Itachi gazed at his reflection from a nearby river.
"What... is happening?"
Itachi was a 5'10, 21 years old man. He had a fair complexion, his face had a long pronounced iconic tear-troughs, his jet black hair was untied, and framed by centre-parted bangs that reached his chin.
He had no clothes and his lean but buff muscles were shown in all their splendor. Scars littered his body from countless unfortunate encounters, and even more from his battle with his little brother that carried on.
Shockingly, he felt healthy and his vision being the perfect clarity that it was, naturally for an Uchiha anyways.
His nails were no longer painted black and overall, his body was rejuvenated to possibly 200% of his prime.
He activated his Sharingan but was shocked of the results, his regular 3 tomoe appeared but only on a single eye, specifically his left eye which he then turned into it's Mangekyou Sharingan form and felt an unbearable pain, not physically but deep in his heart, his feelings.
He wondered where his right eye, the one that has Amaterasu was but he couldn't know, all he last remembered was breaching over from purgatory to lend Sasuke help.
Itachi stood up and followed the opposite direction of where the river flowed. He kept his Mangekyou Sharingan open in the case that he might need it.
Itachi soon found civilization, but instead of the elemental nations, he saw the world of advanced technology. Everyone had little and bare amounts of Chakra and he marvelled at how they survived without it. There were metal horses of sorts, people with all sorts of clothing and importantly.
It was peaceful.
Itachi observed the people's expressions, he had no clothes and so used his Anbu stealth skills to go unnoticed. Call it by luck, he eventually came across a hanger, without any hesitation, Itachi took whatever clothes there was that was dry and wore them, the size miraculously fit.
It was a white button up long sleeved polo, black slacks and a plain black underwear. He took some socks as well, and borrowed sandals, giving him the comfort of something similar to a Shinobi's footwear.
Now that he was fully clothed, Itachi didn't shy down to being seen anymore and observed the peaceful world like a curious child, he head swung in every direction, taking in everything like a sponge.
The soils were richer, the trees were lusher, unlike the elemental nations, the atmosphere was amazing and the people were happy. It was a peaceful land.
But, Itachi knew better that to peer at the cover only, to look underneath the underneath as he heard once before.
Thankfully, the locals seemed to have spoken the same language as him and he could ask around for the library, the nearest being somewhere in a city, not village but actually a larger space named city, it was something called 'Tokyo'. Since Itachi was already there, he used the Sharingan to pry more information, and avoided hurting the person.
Overall, he found out that to get there, you can walk or use the 'Bus' which is large metal mount that you can use to travel quickly, or so accordingly to the weaker people this new world has.
But, Itachi was curious and decided to ride one, it required money but a little Sharingan fixed them.
The ride was pleasant, he leaned near the window and watched the fast moving imagery of new lands with marvel, he also saw the genius of these 'Bus'. If everyone, including civilians could travel only slightly slower than a casual shinobi, won't everyone have better lives?
It seems, this world makes up for the lack of strength in ingenuity and technological advancements, as expected of a land of peace.
However, when Itachi arrived at this 'City' called Tokyo, he felt his wits fall apart.
Buildings higher than the Hokage's office itself, littered everywhere as if it's casual work, bustling people but each and everyone of them were not killing each other, some children crossed the road accompanied by an elder guardian, men and women dressed in fancy clothes and rushing steps.
Shops that sell items he wasn't familiar with, a truly wonderful world it was.
Sasuke continued on his walk and eventually found the library by asking around.
It was a home of books, few floors high, Itachi quickly looked for the 'History' section and activated his Sharingan, taking in all the information he could by browsing each book in a few seconds, his mastery of the Sharingan helped.
Eventually, he moved to the next section, and the next until he eventually found himself filled with information of this new world, it was named Earth.
There countless theories as to how exactly everything existed, cutting them by the people who believed in science and the ones who believed in religion, Itachi kept impartial on his opinion.
He also learned of history, sadly the library only has the country he was residing in completely detailed, while the other countries were not as much. He also learned mathematics, science and all it's branches, and many other things.
One such thing that fascinated him was about technology, specifically a Yamanaka equivalent of this world that was present to every person, the computer. The library had such things but it required a payment, Itachi used his Sharingan and by passed the payment, he sat in the computer and using the bare knowledge he has, manage to open it.
He then proceeded to drown in even more knowledge, the page called Wikipedia amassing countless and countless amounts of information, even more complex and complete as Itachi scrolled through it, and by the time he noticed, it was already time for the library's closing.
Itachi conceded this time and left dejectedly, he still had to find lodgings, perhaps a hotel.
But, the breathtaking beauty of the night life stopped his brain from working. Lights, bright colorful lights and advertisements of grandeur proportions.
"From being nearly ruined from tragic bombs and war, to something so beautiful. Japan, could the Elemental Nations be like this?"
Itachi pondered, he kept walking, taking in more minute info, eventually he came to find a hotel, it wasn't hard to get a room even without money as his Sharingan did most of the work.
