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Chapter 23: Experiment and Meeting

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Word Count 3000


On the ship.

Harry just gave the Greengrasses a rundown of the Supernatural World. To say that they were shocked would be an understatement. Lady Greengrass passed out.

Astoria and Daphne were just terrified. As they say, ignorance is bliss.

'Well, now that they know what's waiting out there in the big bad world. That there are people who are thousands of times stronger than Voldemort. They might actually train or just study more to protect themselves. Or they will just continue their lives as usual. Huh i wonder what they will chose' Harry mused as he pointed at Lady Greengrass "Enervate"

The spell brought the woman back from unconsciousness 

"Rise and shine. So what do you think about the world now" 

"It's scary" Astoria said with tears gathering in their eyes

"It sucks even more " Daphne said bluntly, she started expressing herself more once she realized Harry didn't give a damn about her and how she talks. As long as she doesn't insult anyone in the household she would be fine. And it's also the way Harry talks.

' My life seems to be like a downward spiral. The only question is how far does it go... With my luck all the way to Hell. Oh wait, there are people living in Hell.'

"You just basically told me that humans are like livestock for the different factions and that all of us wizards are just barely stronger than humans. With the exceptions of Dumbledore, Grindelwald and the Dark Lord" 

Harry just facepalmed at the woman's words. "Why are you magical so stupid? First, you tell me that you believe that magic is something that is determined at birth then you call Moldyshorts a Dark Lord and Grindlewald just by his name. 

He was a much better Dark Lord than Tom Riddle. Riddle fought a war in a tiny island and he could only win by using terror and guerrilla tactics. If you wizards had a bit more brain you would realize that you outnumber them like 15 to 1. There are around 3000 wizards and witches in Britian. Around 200 of them were Death Eaters. Just surround the morons in a semi-circle cast 'Avada Kedavra' and watch them fall like birds."

'Now that I think about it magic is kind of rare in Britan. Only 42 wizards in 1 million humans. Then again these idiots keep killing each other off. While the American Wizarding society is thriving.

Pathetic such long history reduced to this...

Got off topic' 

The girls stood there as they listened to Harry's rant

"Grindlewald terrorized all of Europe and even a bit of the US. Now that is a Dark Lord. Apparently the only wizard with any IQ at all because he realized that magic can be increased through training. Voldemort used a LOT of Rituals, and Dumbles now using some due to his old age getting in the way"

"Wait. I know for sure that Grindlewald used Rituals" Ophelia spoke up

Harry rolled his eyes "Different kind of Rituals. I use rituals. But not to directly increase my strenght. Mine act more as support or to increase mental functions. Oh and you will be training. I refuse to hold your hand through everything. You can also learn Magecraft. That's what magicians use, the ones you look down on so much."

Harry got their attention again

"Dumbledore, Voldemort and Grindlewald only reached Mid-Class. 

The strongest wizards. From all around the world as far as my knowledge goes reached the beginning of the High Class through years of training. 

Most magicians easily reach Mid-Class and the strongest even Ultimate Class. Those are the people you look down on. The reason why wizards are still alive is because Magicians deem it beneath them to eliminate you. Would you go out of your way just to kill a few monkeys for jumping around and making fun of you?"

Astoria raised her hand "Umm, no?"

Harry couldn't help but chuckle at the little girl "Correct. Have some chocolate" he threw her a small chocolate bar. 

Their lessons were interrupted by Hope as she entered the room. 

The ladies looked at her with vary looks. Mostly because of her eyes. 

Ophelia was the first to speak "Umm, Harry I don't mean to be rude. But you brought us to this ship and started lessons immediately. Who is this girl and how many people are exactly on this ship"

Harry just paused "Oh right. I forgot. Honestly, I just wanted to get the 'data dump' out of the way. This is Hope Michaelson."

