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33.33% Homicides / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

     At the end of the meeting, I found out that me and Neeta are going for the runway fashion show and it's going to be live on TV, I guess that will increase my followers.

I'm on 700,000 followers , not because of my modeling though , but they mainly came from my brand influencing  and I'm also a brand ambassador of many companies in New York and few other states.

I came down from my car and I looked at clouds cage and to my surprise, it was opened and he wasn't there ,I turned to the door and it was wide opened.

How the fuck did he get out of his cage and unlocked the door to get inside the house.

I hurried into the house and I met him in the parlor, playing with another dog but this animal looked more than a dog, it was huge , tall, really hairy with large fangs and long canines.where did this animal even come from.

Clouds ran to meet me,almost pushing me on the ground, I pat his head still in great state of confusion as I stared at this other animal who stared back at me with his dark eyes that made my heart skip.

I approached this dog ,trying to be friendly and touching it but he, or she ran way into the house.

I chased after it and it kept running towards the dark passage leading to the second room.

The dog finally stopped running when it stood behind a tall figure that stood in front of the room door and when I looked up , I recognized those glowing eyes from last night .

My eyes shone wide open as I cowered backwards till I got to the parlor, my heart making hard beats in my chest.

He stood in front of the dark passage staring at me.

" why are you scared"he asked while moving forward and before he could get to the light, I ran to my room and closed the door, my hands were shaking too much for me to even lock it.

I took my phone from inside my trousers to dial 911 and before I could call the number, I felt a gun pressing hard against my back.

My heart began racing and I could feel sweat dripping down  my face.

" call that number and I will make sure you wouldn't live to experience the next second"

That means he was going to shoot me within a second if I called that number and I was too young to die , I didn't even want to die yet , I still had a long way to go in life.

I slowly dropped my phone on the table beside me and he picked it up and when I no longer felt the gun behind my back, I turned around and he had already left.

How come I didn't even notice him when he entered the room, his steps were so quiet and unnoticeable.

I took a deep breath and sat on my bed, then I saw clouds who ran inside and began pulling me by my sleeves to the parlor where I was afraid to go to and I saw the other animal, staring at me like I was food.

I got to the parlor and something crossed my mind, clouds was a really aggressive and unfriendly dog to strangers, he was a huge, white, husky breed who wasn't friendly to people he doesn't know but this guy got into my house and clouds didn't even retaliate or something,

I wouldn't forget to punish him after this.

           I saw the guy who was standing and facing the window, I think he was staring at the sun.

I couldn't see his face , I could only see his jet black , silky, wavy hair that poured over his shoulders.

His hair was so attractive, I wanted to touch it so bad , I could tell how soft it was without even laying my hands on it.

       " I told you I wasn't going to harm you and you went ahead to call the police" he said and I kept staring at him, trying to see his face.

        "Obviously , why would a guy I don't even know barge into my house without permission, that is a very disrespectful thing to do, you could even go to prison for it and you expect me not to call the police" I shot back at him and he looked down about to say something but before he could say anything i continued talking.

" you said you'll leave this morning, why did you come back"

" yes I did, but I came back , I'll explain to you why , later" he said and I turned to look at that big dog that wouldn't take his eyes off me.

" it's your dog?" I asked still staring at the creature who stared back at me.

" does he look like a dog to you" he said.

I knew this wasn't a dog even if it looked like it, something was just off, everything about it was larger than a dog, body size, height , canines .he looked a bit like clouds who was a husky that looked like a wolf, that means he is.

" he is a dye wolf"he said " took you so long"

I was about saying the same thing but never heard of a dye wolf before, and where did he even get it from , did he steal it from a zoo or something.

The guy finally turned to look at me as he ended his last sentence and when I turned to look at him, my heart suddenly stopped beating and my lips slowly set apart to take oxygen, I felt like I forgot how to breathe properly since my heart decided to take a break.

My eyes went wide as I stared at this god , this guy was such a stunning beauty, I could take a whole day to describe how beautiful he was.

He had thin pink lips that was a little full and looked naturally wet, he had a small pointed nose , his eye brows were dark and perfectly aligned in a sequential order, his lashes were long and dark and arranged perfectly.

Infact, all the hair on his head were thick black and shiny,also really attractive.

" is there any problem" he seemed confused by the way I was staring at him but I wasn't done with my description  so i wasn't going to give him any answer yet.

Now moving on to those Asian , almond eyes.

His left eye was a bright, blue, aqua color that always seemed to glow in the dark.

Those aqua eyes looked so heavenly, staring at it could make a sinner become holy and there was something wierd, his right eye had a different color than the left.

His right eyes were black, like really really black , his eyes looked like ink was spilled inside since the pupil were big and round and seemed to almost cover the white side of his eyes, what kind of an eye was that, it was beautiful but at the same time wierd and scary .

His dark eyes could make someone confess all his sins and beg for mercy but his heavenly aqua eyes in the night could make someone fear to death or run for his life, even if they haven't committed any evil act.

Jamie was handsome but this beauty I was staring at was extra ordinary or maybe I was just over exaggerating, but still, he was beautiful.

He reminded me of the god of water but he looked like an angel that dropped from the sky.

But then those eyes, he must be suffering from a syndrome or something, those eyes were...,I can't even look for the right words to explain how beautiful those eyes looked.

I was staring at his eyes and they were staring back at me, he had been looking at me.

Holy shit

for how long have I been staring at this man.

" why have you been staring at me like I'm an alien that came from mars or something"he asked.

You are nothing compared to what aliens looked like, you are something more beautiful.

