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47.56% HP/DxD: Raven / Chapter 37: The Sorting

Chapter 37: The Sorting

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat or Ko-Fi.


Word Count 4700


"Harry..Harry" Hope kept shaking Harry, trying to wake him up.

"W-hat" Harry replies groggily

"We are almost there" Hope raised him from his lap "You also told me to remind you about some sort of Map." 

That seemed to get Harry's attention. He immediately sobered up.

"A map?" both Daphne and Tracy said at the same time. And looked at echoer in surprise

Tracy quickly grinned "Jinx! You can't talk now"

"Nice one squirt" Dora laughed at Daphne's expression.

"Daffy. Don't lose" Astoria cheered her big sister, not realizing she just made things more difficult. Daphne almost berated her sister for calling her 'Daffy' in public.

"Hey Astoria don't call out her name. You know the rules. If someone calls her name 10 times she can talk, but then its a tie. If Daphne can stay silent till the end of the day she wins. If she talks I win. Oh and when i win I want a whole bag filled with candy and chocolate. Muhahaha" The little brunette laughed out loud, annoying Daphne

'Ahhh, was I ever that small and cute? I don't remember my first year being like this' Dora smiled as she enjoyed the show. There was something wholesome about this. Then she turned to Harry who was ignoring them. 'The brat has a rock instead of a heart. Definitely. Or and ice heart. How can you not smile at these cute kids'

Harry was focusing on conjuring a folded piece of parchment and enchanting it to fly around the train at high speed.

He then used a little divination to find the Weasley Twin's compartment. There were already students in the train corridor. Harry used magic to open their door. 'Accio Maxima 'Marauders Map' 

~ Weasley Cabin

The Weasley Twins looked at the door in surprise as it opened by itself.

"Fred" George called out

"Yes, less handsome version of me" George replied with some banter but he was looking at the door just like his twin

"Didn't we lock that door with a few spells after we got in"

"I believe we did, funny that. Did the spells wear off"

But before they could say anything. One of their trunks snapped open and a piece of parchment flew out of it and into the corridor.

Both twins turned to each other with wide eyes and jaws dropped, before they bolted out of their seats and ran after the map. "" Get Back HERE! ""

They tried to Accio the map back but there were too many people. They lost sight of the Map for a single second before they located it again. And this time the map was even faster.

"Someone from the front of the train must have summoned it" Fred yelled out

George nodded "We have to get it back. Our lives as pranksters depend on it! Move out of the Way!!"

They kept running forward, pushing people out of the way. Unknowingly passed by a compartment that held the real Map. Harry smirked as he slowly closed the cabin door.

~ MC Pov

'Nice, now i can monitor people in the Castle. This should make my life a lot easier' Harry stuffed the Map in one of the many pockets in his coat.

He had dozens of them, and all of them had the space inside the pocket expanded. He carried books, research equipment, potions, poisons, weapons and his familiars with him at all times.

"Oh you changed into your school uniforms." Harry said as she looked at Daphne, Tracy and Dora.

Dora resisted the urge to facepalm "God you are slow"

Harry shrugged "Meh, the school uniforms are ugly. I automatically ignore useless information. There are much better things to think about and remember. Ordinary people fill their brain with all sorts of rubbish. My brain is perfect, a freaking work of art. A magnificent, glorious palace. And I intend to keep it that way"

Dora's jaw dropped at the sheer arrogance the boy was saying.

Hope just sighed "Nym, he is messing with you. But the was saying the truth about the uniform. When he goes into research mode you could be floating in the air, in front of him and he won't even register you. Quite frankly the only thing that i can think of is being naked or half naked. He would most likely look at you and give you a compliment then, call you an perverted exhibitionist before going his way."

"He will compliment and insult you at the same time? What's with that? A..a..a complesult. Umu. A Complesult" Tracy crossed her arms and nodded at herself, proud for discovering a new word.

Harry just smiled "I like this one, she is weird and funny"

Hope and Dora turned to him with a deadpan face ""You have no right to say that""

Daphne just put her hands on her face 'Why me~, I'm too young to go insane' the blond girl just lamented her fate. She was the only one, somewhat normal amongst the group. And she was in quite the crazy ride.


The train arrives at Hogsmeade Station, which was near the Black Lake. The station is positioned on the other side of the lake compared to Hogwarts. It was traditional for First Years to go to Hogwarts from the station, and go back with the boats at the end of the year. The Seventh Years also go back via boats after their graduation, going back the same way they arrived.

