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96.77% HOW DID I BECOME THE SYSTEM!? / Chapter 29: Epilouge

Chapter 29: Epilouge

In the aftermath of the attack, Musutafu was a city in recovery. The heroes, alongside the emergency services, worked tirelessly to rebuild and restore order. Within a week, the major infrastructure had been repaired, and the streets were once again bustling with activity. However, the scars of the battle remained evident in the form of lingering debris and damaged buildings, cordoned off streets.

For Class 1-A, the days following the attack were a blur of medical treatment and emotional recovery. Most of the class was physically fine, thanks to Izuku and the prompt attention they received in the school's infirmary, but the psychological wounds were harder to heal.

Izuku Midoriya, in particular, was struggling. Ever since waking up after the battle, he had thrown himself into relief efforts, using his quirk to assist in search and rescue operations and to heal the injured. Despite his best efforts, his exhaustion was beginning to show. He spent every waking moment either at the hospital or out in the city, pushing himself to the brink in an attempt to atone for what he perceived as his failure to protect his friends.

Now taking a break in a private hospital room, Izuku Midoriya found himself surrounded by his classmates as he sat quietly by the bed of the room. All of them chatted and greeted each other quietly as they reunited for the first time in days after the attack ended. All of them except a distinct few.

"How's he doing," the voice of Momo asked his sister from out in the hallway, her tone was hushed, trying to avoid being overheard by those in the room. 

He heard a rustle of hair, a head shake he surmised, before his sister responded. "Not good, he's been working himself to the bone ever since the attack. He's barely gotten any sleep and blames himself for what happened to her. At this point, the only thing keeping him going is his power but even that waining."

A distinctly masculine voice followed the sound of popping knuckles and tightening skin, Lida Izuku realized. "And the heroes are just letting this happen, you're letting this happen!?"

His sister sighed in shame and a mix of other harder-to-pin emotions, causing Izuku to begin getting up to check Lida about his attitude. Friend or not, worried for him or not, that was his sister he was raising his voice at. However, before he could even get off the seat, a small series of pops followed by an angry growl from Bakugo stopped him. "Four eyes, watch how you speak to her or you'll need one of these rooms!"

"Stop fighting and keep it down," Momo whispered harshly to them. "Now, while I disagree with how Lida addressed the issue, his questions are valid. Why haven't you, your mother, or really, anyone tried to stop him."

Izuki was silent for a bit before talking, "Well aside from the fact he's too hard-headed for word to work and I can't stop him without enough force to tear up a city block..." her voice went lower and it became difficult for him to make out her words. "The Hero Association temporarily gave him a provisional hero license to legally justify having him help with the relief efforts and no one but mom and me will say anything because his power is convenient for not only search and rescue but healing on site so that the cities hospitals won't get overrun. Plus, they promised to get the best doctors to treat Uraraka if he helped."

Yes, that was right. The reason he wouldn't stop to listen even to his revered elder sister and mother was that Ochaco, lay comatose in the hospital bed, right in front of him regardless of how many times he healed her. The doctors and scientists brought in to fulfill the deal with the hero association believed it was because of the stress of "awakening". The phenomenon where when a person is put under extreme stress, their quirk can gain new or a wider variety of uses.

Izuku confirmed that was a major part of the reason for his [Identify] ability but he also knew that it was because she hadn't deactivated her quirk before going into the coma and the doctors confirmed this as well, albeit a while after him. Now they were looking for ways to forcefully deactivate her quirk so her brain could properly recover from the stress but so far nothing they did was working. Even diving into the systems store hadn't yielded much results as while there were abilities and gadgets to shut down and outright steal quirks they were far too expensive for him to buy.

"What," Lida murmured in what sounded like disbelief. "There must be a mistake, the hero association wouldn't do something dubious."

The other were surprisingly silent in response, almost like they knew or suspected something but weren't going to say it now.

"Setting aside the ethics of the hero association for now," Momo broke the silence. "Izuki, has he spoken to Ochaco's parents yet?"

There was more hair rustling before his sister responded, her voice somber. "No, he's been avoiding them since the attack. Even made it part of his deal with the association that her parent didn't know her special treatment was from him and he kind of made me promise not to say anything."

