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87.93% HP: A Country's Dark Legacy / Chapter 48: The first step

Chapter 48: The first step

Sebastian nodded, "Yes, I need to see him. I need to be there."


Krieg gave him a reassuring squeeze on his shoulder, before leading him to the exit of the library, "Come on, we'll go together. You're not alone in this, Sebastian."


The journey to St. Ulrich Hospital was a blur, and soon they stood at the entrance of the bustling hospital. The smell of potions, the sizzling of wards and enchantments, and the hurried footsteps of both, healers and patients filled the air. Professor Krieg led Sebastian through the labyrinth of hallways until they reached a quiet, and secluded room.

Through the window, Sebastian could see his father lying motionless on the bed, surrounded by a large number of magical instruments and potions. The jumping and unrhythmic beeping of a monitoring charm was the only sound, a stark reminder of his fatal injuries. Professor Krieg placed a hand on Sebastian's back and gently guided him into the room, while saying, "Take your time. I'll be right outside if you need anything.".

Sebastian nodded numbly, before stepping closer and slowly, hesitantly, moving to his father's side. He took his father's hand in his, feeling the weak pulse beneath his fingers.

"Son?", a weak and unsteady voice came from his father.

"Yes, Dad. I am here.", Sebastian answered, his voice shaking.

"Good. They said that my body had been inflicted by several curses. I- I won't make it.", his father slowly said, his body shaking weakly, accompanied by quiet sobs, "Your mother, don't take revenge. Live happily, find a wife, stay awa-", his father said before his voice broke off. The strength in his father's fingers dissipated, and the pulse stopped, accompanied by a long and continuous:


The hand turned cold quickly, before becoming stiff and turning black, an aftereffect of the curses, Sebastian realized.

His father and mother wanted him to live happily, little did they know that Sebastian had long since left behind the innocence and the wish to save people. It had died with the news of his mother's death.


The room began to shake- No, the whole hospital began shaking, cracks appeared on the solid walls, as well as in the air, while the temperature all around him quickly fluctuated, and the door opened with a bang. The last thing Sebastian saw was a red flash.




-Two and half months later

The last two and a half months were filled with training and even more training, personally held especially for Sebastian by Professor Krieg and Professor Kageyama. Of the 30 standard spells and at least 20 unspecified spells more, he would need to be able to cast chantlessly, he could cast 27, a mix of standard spells and spells he created with the help of the two professors.

He learned …

… a lot.

[A/N: Don't worry, no more training description. That's over for many chapters now.]


A lot was an understatement. But after the two and a half months were over, he nailed the test, and now, he was in Berlin with Professor Kageyama on his very first assassination mission, issued by the German Ministry of Magic. And this mission was special for Sebastian in more than one way. It was also the first mission to take revenge for his parents, as their current target was the very muggle, that issued the order for the German GW (Government Wizard) to attack the two foreign wizards, while they completed a trade.



Sebastian was lying flat on the rooftop of a skyscraper at 19:30, and his eyes were focused on the illuminated windows of the top floor of the neighbouring skyscraper, roughly fifteen meters below him. The whole floor was the apartment and also the office of a muggle administrator and direct subordinate of the 'European Directorate of Wizarding Intelligence' (EDWI).

The skyline of Berlin stretched out beneath him, and all he could say was, that it was a sea of twinkling lights and concrete giants. It was beautiful but oppressive, still, there was nothing magical to it. The city was alive, and he could hear the sounds of traffic and the distant echoes of Berlin nightlife, but up here, it was a different world – it was dark, filled with shadows and silence, perfect for an assassin.

The Muggle administrator, Reinhard Klein, was the supervisor of a fraction of the Government Wizards of the EDWI—those that the Muggle governments indoctrinated to carry out their orders. As they had learned through interrogations, most of those wizards despised the wizarding society, seeing them responsible for all the bad in the world. They were truly indoctrinated and manipulated since birth, slaves to follow the governments' orders against wizarding kind. Sebastian's mission was clear: gather intelligence and, if necessary, eliminate any threats – and to him, he was a threat. Tonight, his target was well-protected, but Sebastian was prepared.

Using a pair of enchanted binoculars, he zoomed in on the office. Klein was in a meeting with three vague figures—likely bodyguards or perhaps even wizards themselves. Sebastian noted their positions and routines, mentally mapping out his approach. He watched for an hour, committing every minor detail to his memory, before putting the binoculars back into his cloak.

With a deep breath, he cast a Disillusionment Charm and blended seamlessly into the night. He sprinted to the roof's edge and leapt forward while casting a few wandless charms mid-air to soften his landing on the opposite building and suppress any noise. The transitions between his actions were fluid, almost graceful and clearly practised, as he rolled and scanned his surroundings.

The roof of this building had only one access, a door that was locked, but a quick Advanced Alohomora took care of that. He slipped inside, moving into shadows, even more invisible than the Disillusionment Charm could make him. The corridors were empty and only lit by the lights in the office and a few neighbouring rooms. He navigated through the building while relying on his memory and the mental map he had constructed days before after stealing plans for the building from an archive.

