

Calming his raging heart, Orion finally arrives at the first class of the year. Hanging to him were two cute lolis, well it won't be long when he can't use that term to describe them anymore. They are already developed enough to give his first hard-on of this world.

But no action for him for a few more years, his body needs to grow and it will hinder its development if he is not careful. 

'Well maybe something a little less intense would do'

Shake Shake, Orion quickly shook his head to remove all those evil thoughts and entered the very first class. 

It was the charm's class. One of Orion's very favourite classes in Hogwarts. Professor Filtwick is not only a very qualified professor but at the same time, he knows how to make a class fun. And it's not just him, everyone in the school likes his class. 

To still date that man nudged him to enter into duelling tournaments, of course, Orion denied it. In the first year let alone dueling, he wasn't even capable of performing spells. 

The second year was much better, he was extremely busy learning and fighting that madman Nick.

And now? well, he will only say what Madara Uchiha once said to Onoki. 'What adult goes all out against a child.'

As all three of them entered the class, they found that Flitwick already was in the class. Nothing new, in Hogwarts students have to go from one class to another as almost all the professors have their dedicated classes for their arts. Flitwick just have to stay here in his class all day long. 

"Morning Professor Filtwick, you are looking good as always," Orion said with confidence, Filtwick was taken aback at this response, although Orion is never a timid person but he hardly takes out time to do any kind of ideal chat with anyone in his on initiative, let along giving others a compliment. 

"A very good morning to you too Mr Ambrosius, you are looking much different than the boy I remember last year," Flitwick said with a gentle smile and got a smile back from Orion. 

There was no response from Orion this time around, his posture and facial features told enough that he was different. Much different. 

Being a master of his craft, Flitwick who was interested tried to peek a little at Orion's magical power, wanting to know what changed in the boy but to his surprise, he couldn't sense any magic from Orion. 

He wasn't the only one who tried this by now and people like Snape Dumbledore and even Nick were equally surprised. Looking at him it almost felt like he was looking at a muggle, if he didn't know any better he would have suspected Orion of being one. 

This feeling was much different than what he felt in the first year. That year he clearly felt magical power from the boy but just so weak that it was almost negligible. This here though is like there is no magical power. He wanted to ask what was going on with the boy but knowing who he was talking about here, he kept his quiet. 

After all, currently in Hogwarts if there is one person who he won't see through besides Dumbledore himself then it has to be the boy in front of him. 


Orion felt a poke on his side again, this was of course Daphne, he quickly sent an irritated and inquiring glare at her, asking 'What, what did I do this time ?' 

But she just huffed and took her seat. Making not only Orion but even Rose raise their eyebrows in confusion and shift their heads ever so slightly to express their inner thoughts.

'Huff, what kind of guy is this? I practically glued myself to him and there wasn't even a single compliment. He didn't say anything about how I was looking back then on the train either. All that effort to look cute in vain and here he is turning 180 and complimenting Professor Flitwick,' Daphne thought and pouted.

Orion had no clue and internally he rolled his eyes with only one word in his mind, GIRLS!

Rose too had to no idea, unlike some other girls, she wasn't much into compliments or anything. Not like she wouldn't like them. Its doesn't matter if they are girls or boys, Men or Women, everyone like compliments. But she doesn't actively look for them. More like a tomboy. 




It didn't take long for everyone to settle down and the class to start. 

"Good morning class, how has been your vacation," Flitwick asked and only this when he realized that he wanted to ask Orion about his hand. He left early and even took his second-year exam early just to leave Hogwarts and heal his hand. He slightly glances at the still bandaged arm of the boy and frowns. 

He wanted to ask but seeing that the entire class was present there, he refrained from doing so, he didn't want to bring that topic in front of others. His instincts told him that that was not a good idea. 

Everyone greeted Filtwick bringing a smile to his face.

"So just like every year, let's go through what we learned the last year before learning something new.

Who can tell me what all the spells we learned last year," Flitwick asked the class, already expecting a hand to raise up from a certain know-it-all. But that wasn't the case, Hermione never took the initiative to raise her hands let alone answer the question. 

Glancing at Hermione, Flitwick didn't believe that she didn't know the answer, if there were three students in the class who usually had all the answers then its Hermione, Nick and Orion. And unlike both of the bastards who even after knowing the answer won't act just to make everyone believe they know nothing, only for them to top in the exams, Oh how he hated those classmates of his...

Cough* Cough*

Anyways, what he means is that unlike them, Hermione is the first one to answer the questions. But not today.