'I quite like that tradition' Harry mused as he watched a giant man come to them.

"Firs' years! Firs' Years, this way please" Hagrid started to call out

"I'll see ya later" Dora waved at them as she went to the carriages.

"C'mon now, don't be shy" the giant man smiled at them "Ello, my name is Hagird, Keeper of Keys at Hogwarts. I am to take all of you to Hogwarts. Follow me" Hagrid started to walk to the boats once he saw that most of the kids started to follow him, through the steep and narrow path in the dark forest. More than a few students slipped at the wet stone. But after they got out of the forest, many children gaped and exclaimed in wonder as they got their first look of Hogwarts.

Harry grudgingly admitted that it was beautiful. The Black Lake reflected the moonlight and the stars, and on the other side of the lake it reflected the castle with its many turrets and towers.

'The Founders really knew what they were doing. Well that or they just payed someone to design the whole thing'

After walking for a few minutes, they reached the boats.

"No more than Four on a boat!" Hagrid called out, pointing to the small fleet of dinghies. Harry got near one of the tiny boat's and put his palm on the rough wood. After a few moments he sighed

'Well I shouldn't have expected anything in the first place. What a simple enchantment. These boats are at least 50 years old. They must replace them every few decades, the first ones must have rotted off in few hundred years.

But instead of making the same high quality enchantments they chose for the cheap option, and have kept doing that. Over and over again. Then again this method also has its perks. Its cheap and easily doable even if it doesn't last as long"

"You four get on the boat" Harry turned to the four girls behind him. Tracy, Daphne and Astoria were confused but got in the Dinghy. Hope as the one who knew Harry the longest instantly knew what he was about to do.

"Just why.." she sighed out as she also got in the boat. Harry smirked at her "Is there any other reason? Research of course"

Harry reaches into his coat and pulls out a cigarette and lights it. His special mix that acts like a Pepper Up potion. He calls it a Fluxie. And plans to sell them once he has upped production methods. More money means more stuff he can by to trade for rare materials. He already spent half of his wealth including the 'treasure' he 'acquired' from Voldemort... against Melinda and Hope's advice. But thanks to that he got himself more rare materials to experiment with. And its not like he can't make the money back.

"Hey! You said you won't use those as much" Hope sighed while rubbing her temples. Taking care of Harry was not an easy job with how eccentric he is.

"I lied. Plus besides being addictive it has no negative effect on the body. I can't say the same for tobacco. In this case its more like sugar. But with no rotten teeth or any bad effects on the body like diabetes or heart disease. The world should thank me, I just made it a better place"

Hope facepalmed "Yeah and and the increased population of insomniacs due to people being able to stay awake much longer which will mess up their sleep schedule"

Harry stepped on the water, but instead of his foot sinking he stood on the top of the surface. "I'm handling it pretty well aren't I?"

"Whoa!" "Look!" "He is standing on water" "My mum will never believe this"

"But that's Impossible! And why isn't he in uniform"

Harry had to double back at the tone of the voice. The owner of the voice was a young girl with large bushy hair and bucktooth teeth. 'Right forgot about her, I'll just ignore her existence. Kid is smart but also so very stupid at the same time. Her absolute belief in Authority Figures makes her useless to me'

Harry started to walk to the center. With each step he sent out a pulse of magic from his feet. Like a sonar, he was looking for the 'Giant Squid'.

After a while it finally appeared. Its tentacles started to go towards Harry but stopped once it realised that 'the child' wasn't in any danger.

Harry just grinned once it got close enough 'Giant Squid my ass. There are Eight Tentacles on that thing. This lake must have a small underwater channel that connects to the ocean. That's how this thing got here, but it grew too big and couldn't go back.

Harry got a clear mental image from the sonar. The creature wasn't a squid it was an octopus. And not any big octopus...

It was a Kraken. 'It must be one of Kraken's spawns. It got lost and traveled through the the underwater channel and got stuck here. This thing is more than a thousand years old. After all it was fully grown when the Founders got here to make Hogwarts.

The Belmont's had a few books on the Kraken. Assuming it takes a few hundred years to mature, and be at this size when the founders found it. This Kraken should be around 1500 years old, give or take a hundred years.'

Power rushed throughout his body as his greed was in full display 'I wonder how much power I will get it I kill this thing through the Rite of Conquest?'

