/ Movies / Hollywood : Playing Spider-Man at the beginning

Hollywood : Playing Spider-Man at the beginning Original

Hollywood : Playing Spider-Man at the beginning

Movies 85 Chapters 1.0M Views
Author: ihatesakura

3.35 (13 ratings)

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In 2006, Xu Can, after traveling through the Beijing Film Academy, found himself in hot water after offending a powerful figure and subsequently being blacklisted. He decided to leave for North America, where he unlocked his full acting potential and began auditioning for roles. His breakthrough came with “Spider-Man,” which became a global sensation, making Xu Can an instant superstar. This marked the beginning of his Hollywood domination.

Xu Can's tap dancing in “La La Land” sparked a revival of musicals, and he became iconic as the vengeful assassin in “John Wick.” He stunned audiences as the villain in “The Dark Knight,” earning an Oscar for his performance.

Xu Can went on to acquire both Marvel and DC, establishing a cinematic empire that brought “The Avengers” and “Justice League” to the top of the global box office.

With films like “Interstellar,” “The Three-Body Problem,” and “Inception,” Xu Can continued to top global charts, earning widespread acclaim. Even directors like Cameron, Spielberg, and Nolan acknowledged his dominance, claiming Hollywood should be named after him.

Meanwhile, Xu Can was living the high life, partying on his yacht with stars like Swift and Gadot, quipping, “Get in line; I’ll get to everyone.”


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  2. Chayski18
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  3. Itachi_the_god
    Itachi_the_god Contributed 106

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I didn't read it, just curious will Marvel or any other American movie film would aloud a Chinese play so many big roles in movies for an American public. Not to be a hater, really. Just curious, about how they perceive the world.

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2.4 (cus of the main character) but the story is worth 4-5 This story could have been a banger—setting aside the occasional translation errors. It was still great, so much so that the mistakes were easy to overlook. BUT, I said 'could have' because the MC? He's literal scum. Like, the actual definition of it. Dude's juggling two girls at once, telling everyone (and each girl) they're 'just friends,' while calling them honey and all that in private. It’s honestly infuriating. I really don’t get why people would like such a main character. Fanfics like this are already a wet dream for some, but this one takes it way too far.

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chinese ching chong bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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LV 13 Badge

Sorry I just can't see a chinese mc in hollywood.

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Raw ?....................,.,.,.,.....,.,.,.,..,.,..,.,.,

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I liked this story. A piece of advice, I believe you prolong too much in relation to the audience watching the film, 2 or 3 chapters at most is already good. I hope you continue with this story.

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A sua narrativa apresenta uma versão fictícia, quase mitológica, da ascensão de Xu Can como um fenômeno no cinema. A jornada de um ator chinês subestimado, inicialmente silenciado por forças poderosas, que depois conquista Hollywood e molda o próprio futuro da indústria cinematográfica, é fascinante e cheia de elementos de fantasia. A ideia de Xu Can dominar papéis icônicos, como o de Homem-Aranha e John Wick, e depois virar magnata ao adquirir a Marvel e a DC, demonstra uma mistura criativa de realidade e exagero épico. Os detalhes do sapateado em "La La Land" e do seu desempenho oscarizado em "O Cavaleiro das Trevas" reforçam essa imagem de um artista multidimensional. O ápice de poder criativo e financeiro, com diretores como Cameron e Nolan reconhecendo sua grandeza, é uma visão poderosa de um Xu Can que não apenas participa da indústria, mas a redefiniu completamente. A frase final, com Xu Can em festas extravagantes, provoca uma risada com o tom irreverente de um superstar globalmente adorado, vivendo a vida ao máximo. Essa narrativa de ficção, com uma mistura de fatos e fantasia, proporciona uma leitura divertida e única!

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i love this fanfic, a bit too slow to my liking but overall it was a great piece, very fun and enjoyable keep up the good work

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.........................................................................................................................................................................................soooooo gooooooddddd

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[img=Loving it][img=Smug][img=Why][img=Unalived][img=In your face][img=Your move][img=Loving it][img=Unalived][img=Smitten][img=Unalived][img=In a daze][img=In a daze][img=Unalived][img=Feeling it][img=Unalived][img=In your face][img=Feeling it][img=Why][img=Feeling it][img=Why][img=Feeling it]

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I thought this would be a good fanfic but it turns out I was wrong, this fanfic is trash, the author made the MC have more than one partner even though he already has someone who loves him, the MC's character is also MC is also like a playboy from Chinese fanfic.

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Author ihatesakura