After he asked, everyone in the class was looking at each other like expecting someone to answer. More or less everyone was looking at Hermione, stating just how much the class relied on her to save them from all these hidden weapons thrown at them in the class by the professor.

Seeing her not acting, their next target was of course, Nick and Orion. But once again the only thing they got was a stoic and cold Harry Potter look-alike with a brooding look like Hermione cuc*** him...


And the beautiful face of the boy, whose reputation has recently soared through the sky. But he hardly talks with anyone but those two girls sitting beside him. Damn, cocky pretty boy. 

Damn Overachievers.

Seeing that no one was willing to answer his question, Filtwick's eyes twitched and he finally pointed at Orion. Asking him to answer. 

There are two reasons here, Orion pretty much knows all the spells but he never actually learned any from the professors. He learned them himself and Filtwick even doubts that Orion has already completed the entire practical syllabus of the third year as well. 

He would have been right, Orion usually does that every year but this year he didn't have enough time. But still, with all of his training, it doesn't matter. By now his command of all kinds of magic is so good that he can pretty much do any normal magic even without knowing the spell. 

Another reason why he calls for Orion is that he wants him to interact more, he is a little intrigued by his changes. 

Orion who was yawning on the side, debating internally whether he should listen to the class or get a little nap time after putting a magic barrier, was caught off guard.

He is not sure why but maybe a habit from the previous world caught up to him at this time and he immediately stood up attentively. And instantly curses at the reaction, after all this is how he used to react when teachers caught him sleeping in class.

"Hmm yes. We learn a few complex spell and mostly magic which works in daily life. Like Anapneo, Aparecuim, Accio, and the fire spell and the cutting spell.

There are too many to count if now I think about it," Orion replied with a bored tone, he hardly used those spells, he either used Force or didn't rely on spells at all. Mostly his intent do all the work for him. No need to rely on funny-sounding spells. 

Flitwick's eye twitched again, this happened much last year. Orion uses wandless and spells less magic. At first, just like others he too was amazed but later on he realised that the boy didn't use a spell in the first place. It's pure intent. 

He is not sure whether to curse at this situation or laugh. 

"Thank you, Mr Ambrosius, please sit down." Filtwick mood about knowing more about Orion was gone, Orion didn't say anything wrong but those professors and even his classmates just glared at Orion. 

They all had to memorise thousands of spells and even practice them until they were proficient in them, and then this guy came along.

Need to lift a chair, wave a hand. 

Need to transform a jar into a glass, wave a hand. 

Need some light, wave a hand. 

With just a wave of his hand, he does everything which they have to work so hard to do, and that too with a wand. 

"Ms Granger can you please further explain what we learned last year," Flitwick didn't care, it was his mistake to even expect a normal response from Orion. 

Hermione after being pointed out by Flitwick, has to turn back to her know-it-all persona and explain everything to the class. 




"Okay, there are too many spells for us to practice today. So let's just focus on the most difficult ones. I believe Engorgio it is. 

Let's practice that," Flitwick said.


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Chapter 162: Chapter 162 : Charm's Class 2 (Bonus Chapter)

Engorgio is an enlarging spell which in theory enlarges any object it comes in contact with but that is the layman's definition. 

Orion knew better, it not just enlarging, it was also a creation of matter itself through magic. And this is the reason why so many wizards can't do this spell, they just don't have the magical power to pull that off. 

Students were taught this spell but in reality, it's only been used in small things like enlarging a match stick or a leave. Something easy but still not many students can do it. 

"Okay let's see it then, here enlarge these match sticks," Flitwick said as he flicked his wand and multiple match sticks flew towards all the students.

"Go on, it's fine if you can't do it but give it a try. Remember there are times you are doing everything right and even then you won't be able to person this spell, it requires much powerful magic, and that is why only this spell is not in your Syllabus. But here in Hogwarts, we still teach the spell just before it could be useful and this is also very important for later studies if you are going into deeper studies in Transfiguration or alchemy." Flitwick said and then observed all the students.

Both Rose and Daphne took out their wands just like all the others around them, doing the practised and hones wand movement and making sure to pronounce the spell correctly. Many to date weren't able to do this spell currently. Daphne was one of those people. Her magic wasn't strong enough right now. And so the case was with Hermione. 

But Rose did it. And a few more people like Nick and Malfoy.

Orion on the other hand just yawns as he observes the match stick in front of him. Wondering what the point of still continuing Hogwart is. Just drop out already. 

'Maybe I can create my very own Magic School. What should I name it Kamartaj or maybe Raya Lucaria,' Orion just smiled and didn't even bother to do the spell for himself. He was more interested in seeing what others were doing.