The thought was far too tempting, but Harry calmed himself using Occlumency, it was lucky that he was ahead of everybody else and they couldn't see his expression. 'Don't be stupid. Its ancient, and powerful. I can't sense any of its power due to how deep it is. If it was around 1500 years it must be at least High Class, if not borderline Peak High Class. I have more than enough time to grow strong enough to kill it. Wait a bit ya giant squid. I will make takoyaki out of you sooner or later'

(A/N I actually don't like takoyaki. Tried it, not my thing)


After the students got off the boats Hagrid led them to the big doorway. The doors swung open together and a tall black haired lady in dark maroon robes stood there. She had a stern expression on her face as she looked over the students. She had dark hair tied in a bun, green eyes that were behind square shaped glasses and thin lips

Minerva McGonagall. Deputy Headmistress ,Transfiguration Professor and Head of Gryffindor. 

'A big mistake on her part to have all those positions' Harry mused to himself ' She should ditch the last two and only focus on running the school, since Dumbledore obviously sucks at the job.'

"The first years are here, Professor McGonagall" Hagrid said proudly, poor fellow doesn't get much to do so he takes pride in anything Dumbledore tasks him

McGonagall nodded "Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here. Follow me" she turned around and led the students in the entrance hall. Stone walls were lit with flaming torches and high ceiling. The entire castle had a cold and somber mood, with all the various armors, shields and flags placed near the walls.

"Welcome to Hogwarts" McGonagall spoke to the nervous and jittery first years. She also glanced at Harry's group who were as calm as ever.

"The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the great hall you will be sorted into your Houses. The Sorting is a crucial ceremony because, while you are here your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts"

Harry withheld a snort 'Yeah, Family. OG Harry was abandoned twice. Once for the Chamber of Secrets incident and another time for the Tri Wizard thing. Then there was the abandonment in the Fifth Year when the Prophet called him Crazy for saying Voldemort is back'

"You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your House dormitory and spend your free time in your House common room"

'Hmm, so like a Prison Cell Block, now that I think about it' Harry mused to himself. 'How ironic. Harry escaped one prison 4 Privet Drive, only to end up into another Hogwarts'

Suddenly Harry stopped and froze. His eyes narrowed.

'4 Privet Drive... I hit them with a necklace that causes misfortune to deceive Dumbledore. Now that their role is over I should go and kill them. Blood Magic is dangerous. Theoretically they if they create some kind of Barrier Zone to make a Prison and use my relatives as a or just trap them on the outside and link the Prison with them, I wouldn't be able to escape, not right away. I'll do it over the weekend.'

McGonagall continued her speech "The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts your triumphs will earn you House Points, while any rule breaking will lose house points. At he end of the year the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours."

'Heh a great honor. The whole system was placed to keep the students in check through sheer peer pressure. No student who cared about his social life would want to lose points. It would jeopardise their social standing amongst their peers. Its stupid how well it worked, only Slytherins and the Weasley Twins don't care about the system. Snape fixes all of Slytherin's points by unfairly taking points from other students. And the Twins were clever enough to figure out how useless the system is. After all only the House gets the House Cup for only a year. The students themselves gain nothing.

So they decided to abuse the system and test their future 'products' on students. Worst case they lose points and sometimes have to do detention. And in return they gain valuable date for their 'prank items. I'd be quite impressed by them if they weren't such big bullies.'

McGonagall stopped a bit further away in front of two large wooden doors.

"The Sorting Ceremony will being momentarily. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up in the few moments you have while waiting" Her eyes lingered on a few people whose clothing was ruffled up, especially a certain red haired firstie. She then opened the doors slightly and entered, quickly closing them behind her.

A blond kid with two 'bodyguards' stopped near Harry and his group "So its true then? What they are saying on the train. Harry Potter really came to Hogwarts"

Harry glanced at the kid 'Wow he really does look like a ferret' "Obviously. I mean I am getting paid a lot of money just to be here." he replied in a cold tone.

Draco somehow felt some pressure from the taller boy. He glanced at the boy's company and was suppressed. 'Greengrass? Father said she was going to be my future bride. What is she doing with Potter? And why the blazes is her little sister here?' He then laid his hand on the beautiful older auburn haired girl near Potter. She looked to be around 15 with beautiful features and a curvy body. But as Draco was only 11 and hormones haven't kicked in, she was just 'pretty' to him.

He caught himself looking and coughed in his hand, trying to imitate his father.