Uraraka's parents had come by for a few hours every day once the roads were clear and they heard about the state of their only child but he had 'missed' them and continued to 'miss' them every other day after that. How was he supposed to face them when it was his reluctance to use his shadow abilities that caused her to end up like this in the first place?

"Regardless of the circumstances," Kacchan once again spoke, this time calm and resolute. "We should go in and support him." There was a chorus of agreement and the four entered the room. Izuku stopped focusing his hearing on them and let the cacophony of voices from the rest of the class filter back into his ears.

Then Izuku began to nod to sleep so he decided to stop sitting down and stand up while activating what remained of his waning healing powers to boost his body but the strain was evident in the dark circles under his eyes and his slumped shoulders.

Despite his fatigue, Izuku managed a kind smile as his classmates stopped chatting among themselves and focused on him, possibly feeling that now that he wasn't watching over Ochaco they could approach him. They all offered words of support but he was so tired that he could only pay attention to a few.

Katsuki, his stoic demeanor that he had gotten used to softened, as he placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "She's strong Izuku. She's gonna pull through and you've done more than anyone could ask."

Momo nodded in agreement, her voice gentle yet firm. "You've been a pillar for all of us, Midoriya. Take some time to rest. We're here for her too."

Mineta, his eyes unusually determined, added, "Yeah, bro. You've been amazing. Just... hang in there, okay?"

Lida spoke with a reassuring tone. "Midoriya, I've heard that you've been helping the hospitals and first responders around the city non-stop, and while I respect your heroic spirit you need to rest. I'm sure Ochaco will wake up, and when she does, she'll need you to be at your best."

Izuku felt a warmth in his chest, their words bolstering his spirits and power. "Thank you, everyone. I know she'll wake up. I have to believe that and I'll keep doing everything I can for her and the city. But..." He was so dam tired and with the city mostly stable he could afford to rest for a little, right? Besides, it's not like he was doing anything for her by staying awake right now. "You're right Lida."

Their quiet moment of camaraderie was interrupted by the sound of a television turning on. A nurse had entered, shuffling through the bunch of students to test the equipment in the room, and the channel happened to be the news, where a press conference was being broadcast. On the screen, the Chief of Police stood at a podium, flanked by several pro heroes, including All Might and Endeavor. The invisible girl in the class was going to request she turn it on but Izuku told the nurse not to.

"Citizens of Musutafu," the Chief began, his voice solemn, "we have been through a difficult time, but our resolve remains unbroken. The heroes have been working tirelessly to restore order and safety to our city. We ask for your continued support and patience as we rebuild together."

The camera panned to All Might, who stepped forward, his presence commanding attention, especially with that light tan. "To all the victims and their families, know that we are with you. We will bring those responsible to justice."

As the press conference continued, the students of Class 1-A stood together, united in their silent vow to protect and help each other. Izuku glanced around at his friends, and sister, and then at Uraraka's slumbering form, feeling a renewed sense of determination and resolve. "I'll fix this," he said quietly, more to himself than anyone else. "No matter what and I'll be strong enough to protect everyone."

Then it appeared.


[Main Quest]

The system has seen your resolve and recognizes the potential within you and your classmates. To face greater threats, you must first grow stronger together. This quest will test your abilities, teamwork, and determination.


- Ensure Every Class Member is Proficient in Hand-to-Hand Combat [0/18]

- Assist Each Class Member in Developing a Special Move [0/18]

- Organize and Complete Sparring Matches Among Classmates [0/5]

- Successfully Undertake a Rescue Mission Simulation [0/1]

- Defeat 10 Simulated Villains in Team Battles [0/10]

(Bonus Objective)

- Win a Fight Against the Entire Class [0/1]


- Power Gacha Ticket x1

- 200,000 Shop Points

- 12,275 EXP

- Ability: [Quirk Nullification]


As the system notification faded from view, Izuku's mind raced with possibilities. His gaze lingered on the reward section, his eyes widening as he read the new ability: Quirk Nullification. A surge of excitement coursed through him as he immediately realized the potential combat, and more importantly, medical applications of such a power.