After wasting some time, Flitwick who was getting annoyed at how Orion wasn't paying attention in the class, finally had it enough and walked up to him. 

"Mr Ambrosius, why are you not performing the spell," He asked though there wasn't much heat in his tone, he already knew that Orion could do the spell. 

"Ah nothing nothing, was just interested in how others are doing...

Here Done," Orion said with a smile and just waved his right hand once, and to Filtwick's amazement, the matchstick grew in front of his own eyes.

He saw the matchstick which was 10 times bigger now with a complicated look. Even he a professional charms master can't do what Orion with so casually. Engorgio is already a hard spell to perform, so doing it without a wand is out of the question.

And here is this child who did it effortlessly without a spell let alone with a wand. More than awe, there was contemplation on his face. 

"Very good, Mr Ambrosius. May I ask how you did the spell wandlessly," Flitwick asked in curiosity. Usually, he wouldn't have but considering that Orion will be teaching wandless magic for this year, his feat really just intrigued him.

"Hmm, well it's hard to explain but you could read chapter 3 of my new book. There I have explained the basics of wandless magic.

Doing simple wandless magic with that is possible, but when it comes to this magic. Well, it's kind of hard. It highly depends on the control and power of intent of individuals." Orion said offhandedly.

Doing something like high-level wandless magic now has become child's play for Orion. Although he had the personal mentorship of the prince of enchantments himself even then it's not an easy task to perform wandless magic.

Orion only is able to do wandless magic becuase of his very powerful intent. Something he developed at an early age thanks to all that hard training with his integration training. Later on, he got the lottery of the century and improved his magic circuits, bringing his magical control to par with the likes of Merlin himself. 

And now after three years of tough training under Merlin, this kind of magic is nothing for him. But others might never be able to achieve even 30% of his capabilities. 

Even with his book, it's not gonna be easy. Merlin did put some small tricks in the book so that ordinary wizards and witches could do wandless magic, though the most basic one, is just a trick and nothing more. 

Even with his book, if someone wants to learn real wandless magic then they have to train for a long time and also have to have some kind of talent as well. 

Flitwick after hearing this just nodded, he understood Orion's personality by this point. This student of his won't leave any chance to promote his product and boost his sales. Here he thought that Orion was doing the same. Little did he know that Orion actually just doesn't want to go into this level of wandless magic. 

Explaining why Filtwick won't be able to do this magic is troublesome. After reading the book, he will understand himself. 

Rose on the side pouted while Daphne sent envious gazes towards Orion. At least Rose was able to perform the spell, doesn't matter wand or no wand. She can't do the magic at all. And then there was this man. 

Daphne looks at Orion like a tigress looking at her prey. Orion too wouldn't mind it if this look was given to him by a beautiful girl in a different content but this wasn't it. 

Orion subconsciously activated his infinity, just in case. 

The class itself was quite fun, it was easygoing. Not at all like how hard Orion was training for the last 3 years in the training chamber. It was nothing less than hell.




"Did you have to show off like that ?" Daphne was visibly deflated. Its one thing to fail but seeing your friends passing where you fail. 


"Show off? when did I do that." 

"What was that Wandless magic then," Daphne chidded.

"The only kind of magic I do. You out of all the people should already know that I no longer even carry a wand with me," Orion just rolled his eyes and said.

This sends another critical strike to both Rose and Daphne. Their joking mood is gone. It was just another of those times when they realized how far head Orion is and how strong the guy who used to ask them to do magic in his daily like had grown. 

"Hey, you told me that you will be teaching us right, when?

I can't wait to use wandless magic to throw some cream pie at your face," Rose shouted. 

"Is that a UK pie or American Pie," 

"huh? What does that matter," 

[A lot]

"A lot," 

"Anyways if you want to learn then wake up early morning every day from tomorrow onwards. meet me at the outside ground at 5 am." 

"Huh, why that early," Both Rose and Daphne asked in surprise.

"When else if not then. All day we got class, and if you wanna use the little free time we got, just check out how crowded the entire ground is by then." 

"But that too early, when we gonna sleep ?" Both Rose and Daphne whine. 

"I wake up every day before that time since I joined Hogwarts. When do you think I sleep," Orion snorted. Girls and cuteness on one side, but there will be no nonsense with him when its comes to magic and practice. 

There was a pouting look on both of the girls but at the same time, there was a little respect. They knew that Orion is very hard working since day one. Without working hard, they have no right to long for that kind of power as he has.

"Okay okay, let's get going," Orion didn't care after this he just walked off, next class was Transfiguration.


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