Hope did a little bow "I am Harry's servant and assistant,"

"Hope is a TriBrid. Wizard, Werewolf and Vampire. She can completely dominate any wizard in Low Class even at her age. She will also most likely be Lady Potter. So keep that in mind. Anyway what is it Hope" 

Harry turned to the girl to find her blushing and her ears were red. " Umm you said to remind you when its time for today's... dangerous spell creation"

Harry immediately stood up. "Fuck that was today. Ha! Making you my assistant was the best decision I made. I would be lost in my multitasking. Everybody grab your things. You are about to see something special. 

Oh Astoria you will have to stay on the ship. You can read some books or you can go and relax under the sun. We will e right back."

"Awwww." Astoria pouted but her mother gave her a look that sent the little girl running off. But not before she stuck her tongue out and ran while laughing 

~ In the desert at night.

A different one, since Harry usually blows stuff up, leaving a noticeable mark.

"Why did you keep Tori on the ship?" Ophelia asked calmly but this time Melinda answered

"Because the brat is about to do something incredibly dangerous. Greetings I am Melinda Bowen this brat's Master." 

Ophelia gaped at the older woman. Harry Potter's master? 

'I wonder if I can be counted as a master these days. After all the only thing I taught him was basic knowledge and Enchanting.' Melinda thought to herself

"Everbody. I suggest you back away a bit." Harry called out. Hope and Melidna already knew the drill

Ophelia and Daphne were confused before they quickly followed the pair.

Harry pulls out his book and the fountain pen floats by itself. On the book there was just one big title. "Hado 90- Kurohitsugi"

Each spell Harry tries to recreate has its own book. Along with all the calculations and failures. Harry documents everything. When finished. The final version goes in his personal grimoire. 

"Hado 90- Kurohitsugi- Test 69. After the last failure, I have changed up the Arithmitecy and the Magecraft calculations. Trying a different method to create the black panels. Also likely that this move like always will drain me of all my mana" 

Harry starts to talk and the pen was writing by itself. It wrote in spaced and neat cursive.

"This experiment will be used on a captured low-level Death Eater. Capturing him was simple, dangle an animated golem in children's clothes in front of the devil. And he jumped right in to consume the 'mana rich child'"

"Everybody, sheald's up!" Melinda and Hope quickly pulled up some shields.

Ophelia pulled Daphne behind her and cast a 'Protego'

(A/N First is Jap Chant, then English below it. You can skip the Jap one)

Harry closed his eyes and started to focus on his mana. He raised his staff in front of him to help him focus better. His Occlumency and mind-enhancing spells were working in overtime.

Harry started to chant

"Nijimidasu kondaku no monshō, fusonnaru kyōki no utsuwa.

Wakiagari hiteishi, shibire matataki, nemuri o samatageru.

Hakōsuru tetsu no ōjo, taezu jikaisuru doro no ningyō.

Ketsugōseyo, hanpatsuseyo. Chi ni michi, onore no muryoku o shire!!"

( The oozing crest of corruption! Arrogant vessel of madness!

Deny the seething urge! Stun and flicker! Disrupt sleep!

Crawling queen of iron! The eternally self-destructing doll of mud!

Unite! Repulse! Fill with earth and know your own powerlessness!!

As soon as Harry finished the chant. A purple energy beam shot out of his staff and appeared near the Death Eater. The energy split into eight parts, forming corners of a cube around the death eater. A human-sized cube. 

Soon purplish black pannels started appearing.

"Ugh.. I can't move" the Death Eater grunted strong gravity started to press down on him. 

One by one pannels started to complete the cube, completely trapping the man inside. Soon, the purple-black energy formed Sword-like protrusions on the surface (bulge, lumps),

Harry slammed his staff in the ground and yelled out "Hado 90- Kurohitsugi" - (Black Coffin)


All the black swords pierced inwards. A loud noise was heard from inside the box. The sound of dozens of swords cutting into flesh.


Harry fell on one knee, and started to breathe heavily. But that didn't stop him from grinning like a madman.