God knows I felt like saying this but I kept it to myself.

I felt a bit of embarrassment for staring at him the way I did but his eyes.

" your eyes" I finally said " they are...."

" different colors I know"he took a deep breathe and placed his palms on his face.

" why do people see this as a big deal" i heard him mutter to himself.

He looked back at me and I was still staring at him  and I drifted my eyes to his long neck and his o esophagus that's always making a move whenever he makes a sentence.

Staring at this guy for a long time could make someone drool.

My mouth was already opened and wet from staring at him for just a few minute.

" I was born with a  rare syndrome called heterochromia" He said and I left my thoughts aside for another time .

Now about his eyes.

" do you see properly" I asked and he turned his face away so I could stop staring at him.

" yeah I do, the syndrome doesn't affect my vision, it only changes the color of my eyes"he explained.

" oh" was all I said.

His phone began ringing from his pocket which he immediately picked and turned his face towards the window as he made the call.

I stared at his phone , just for me to find out he was using one of the most expensive I-phones, what pained me was that his phone was more expensive than mine , like who the fuck is he to afford something this expensive.

He wasn't even speaking English while he was on the phone, he was speaking an Asian language which I wasn't sure of.

Maybe it was Chinese or Korea or maybe Japan, to be truthful, I cannot differentiate between these three languages.

What a shame.

I almost covered my face with my hand until I saw when he turned back to look at me like he was talking about me on the phone and I didn't feel safe.

" I'll need to be staying here for a while"he said immediately as he ended the call but hold on , what the fuck did I just here him say.

" WHAT!"

I almost shouted

He was about explaining himself but I cut in before he even started talking.

"How would a stranger just barge into my house and now you're telling me you are going to be staying for a while, who on earth does such a thing"I still couldn't believe he just said what he said.

" I'm sorry ok"he said it like that's what I wanted to hear from him to stop yelling but that even increased my anger but before I could say something else he started talking.

" I'm really sorry for barging into your house without your concern"he apologized properly with a really calm tone of voice.

Now this was more like it.

" but I still need you to help me, am in big trouble and I don't want to get arrested"


Did I just hear him say arrested

What did this guy commit

I remember last night when the police were looking for him and he haven't told me what he committed.

" why were the police after you"I asked and he looked away like he has been avoiding to answer that question.

" if I tell you, you would have to grant me a favor"he said and moved closer and I placed my hand on my hips and rested my weight on one leg .

" ok"I was curious to know" what's the favor"

" don't freak out" he said staring at me trying to see if I have digested what he just said but what was there to freak out for.

I just nodded to what he said.

" ok, sit down and turn on the television"

I did as he said but this was not a time for sitting down.

"Go to the news channel"he said staring at me like he was going to stop me if I made any mistake.

I opened the channel but my eyes were still fixed on him, wondering what he could be possibly doing, then I heard the news headlines  and I turned to look at the TV as I sat down, I was tired of standing.

A man was shot last night at boerum hill and the suspect is not yet to be found but the police has been working on it.....

I didn't even want to hear the rest of the news.

Last night a man was shot at the area I live and the suspect was chased after.

And this guy was chased after last night

I don't even want to believe what am thinking.

" please tell me you're not the one"

I said as I turned to look at him and he looked down before looking up at me.

" yes" he said

I buried my face in my hands begging myself not to freak out since I promised him that favor, I didn't even want to be thinking of how I would be shouting if I didn't promise this favor.

" why on earth did you kill a man"I said almost yelling.

" it was a mistake"

" don't tell me that, go and say that to the police that are after you"

" they wouldn't understand, that's why am trying to hide"

I looked at him, my mouth dry of words.

" oh God, how did it happen"

" he was trying to steal from me and in the process also kill me, that's why I shot him" he said and I still couldn't believe him cause I remembered seeing him with a gun.

" where did you get the gun to shoot him"

" I um, it was his gun, I took it from him when he was trying to shoot me and that's how it happened" he said and I stood up and began pacing around restlessly.

" I'm sorry to say this but I can't let you stay in my house"I said and spotted a disappointed look on that cute face that almost ruined his beauty.

" don't you have a house" I asked trying to at least say something to make that look disappear.

" I do but they have already tracked it down, I went there this morning and while taking some things  the police arrived but I left immediately"

" don't you have friends" I asked.

" they all live around where I live and I chose to stay here because it's far away from where I live, no one would suspect I'm here, I'm just going to be staying for a while, not forever, I just need a place to settle down"

" where do you live?"

"upstate New York"he answered and I turned to look at him.

" what, from here to upstate New York is like 1 hour drive , why did you come here"

Why would he leave upstate New York to come here , what was he thinking.

" I came to see a friend and I lodged in a hotel and all my documents were there , so the police had already tracked it down and they know where I live already, that's why I can't go back there, please just let me stay" he pleaded

I stopped pacing around and looked at him, this was a really hard decision that was already taking forever.

" what if your caught and I will also be arrested for keeping a murderer in my house"

" no you wouldn't, just trust me"

He lowered his voice as he said those last two words.

'Trust me'

Those words  sounded  like a spell.

I took a deep breath still thinking if my decision was right.

He wasn't going to stay for a long time right, after he finds a place to settle down he would leave and I would be absolutely free from troubles.

I looked at him as he waited for an answer since I kept him on silence.

Oh my God

I can't believe I'm about to say this, forgetting the fact that my dad works with the FBI, well he lives kinda far from me, barely comes to visit and I pray he never finds out, he wouldn't, this guy isn't staying here for a long time.

" you can stay"

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