"This is Crabbe and Goyle" He tilted his head to boys who were a bit behind him on each side to introduce them "I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy, and I would like to be your friend"

"Hey! Harry Potter is going to be my best friend!" a red haired student barged into the conversation

Malfoy took a look at him and snorted "Heh. Red-hair, hand me down robe and poor attitude, along with being poor in general. You must be a Weasley. "

"My name is Ron Weasley you prat" Ron growled "And Harry certainly won't be a friend to a son of a Death Eater"

Draco flushed red in his face "HoW DaRe YoU! My father is innocent. He was Imperiused by the Dark Lord"

"Ha, that's what all the Death Eaters say. Harry Potter won't make friends with scum like that"

Harry had enough of their bickering. He pulled out his wand and pointed it at them, casting a silencing charm on them. Chantlessly/Wordlessly

He could have done it without a wand. But an 11 year old doing wandless magic is a bit too much. If he is a potion genius it could be explained by his enormous talent and lots of potion practice. Even the chant less part can be explain because Hogwarts students learn it in their 6th and 7th year.

But rarely do wizards do any wandless magic. And only wizards who are in their twenties and have great magical talent can even begin to do it. Ordinarily that is.

"Now let me make myself clear. I have no desire to be friends with either of you. I didn't come here to make friends. They are paying me just to stay in this castle. Not what I will be doing here. I will be continuing my research and if any Student or Staff bothers me... things will get ugly fast. That applies to the rest of you as well don't bother or talk to me"

A bushy haired, buck teethed girl was about to ask him something but stopped herself when she saw his cold face and the threat he delivered

At that moment McGonagall entered back into the hallway. "Come now. The sorting ceremony is about to start. Form a line and follow me"

Harry subtly undid the spell he placed.

""But-"" both of the boys pointed at Harry and spoke up but stopped once they realised they could talk.

"Yes, yes, its Harry Potter. Now come along now" she quickly started to walk, and the two boys had no choice but to silently glare at Harry and follow her.

With the her in the lead, the new students through the pair of double doors, who opened on their own as she got near them. The students saw the Great Hall for the first time. It was lit by thousands and thousands of candles that floated in midair over four long tables.

On the tables sat the entire school's student body. And at he end of the hall there was a circular platform that was a bit raised from the ground. All of the staff's tables were about 5 meters away from the platform. Their tables were placed half circle around the platform, the headmasters chair was in the middle on a long table with two professors on each side. There was additional table on both sides of the main table where two professors each sat at.

(A/N I like the Hogwarts Legacy design better)

Harry's eyes immediately raced across the Hall. Quickly taking the position of the professors, students and guests. Dumbledore, Snape, Quirrelmort(Quirrell+Voldy). And various reporters. Even that fool Fudge was here.

"Don't look at anybody in the eyes. They use Legilimency" Harry whispered to Hope, Daphne, Tracy and Astoria

"Eh?" Tracy gasped in surprise before covering her mouth. Daphne placed her palm on her head and lowered her head slightly to look a bit closer the floor. "Harry doesn't joke around"

"Hmm, the Minister of Magic is here" Hope commented, suppressed that a man as important as him is here

Harry chuckled "Of course he is. He is here to milk this thing as much as he can to boost his ratings. He is after all spending a lot of money to keep me here"

The students kept on walking "Its not real the ceiling. Its just bewitched to look like the night sky. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History"

McGonagall stopped the students in front of the platform. "Will you wait along here please. Now before we begin Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words"

Dumbledore stands up from his chair "I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce. First years please note that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also the third floor corridor is out of bounds, as it is being 'renovated'.

Now as all of you have probably heard we have a special student this year. Harry Potter has joined Hogwarts under some very special conditions. That's why there are also press members and Ministry officials with us at the start of this school year. Now" Dumbledore narrowed his eyes at Harry as the boy calmly walked.

He was still wearing the same outfit. Green Cloak, Emerald earing and a Monk staff.

"Ha-'Cough.Cough' Mr. Potter." He quickly cleared his throat "Why have you brought a dark creature with you? And an young girl with you? " Dumbledore said in a serious tone, he had caught himself, his bad habit almost cost him even more. Harry won't let a single slip up go. He did however call out the girl by Harry's side.

Harry having a dark creature with him was troublesome. But maybe he can get a favor by letting her stay with the boy. "And why are you smoking?" the last part he said with a confused expression.