"This... this is perfect," Izuku murmured to himself in a barely audible tone of voice. If he could nullify Ochaco's quirk, it would relieve the stress on her brain and aid in her recovery from the coma. Knowing what he must do next, Izuku turned to his classmates, his expression resolute.

"Listen up, everyone," Izuku began, his voice firm but filled with conviction despite his exhaustion. "We've faced some tough challenges recently, but it's made one thing clear: we need to get stronger. But not just as individuals, personal strength didn't get us through USJ, teamwork did. But our teamwork is new, unrefined, a diamond in the rough in need of polishing."

His classmates nodded in agreement and understanding.

"We can't afford to take things easy and wait for the next crisis to strike," Izuku continued, his voice gaining strength with each word. "And with the villains who orchestrated this whole attack still out there, I doubt the next crisis is far off. We need to train, to push ourselves to our limits and beyond."

The class murmured their agreement, his words bringing out their resolve and solidifying it with each passing moment. But as Izuku scanned their faces, he noticed Todoroki standing apart from the group, his expression unreadable.

"Todoroki," Izuku called out, stepping closer to his classmate. "You're a vital part of this team. We need your strength and your skills if we're going to get the most out of this training."

Todoroki hesitated for a moment before speaking, his voice cool and composed. "I appreciate the offer, Midoriya, but I prefer to train alone."

Izuku's heart sank at the refusal, he needed every member of the class to complete the quest. But before he could respond, the television in the corner of the room flickered to life, broadcasting the news conference from U.A.

"My fellow citizens," Nezu began, his voice carrying a weight of authority that demanded attention. "In the wake of recent events, it is understandable that there may be concerns regarding the safety of our beloved sports festival. However, I stand before you today to say this: we cannot let the actions of villains dictate our lives."

His words rang out with conviction, each syllable carrying a sense of determination that resonated with the watching audience.

The sports festival is not just a celebration of our students' talents and abilities," Nezu continued, his gaze unwavering. "It is a symbol of resilience, of our refusal to be cowed by fear. By allowing the festival to proceed, we show the world that we will not be intimidated, that we will not let the villains win."

Izuku's eyes widened at the news, a plan forming in his mind. He turned to the stoic classmate. "Todoroki, you should reconsider," Izuku said. "If you train with us, you'll at least have information on some of your competition. But if you train alone, you'll be at a disadvantage."

Todoroki considered his words for a moment, he already had the measure of his classmates by fighting side by side with them in USJ and from various training exercises the hero course had previously done. Still, he suspected that if they went off and trained with Midoriya, whose quirk alone guaranteed immense progress in training, he might be facing completely different fighters by the time of the tournament. So Todoroki nodded in acceptance of the deal, seeing that only good could come from this. "You have a point, Midoriya. Count me in."

With Todoroki's agreement, Izuku felt a surge of relief wash over him. He was one step closer to achieving his goal, 'I'll save you Uraraka, count on it.'

At that moment, the excitement of the moment and his power subsided, and Izuku felt the weight of exhaustion crashing down upon him like a tidal wave. His vision blurred, and the sounds of his classmates' voices became distant echoes in his ears.

"Midoriya, are you alright?" Momo's voice cut through the haze, filled with concern.

Izuku tried to respond, but his limbs felt heavy and unresponsive. The world spun around him, and he struggled to stay upright.

"Someone catch him!" Kaminari exclaimed, his voice tinged with panic.

Strong arms wrapped around Izuku, supporting him as his knees buckled beneath him. He fought to stay conscious, but it was a losing battle.

"Izuku!" his sister's voice rang out, filled with worry.

And then, darkness.


A/N: Dun dun duuun! Ochaco remains unconscious, Izuki is still alive, and the shady Hero Association is sinking their fangs into young Midoriya! What are their plans for him? What intense training will Class 1-A undergo? And just what is Stella up to?! Find out next time on Dragon—I mean, HOW DID I BECOME THE SYSTEM?! 

Thanks, genskot and real777 for the stones. I'll see all my amazing readers next chapter when class 1-A goes to the lab. 

Also, i messed with Stella and Umbra's fight a bit, made it better to read so check it out.

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