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Honey Flavor Honey Flavor original

Honey Flavor

Author: Dolphinsarecute

© WebNovel

1. He's our CEO?! <Edited>

[Dani's narrating]

I am the only daughter of Kelly Kazuma and Joey Su. We were a happy family until Father brought his mistress and her daughter into our home. Mother was heartbroken. That night, Mother and I left the house, Father didn't even bother to stop us from leaving.

As I was growing up, I noticed Mother lost a lot of weight. She always sitting by the window, hoping Father will come back to us, but we both know he's not coming back. When I was 16, Mother was taken to the hospital due to lack nutrition. Not once, has he ever come and visit Mother or check how she's doing. After a few tests, I was told that Mother has Alzheimer's.

I was shocked...shocked that Mother will forget about me. I did give a thought or two. It's probably a good thing for her to forget memories that haunts her. I dropped out of high school and start working as a florist. Few months went by, I was setting up the display table with snowdrops. "Are you open?" I turned around and he was standing in front of me with a warm smile. That's when I fell in love with him.

Leo was his name. He and I became close after getting to know him by his sister, May. 2 years later, Leo confessed his love for me and I was very happy. I told Mother all about it. She just smiles. One night, Leo and I had plans to meet up since he has something to say. I went to the place where he said he wanted to meet me. I waited, waited, and waited. He never show up. I thought...there's probably traffic...or he's helping someone who needs a hand.

I tried to reach Leo by phone but it leads to voicemail. Hmm. I wonder if he forget our meeting.

I didn't think anything would happen to him since he's a good person. An hour later, I got a call from May. "May. What's up?" May stays in silent, sniffed. "May? What's wrong? Are you okay?" "Dana..." "What is it?" "It's Leo." "He tease you again, did he?" "No...He's dead."

My eyes widened. "Dana...He has left us all." I put the phone down as May continues to cry her heart out at the other end. What? Leo is dead? How? We were supposed to meet up. I stood there frozen. A couple minutes later, it started to pour heavy rain. That night I head to the hospital, Mother was reading her book. She looks up and was shocked to see me in the state. "Honey. You're all soak." She puts her book down and grab a towel.

I rest my head on her shoulder. Mother was confused. "Mom. Leo has passed away." Mother was shocked by the news that she collapsed. "Mother!"

As I was waiting impatiently while the nurses attending my mother. I prayed so desperately for God not to take my only family away from me. A few minutes, Mother was stable. Medical fees became so expensive. I didn't know what to do. I quit working as a florist because of the memories that I had with Leo. It was heartbreaking to face the reality that he is no longer in this world.

I ran into May at the market. She gave me a small box. She said, "That day, he was planning to propose to you, Dana." She tried so hard not to cry. I took the box and open it. Inside of the ring has our initials. I looked at May and thank her. May told me that her family are moving somewhere far. I bid farewell to her.

I was wandering around and found myself in front of a bar. I walked in and was determined to work here since I cannot love anyone but Leo. On my first day of work, I was very late due to a car accident where I meet the chairwoman. She was very friendly. She offered me a job position as her secretary. I did refused the offer but she raised the pay. I was fully determined to be her secretary in order to pay my mother's medical bills.


I'm no longer a Su. I changed my last name to my mother's since I got nothing to do with them. I demoted myself from a chairwoman's secretary to just a plain office lady. I'm technically liking it. Minding my own business and trying not to get other people's nerves. I'm not those women who would wear an expensive brand clothes to work with heavy makeup and perfume. Just not my style.

I tried not to stand out so I wore my grandmother's glasses, an old-fashion suit that a blazer and pants, and put my hair up in a ponytail. Simple as that. I always hear rumors about our CEO from co-workers. Seems like they are desperately want to catch his attention. Women these days. One night as I was getting off work, I got a call from Lisa, a co-worker of the bar which I worked at.

"Boss wants to know if you're coming in tonight?" "Yeah I am." "Okay, see you then." I hung up and went home to change my outfit. I put on a black lace dress that down knee high, black heels, and basic makeup on. I then remove my hair band to let my hair loose. I then head out to the bar, Once I got there, Lisa notices me coming in. "Hey. Boss is in the VIP room. He wants to see you." I nod and head to the back room to put my bag away.

I re-checked myself in the mirror to see if anything out of order. I head to the VIP room. Knock Knock. "Enter." I opened the door and walk in. I saw Boss with a guest. "I apologize. I didn't know you were with a guest." "No. It's alright. Actually, I want you to assist him." "Yes." Boss stands up and said in a low voice, "Don't make him mad. He's an important guest." "I understand." Boss then left the room.