"Success, the force of gravity was off and it took too long for the box to form. But Version 1 of Hado 90 is complete. Not usable in combat until I reach High Class though. End experiment"

The spell went away, leaving a crushed and cut peace of flesh on the ground. It didn't even look human anymore.

Daphne had to stop herself from throwing up. But she and her mother were thoroughly horrified.

An 11 year old, had created such a horrifying spell. They felt the amount of magic that was used to power it. And it gave them goosebumps.

Harry Potter was monster in human skin. That wasn't the power of a human. Even the Dark Lord couldn't do that.

"Ahhhh. I'm so tired" Harry whined as he rolled his shoulder, poping the bones in his neck and shoulders

"But I finally did it. Hado 90-Version 1 is fully functional." he grinned

"Umm, Mr. Potter. What is Hado?" Ophelia asked politely. She realized that 90 was a number that was given to a spell. But the Hado part confused her.

"Hm?" Harry raised an eyebrow "I categorize these chant spells of mine into three categories. Hado, Bakudo and Kaido. Way of Destruction, Way of Binding and Way of Healing. Each one has 100 spells" Harry didn't mention that most of the spots in all three categories are empty. He still hasn't managed to recreate them. And in the case of the ones that were never shown. He would create his own spells and put them in there.

'300 Original Spells!!' Ophelia's world was spinning. The same with her daughter. Both were now fully terrified of the sheer talent the boy in front of them possessed.

Ophelia felt like laughing out loud 'He was right. Dumbledore, Voldemort and Grindlewald... he has more talent in his little pinky than all three of those Magical Titans combined... I truly wonder if Magical Britain will remain standing once he is done with it'

"Well let's go home. Tomorrow I have to go to the French Ministry to get a certain mutt exonerated. Before someone actually sends him to the gallows

~ A few days later

In the grass clearing near Hogwarts,

This was chosen to be neutral ground for this meeting. But the British Ministry was not happy. Not in the least. They had received news the day before yesterday that Sirius Black was cleared of all charges in the French Ministry.

That Sirius Black was innocent of all crimes and the real culprit Peter Pettigry was in their custody. They had drowned the man in Veritaserum and confirmed the story with their version of The Department of Mystery.

Naturally, they very publicly denied that statement. Going as far as to print the story.

But Amelia Bones knew that the French Ministry would never do this without any proof. So she went to Azkaban to check up on Sirius. Where she was horrified to find nothing. Not only that, but most of the cells in this area of Azkaban were filled with burned corpses. But all of the charms were still showing that they were alive.

She quickly sounded the alarm. She rushed out of the High-Security Area to berate the guards for not noticing only for when she turned around to see everything is normal in the High-Security Area,

There was a large-scale illusion placed on the Arch that connected to the High-Security Area. The guards rarely went there. Why would they when they can just send the Dementors in?

Every once in a while they would take a peek and see if everything was all right.

The news broke out very quickly. Someone had broken into Azkaban. Killed all the prisoners in the High-Security Area except for Sirius Black and Bellatrix Lestrange. They had learned that the incident had happened a few days ago. And they were only made aware of it because the French Ministry had cleared Sirius of all charges.

This was obviously a big embarrassment, Fudge and Britain are turned into a laughingstock by the world. Not only were they wrong. They didn't even have control over their own prison.

Someone walked in killed some prisoners and broke out two of them. Without anybody noticing anything.

Dumbledore quickly tires to get access to Sirius. As the man had legal guardianship over Harry. And it would be a disaster if the knowledge Sirius had got out in the public. Not to mention the man was most likely the next Lord Black.

Sirius and the French Ministry denied him access. This send Dumbledore into a bit of a panic mode. If Sirius and Harry were to meet... he shuddered at the thought.

Now the staff of Hogwarts alongside with a few Ministry officials and Wizengamot, members were waiting for the American representatives and Harry Potter to arrive.

