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20% Horrid book system / Chapter 1: A very horrid book
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Horrid book system

Author: Lonely_empressOT7

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: A very horrid book

Xiao Zixin shut his computer with an annoyed sigh, he couldn't believe that he had wasted a complete week of his time reading such a book. The book was absolutely horrid.

The plot of the book seemed to be good, it had started well but along the line, it had become horrible.

The hero of the book Zu Guiren had been a child of destiny, he was destined to be the greatest cultivator. He was the most popular student at the prestigious Everglades academy.

As a result of his looks, which the writer had described as so handsome that flowers blossomed whenever he walked past them, he was pursued by a lot of girls in the academy and even boys too, the hero however had not been interested in any of them until a girl named Ju Mei had joined the academy.

She was the typical female lead, beautiful with the tendency to faint whenever there was danger.

They had both fallen for each other and their love had blossomed, there was only one problem, the villain who to Xiao Zixin's annoyance was named after him. The villain had a unnatural obsession with Ju Mei.

Throughout the book, the villain was constantly trying to break them up. He even ventured into the dark arts so he could be able to grow powerful enough to steal Ju Mei from the hero.

His evil plans had included poisoning Zu Guisen, kidnapping Ju Mei and even holding a marriage ceremony with a drugged Ju Mei. In all the books, Xiao Zixin had read, he had come across a lot of villains but none of them had been as vicious as this villain.

The villain's evil plan had always been thwarted by the hero. The book had ended with the villain falling to his death from a cliff and Zu Guiren and Ju Mei living happily ever after and giving birth to a lot of beautiful babies as well.

Xiao Zixin rolled his eyes, the plot was so basic that even a three year old could write such a book. He took out his phone and texted his friend who had recommended the book to him.

'the book is so horrid, how could you recommend such a book to me'.

He walked to kitchen to drink a cup of water.

While in the kitchen, he noticed one of the pots on the shelf sticking out, he stretched his hand up to push it back inside. He finished drinking his water and put his cup back when he heard a loud creaking sound.

He looked up to see the shelf which held the pots leaning forward. In the blink of an eye, all the pots hit Xiao Zixin and he blacked out immediately.

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