I turned and face the important guest. He was okay looking. His silver hair was slicked back. His body was very build. He was wearing grey dress shirt with red tie and black suit. His eyes are the colored of amber gold. He said, "Are you just going to stand there?" I snapped back into reality. "Forgive me, sir."

I walked towards him and sit next to him. I poured liquor into his glass and hand it to him. He drank it and hand the glass back to me. I pour some more and hand it back to him. The atmosphere were dead silent.

I didn't know what to say. "What's your name?" I looked at him and said, "Danika, sir." "Do you know anything about me?" "..Pardon?" There was a knock on the door and someone opens the door. It was Boss. He puts down another liquor on the table. "Mr. Chen, do you need anything else?" Mr. Chen? Is that his name? "No." Boss bows and left the room.

Well this is awkward. I reach out and pour the new liquor into the glass and gave it to Mr. Chen. A few minutes later, Mr. Chen's face were too red. "Sir. Are you alri--" As I reached my hand to him, he push me down on the booth chair. I got surprised. " you drug your own customers?" Drug? He's drug? How is that possible?

I tried to find the answers but I felt something hard rubbing against my thigh. Don't tell me that hard thing is his... I sigh. He leans in and was about to kiss me. I knee him hard. "Oof." I immediately sit up and stand away from him. Shit. I just knee our important guest...but he deserves a beating or two.

My eyes were on the door. I tried to escape but he was able to block my path. Damn it. Don't make me do this. He walks closer as my back was already against the wall. He leans in and I throw a punch a him but my wrist were caught by him. "You're quite feisty." He smiles. "You're just my type." His eyes were drawing me in. He place his lips on mine.

My eyes widened. I tried to push the bastard away but he doesn't budge. My hands were pinned against the wall by both of his hands. He then moves his lips on my neck. Ugh. I need to find a way to escape from him. He removes one of his hand and touch my thigh as he tries to touch underneath of my dress. That's it.

I then head bump him hard. "Argh." Both of his hands were on his nose. I then knee him, he dropped onto his knee with one hand on his nose and other one on his manhood. "Not all woman want to sleep with you, shameless jerk." I walked out of the room. I quickly dash out of there. I'm so dead. I then spotted the boss and act natural. "Boss. It's getting late. I'm heading home." "Alright. Thanks Danika."

I quickly grab my bag from the back room and left the bar immediately before Mr. Chen gets out of the room. As I got home, I feel so relief. I went to take a quick shower and head to bed.

Next morning, I wake up at 6 AM, freshen up, get dressed with my usual attire, make some pancakes for breakfast. Around 6:30 AM, I start to head to work. I greet everyone and start working. A few hours later, there's a meeting with our CEO. As we were waiting for his arrival, some say he's very handsome even though he's strict and always give a cold-shoulder.

Well...I'm not into him nor will I be. The ladies were retouching their hair and makeup. Pl-lease. I just want this meeting to be over with it so I can finish the data entry. The door opens and everyone was fixing their posture. He walks in as I was lowered my eyes on the ground. Woman#1, "Oh my. He's so hot." Woman#2, "He looks so young."

Jace, our general manager speaks up, "Everyone. This is Joe Chen. Our CEO." I looked up and I meet his gaze. I immediately look away. Shit. T-that is our CEO?! That's the same man from last night?! Out of many people, why him?

Calm down Dani. He won't know you're Danika. I felt his gaze were still on me. I looked up and notice his lips curves up as if he already knew who I am. Oh I'm getting fired from headbumping him and knee right into his balls. Once the meeting is finished, I turne dmy heels and walking towards the door but....

"Ms. Kazuma." I flinched. Dang it. I turned around and act natural. "Jace. How can I help you?" Joe then walk towards me. He smiles. "I want you to be in charge of this beauty project." I was stunned. beauty project? "I apologize but this project is out of my experience. I'm working under the Accounting and Finance, sir." He leans in and whispers, "In my opinion, I think you do have the experience, Dani~ka." My eyes widened.

H-how did he...? Is he threatening me? I glared at him. He just smiles. Jace notices the dark aura that is around me. He cuts in. He grabs the documents from Joe and hand it to me. "Dani. Haha..." He whispers, "Just go back to your desk." I take the document and left. "Hmph."

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