The things called elevator that allows for climbing up floors efficiently have him a sense of flight, it was unusual knowing you're high up in the air yet unable to see so.
When the sound that signified his ended short ttek came, he bid a slight nod to the lady managing the elevator and proceeded to find his room. It was the height of luxury, something he believed surpassed even his days as an young master from Uchiha.
Itachi quietly settled for sleep, his mind was filled with excitem at learning even more tomorrow, he was even ignorant of the fact that he settled into sleeping a lot faster than usual.
Maybe it was being healthy or the assurance of knowing the world was peaceful, but Itachi never rested so well ever since he became the Clan Killer Itachi.
Tommorow, he was going to look for a job.
Itachi woke up early in the morning, despite being in an entirely new world with an arguably new life, nightmares still plagued him and he sought to remedy them, it was detrimental to be bounded by the past.
Sasuke turned out to be in the path of Redemption, Naruto kept his promises, and now it was Itachi's turn to let go and live his new life.
He performed his regular morning exercise that he was forced to cease as he got sicker and eventually he found himself back out of the hotel and walking in the city once more. A job was as simple as it sounded, something you spend energy on, differing in between each jobs and so are the payment. He was no Akatsuki and he will never be anymore, therefore he has to find a stable, fitting one.
Eventually, he found a poster on a nearby wall after a few hours of walking. It was a job offer to teach at the new co-ed school at a town a bit of distance away.
"Kuoh Town, Kuoh Academy, complete education from nursery to college, we are looking for teachers of all levels, if you wish to know more, please contact one of the contact details listed below"
In there was a phone number and an email, Itachi memorized them and went on his way, but first, he made a detour to a phone shop and brought himself a free phone.
A MePhone Galaxy S12.
He read the instruction manual and applied what he learned quickly, and in only 4 minutes, Itachi was already proficient with the device, he then proceeded to contact the school.
(Hello, are you a teacher seeking it be hired? This phone number is for those that has seen the fliers we advertised, if you are not wishing to be a teacher for Kuoh High, please finish the call)
"Ah, I'm applying"
(Very well, then can I know your name and age?)
"Uchiha Itachi, 21"
(Understood, please send us your resume, either online by or by hand, we will begin the interview next week at Friday)
"I understand, thank you very much"
(Have a pleasant day...)
Itachi felt that job recruitment don't usually go that way but he didn't know, he was a nukenin after all. Now, all he needed was to form his existence officially in this world, and craft a fake resume.
Itachi quickly found the specific person he was looking for by using coercion with his Sharingan.
His files were entered into the database quickly, with a sufficient and believable record, he also added education achievements, and finished it well enough that it was basically foil proof. He also did not need to pay.
Itachi swore that he was going to stop using the Sharingan for everything once he earned
enough supply of money to live with.
The next week came by fast and Itachi managed to cram a few bit more knowledge into his head, cramming and comprehending were 2 different things. Itachi was automatic at comprehension even back in his past life.
He stood in front of the school he was going to teach to, it honestly looked very extravagant.
He entered the premise and due to classes not starting yet, the campus was empty, several adults were seen, possible co-workers.
He went straight to where he was told to go, and frankly? He aced the interview, due to his resume, he was given a teacher's test to see if his qualifications were true and he aced it. He was accepted and now officially a teacher at the recently turned co-ed school.
It was starting next week and he was going to teach the 1st years of higschool, and also the advisory of 1-A.
He also had to get the proper uniform.
Itachi walked into school, it was still early and most students were excited at the new co-ed thing, some girls were slightly apprehensive, mostly female teachers. But, they took in the male teachers heartily.
A special mention to his looks, Itachi was handsome to a point that he became the focus of attention between female teachers immediately but he kept his distance, for him they were innocent people that wants to teach the new generation.
When the time came, Itachi prepared all that he would need and made confident calm strides to his classroom, he stood right outside it and he could already feel the excitement and noisy chatters.
Itachi had always wanted to be a teacher.
Perhaps, even more now that he was in a world of peace. He opened the sliding door and the class immediately became quiet.
He walked in front of them and scanned his students.
"Good morning class, I'm your advisor for the rest of the year, because of the slight understaffing and because I can handle it, I will mostly be your only teacher for now"
A student quickly raised their arms, a girl with glasses.
"Err, sensei, does that mean you are going to teach us all the subjects?"
Itachi kept a neutral look and nodded his head.
"Yes, I will manage all your subjects, until maybe next year or when the teachers increase, now onto my introductions"
Itachi wrote his name in the blackboard, with perfect and beautiful strokes, the class immediately knew who their favorite teacher was going to be.
"My name is Uchiha Itachi, 21 years old, I graduated from x and is currently your advisor. My teaching goal is simple, other than educational lessons, I also want to include an important lesson of life..."
Itachi made a long pause, eyeing each student he has, from a girl with blood red hair similar to the 4th Hokage's wife, Kushina-san who was a family friend. To a girl that somehow eerily reminded him of Uchiha females with the raven hair, though her eyes weren't onyx black like his.
"I want to teach you hope"
— New chapter is coming soon — Write a review