The entire area was covered with Aurors. They couldn't risk messing up this meeting. Alongside aurors, there were an equal amount of reporters. Much to the disappointment and anger of the Daily Prophet who wanted full coverage on the story.

Every newspaper agency from around the world had sent someone to Hogwarts.

'Damn the Americans for spreading the news about this meeting' Dumbledore cursed in his mind. With this many people and reporters here, he can't manipulate the situations as he would have liked


The international Portkey had arrived along side with the American representatives. The reporters immediately started to take pictures.

Dumbledore flinched slightly when he saw the figure that was approaching him. Grandmaster Vincent Griffith. The person who holds Authority on Potions. He was the Nicolas Flamel of the Potion World. And was even older than him.

"Dumbledore" Vincent said in his gruff voice " I hear you are trying to steal my prised student away from me. How bold of you"

Dumbledore had a hard time containing himself. This is why he disliked Vincent so much. The man was too BLUNT! He didn't play the politics game at all.

It irked him of how much more valuable the man was in front of him. Dumbledore may be the only Alchemist in Britain. But America had dozens of Alchemists. And even among them, there were few that could compare to Grandmaster Vincent Griffith in terms of Value.

The man didn't even need to play politics. He just tells the Government what he wants and they deliver. Are they going to say no to him? When he could potentially brew the potion that some day might save their lives.

Dumbledore quickly put on his kind face mask "Ahhh, Vincent. Nothing of the sort I assure you. I am just trying to get Harry to reconnect with his heritage. His mother and father would have wanted him to go to Hogwarts. They had already paid for his education"

Vincent scoffed "Harry has already finished his magical education. And you want him to waste more time here?"

Dumbledore avoided the question, there will be a chance to answer it, but now is not the time. "Speaking off... where is young mister Potter? I don't see him among you"

Vincent smirked "He will be here soon. His method of travel isn't suited for old men like us"

Dumbledore was confused before the sky started to rumble. Everybody looked upwards to see a a greenish red lightning poral appear in the clouds

Many wizards drew out their wands thinking it was an enemy only for a giant snake head to appear out of the portal the next moment.

Many people yelled out in fear. The strong ones just frowned at the snake. As it passed they started to notice more and more details about it. As its head passed there were feathers of different colors all over its body and once it passed through it spread out its giant feathered wings

"Is that a Quetzalcoatl?" Dumbledore asked dumbly

"But headmaster. Weren't those extinct hundreds of years ago" Snape who was beside him asked.

"Heh, not as extinct as you would think. NOBODY HARM IT" Vincent yelled out and people listen to his command.

As the snake approached the ground people started to point "Hey is that a person on its back"

Everybody looked closely as there was indeed someone there.

The Quetzalcoatl gently landed and lowered its head. From it a boy jumped on the ground.

He had black hair and bright emerald-colored eyes. An emerald earring on his left ear. He wore dragonhide boots and pants along with a black Acromantula Silk T-Shirt under his Dark Green coat.

He also carried a golden metal staff. With rings on its top. It looked more like one of those old staff that monks used to carry with them.

He also carried a snake around his neck,

' He looked nothing like the books' Thought the British Wizards

Harry looked at his pocket watch and smiled "Right on time. Let's begin this meeting shall we?"

Harry Potter. The Boy Who Lived has arrived!!


Quetzalcoatl- The Feathered Serpant

Not a Familiar or a pet. You will see the next chap xD

Harry took it to make a false impression on the British wizards. This is War. Misinformation is a powerful tool. Is Harry a Buddhist? Is he religious? Is the staff magical? Does he like these sorts of things?

And when they come prepared to judge him about it later on. he can just say "Oh I just liked the design, but got bored of it" he can mess with them all he wants

But mostly, people wont be that suppressed when he gets another staff in the future. A real Magic Staff. They will think its just another one of his quirks.


Alcoholic_Panda Alcoholic_Panda

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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