Upon reaching the second corridor, he encountered his first real obstacle—a trio of Wizards, probably Battle Mages as their robes suggested, patrolling the associated rooms. Sebastian pressed himself against the wall, and his mind raced. These were no ordinary guards, and their rank was higher than expected; their presence meant that Klein expected trouble to come. He would have to take them out, one by one, without raising an alarm.

The first Battle Mage was the closest, a tall figure with a menacing aura. Sebastian focused, channelling his magic without a staff, it wasn't fit for this occasion. He cast a silent Incarcerous and conjured ropes that wrapped around the wizard, binding him tightly. The mage struggled, eyes wide in shock, but Sebastian was already moving and stabbed a knife which had slipped out of his sleeve into his back.

The second wizard, alerted by the stiffness of his partner, turned just in time to see Sebastian's figure shimmer into view. Before he could react, Sebastian flicked his wrist, and a wave of small cutters blasted the mage backwards, slamming him into the wall, but not before Sebastian had transfigured the wall to make no noise and to be sticky. Still, the impact was hard enough to knock him unconscious, and Sebastian wasted no time moving on to the third after throwing a poisoned dart.

The last one was more prepared and cast a shield as soon as Sebastian approached – he wasn't quick enough to incapacitate them instantly yet. But Sebastian was fast enough for now. He cast a spell that turned the floor beneath the mage into ice, causing him to slip. As the enemy wizard struggled to regain his footing, Sebastian sent a wandless modified Confrigo, destroying the shield in one hit. A swift lightless stunner stopped the wizard's attempt to defend himself, Stupefy was still Sebastian's fastest spell, both in casting and speed of the spell.

The corridor was clear, and Sebastian recast his Disillusionment Charm and continued his way forward. Klein's office was just ahead, its door only guarded by intricate wards, at least when you were ten years behind. Sebastian paused, quickly analysing the magical defences. With a chain of precise movements, he destroyed the wards one by one in a manner that would not activate the caster and finally reached the door.

Inside, Klein was alone, and reviewing documents. Sebastian watched for a moment, to ensure that there were no other hidden traps. Finally satisfied, he stepped inside and closed the door softly behind him. Klein looked up, hearing the quiet noise and his eyes widened in fear upon seeing the hooded figure approaching.

"Who are you?", he demanded in a tone, showing his affiliation with the military and arrogance.

Sebastian didn't answer and cast a wandless Stupefy making Klein slump over his desk, unconscious. He quickly searched the room and found a hidden compartment in the desk drawer, containing a stack of classified documents. Good. Sebastian pocketed them into his backpack, as he knew they probably held valuable information.

After following the protocol so far, he didn't want to wait any longer. His right fist smashed into Klein's head, making it sink into the wood. With a "Knirsh", Klein's nose broke into several pieces and his face caved in. Another hit and the head burst partially open, blood and brain matter splattering onto the wooden desk. The first target was eliminated, but his current mission wasn't over yet. As he turned to leave, the air shimmered, and three more Battle Mages appeared with a portkey. Seems like he still forgot some kind of defence mechanism- no, they probably just supervised his health with an alchemic tool.

Sebastian reacted instantly, casting a shield charm to block the barrage of spells that flew towards him. He retaliated quickly with a spell that sent a wave of electricity through the air, crackling with energy, now he did not need to be quiet anymore. Still, he shouldn't forget that he was on the top floor of a skyscraper.

One wizard dropped, convulsing from the shock, but the other two pressed on with their attack, uncaring about their companion's pain. One of the wizards cast a fire spell, and a vortex of flames roared towards Sebastian. He countered with a spell that turned the flames into a harmless burst of light, a standard spell Professor Krieg drilled into him, then followed up with a hex that caused the wizard's skin to harden like stone, penetrating through the kind of shield currently active around the wizard as it was a kind of transfiguration. Immobilized, the wizard toppled over, unable to move.

The last wizard was more skilled and dodged Sebastian's attacks with swift movements, clearly more trained than the previous two wizards. They exchanged many spells in rapid succession, and the air around them shimmered with sparks of magical energy. Sebastian cast a spell that manipulated gravity subtly, pulling the wizard off his feet and slamming his head into the ceiling. As the mage fell back down, Sebastian finished him with a silent Expulso, the caused explosion echoing through the office. The spell destroyed the strong anti-charm shield and obliterated the defensive enchantments on the wizard's clothes and skin, as he knew they were all experimented on, not seen as humans.

The floor was shattered and in ruins, but Sebastian remained focused and recast his Disillusionment Charm once again slipping out and moving quickly through the building. The documents he'd obtained would be valuable to the ministry, but he had to get out first.

He retraced his steps, avoiding the detections, as he made his way back to the rooftop. The night air was cool and refreshing after the intense battle. He felt good, forget about all that killing, his first target was dead! Like a psychopath in an anime, he walked to the edge of the roof, and jumped with a smile on his face, turning and twisting in a dance through the air. Behind himself, he felt Professor Kageyama's aura appear, he had been with him all the time.

When Sebastian felt Kageyama's hand on his shoulder and was out of the anti-portkey wards, that the wizards that appeared had recast, he activated his portkey. Feeling the familiar pull as he was transported back to his base, he smiled even more brightly, before softly falling onto a mat, his momentum destroyed by the teleportation. He had completed his first mission, but the war was far from over.


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