The boy in question just took a deep puff. "Because it calms me down. It isn't tobacco by the way. I invented this, I call it a Fluxie. It has a similar affect as a Pepper Upper Potion but with less to no side affects. I will be selling them soon for those who are curious. 'I'm calling it that to mostly mess with the wizards. They will probably think that Flux Weed is part of the ingredients, when I haven't used any at all'

"And as for the Dark Creature you are speaking off. This is Hope Michaelson. She is my bodyguard and assistant. I believe the deal was for me to bring my own people into the castle. As for the little girl next to me. This is Astoria Greengrass. My Potion Apprentice"

Harry had decided to bring Astoria with him because she is at the best age to quickly absorb knowledge. She will learn and improve much faster with him. And she will be closer with her sister. They will be able to visit their mother once a week.

This shocked both the staff and the reporters. 'A Dark Creature as an Assistant and a child as an Apprentice? What is he thinking'

"Mr. Potter. It would be too dangerous to allow her into the Castle" Dumbledore pressed, trying to see how he can take advantage of the situation.

"Yes I agree" Fudge nodded along, also seeing where Dumbledore was going

Harry chuckled "You seem to be confused. I'm saying you have no choice. Hope comes with me or I don't come at all. I need her to conduct my experiments. This is not up for debate. You have already accepted my terms. You do not get to change them now"

Both of them had ugly expressions on their faces

'Interesting' Quirrelmort mused 'So he doesn't mind Dark Creatures and actively uses them to his advantage. Judging by the feeling I'm getting from her she is a Hybrid. A good choice for a bodyguard. They aren't as wild and uncontrollable as werewolves and vampires. Maybe I should get one as well.'

Hybrids are actually quite a threat to wizards as they are much weaker than the rest of the world who considers Hybrids weak.

"Mademoiselle Michaelson. Where did you meet Monsieur Potter" A French reporter quickly asked.

Hope glanced at Harry who slightly nodded "Harry saved me when I was very little. He took me in as a part of his family. They raised me and took care of everything I need. In return I decided to protect and help Harry with my life. I studied hard to be able to assist him with his research."

"Hope is in her final year at Salem. Or would have been in her final year if we weren't pulled over here. I plan to tutor her myself for her final year tests" Harry added along

Many of the reporters were impressed. Salem's exams were notorious for its difficulty and this girl was so young.

"Very impressive for a 15 year old like yourself Miss Michaelson" another reporter commented

"Ummm, I'm 13" Hope awkwardly corrected the man.

Rita Skeeter jumped at this opportunity "13 you say? Hmmm, now how would a young girl like you look so mature. Mr. Potter also looks older than he should. Could you be using illegal potions and rituals?"

Harry pointed his staff at her Quick Note Quill and it burst into flames, surprising the woman "I though I said I dislike that thing Mrs. Skeeter. And no we didn't use anything illegal. We use rare potion ingredients and original potions I brewed to provide the best nutrition and stimulate our growth."

"Enough, you can question him later. We need to start the ceremony. Sigh, we will allow them to stay with you Mr. Potter. But if she harms the students it will be on you" Dumbledore warned

"I fully expect her to" Harry shrugged his shoulders, his casual attitude shocked many people "I specifically ordered Hope that if anybody in this castle wishes to do me any sort of Harm, she has permission to kill them. This was also approved by MACUSA"

Before anybody could reply to that Sorting Hat started to sing

[ Oh you may not think I am pretty...]

Blah blah blah. 

Harry's brain canceled out the song. He has read it so many times in various fiction work of Harry Potter that if he listens to it one more time he will burn the hat.

[ Cap, Sorting Cap...

Gryffindor for the stupid, reckless and 'Cowards' ...

Ravenclaw for high stung, bullies and 'Foolish'...

Hufflepuff for the losers, 'Selfish'...

Slytherin for 'Unambitious' purebloods who willingly became slaves...

For I'm a Thinking Cap!] 

(A/N The whole Hufflepuff house bullied Harry in Year Four. For stealing their 'thunder') 

'Thank God its over... Right, I keep forgetting he is dead'

Dumbledore coughs lightly "Since we have a special student this year, we decided it would be better for him to go first." he looked at Harry, but his eyes had a small glint, which he quickly hid.

But Harry noticed it 'What is the old goat planning'


I will end the chap here. Otherwise it will really turn out to be too big. I might make some mistakes if I haven't already. If you find anything off about this chap please tell me and I will fix it .

Next Chap: Sorting Part 2 (Thats where the scene to inspire the fic is)

Alcoholic_Panda Alcoholic_Panda

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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