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After that we talked about other random things and then the bell rang. We got up to go back to our class.

The rest of the day was pretty boring and I didn't enjoy class as usual. I can't wait to go home and sleep. Only 10 minutes more and then I can go home.

The last 10 minutes lasted for an eternity! But finally the bell rang. I packed my things and left the classroom with Sofia. I was going to walk home alone since Sofia's mom picked her up. I just hate walking.

Only 5 minutes has passed since I started walking and I'm already tired. I decided to take a small break, I went to the cafe nearby and sat on a table there. I ordered one cappuccino and started playing with my phone while waiting for my order.

"What is all this? I need a better place to hide!" I heard a familiar male voice shouting from behind me.

"Don't worry just give me 2 days." I heard another familiar male voice. I turned around and saw a very angry Jungkook with Jimin.

Wait. WHAT!?

I thought Jungkook wanted to be alone but here he is chilling with a guy from school. Not only any guy, Jimin out of all the guys at our school. They look pretty close and yet they pretended to not-know-eachother. What is this drama?

I quickly turned back to my table so they don't notice me. I am already curious about why Jungkook wears those weird plasticy gloves and doesn't talk to anyone at school. But now I am more curious as to what's going on between Jimin and Jungkook.

The waiter approaches my table with a cup of hot cappuccino. I take it from him. I decide to slowly drink my cappuccino as I want to listen about what exactly Jungkook and Jimin are talking about. But my luck doesn't help, they are talking very slowly now, almost whispering.

After I finish my drink, I pay the bill and get up to leave. That's exactly when Jimin shouts, "Hey Y/n!" in a very excited tone. Oh god! I have no problem in talking to Jimin but I don't want to talk to Jungkook or see him. Not to mention a very angry Jungkook.

I turn around and reply,"Oh hi Jimin, didn't see you there."

"Yeah I was-"

"Do you come here often as well?" Jungkook said cutting of Jimin mid sentence.

"No. I'll be leaving now, see you later Jimin."

With that I angrily stormed out of the cafe. I'm never coming to this place ever again, I thought to myself.


I came early to school today. I just woke up early. Since no one else was there, I decided to go to the rooftop and relax a little before the long day at school starts.

The weather is amazing today. It looks like it's going to rain and cool breeze of air hits me like medicine. The sky looks so beautiful with the grey clouds and baby blues. I love rain.

"Ahem, I'm sorry for being so rude" I hear someone from behind me. Guess who? Jungkook of course. But this time he is apologising.

"Oh okay." is all that I say. "The weather is amazing today" I say inhaling sharply.

"Yeah! I love monsoon" he replies.

There is a long silence after that. Not awkward silence but peaceful. Both of us look up to the sky and enjoy the beauty of nature.

I break the silence,"So, you are friends with Jimin now?"

"Not now, we've been friends for a long time. But don't tell anyone." -he replied

"Can I ask you something?"

"If it's only one question then go ahead."

"Why do you wear those?" I asked pointing towards the gloves on his hands.

"Let's just say, I don't like the way my hands look so I cover them." - he answered.

"But you can wear better gloves you know. Why that plastic or rubber or whatever that is?"

"Only one question I said." - he replied.

"Ahh okay. I'm going to class now." with that I went downstairs.

I saw Sofia standing near her locker, as I was about to approach her I saw Jimin greet her smiling cheerfully. They were talking so happily. I didn't disturb them and went to my classroom.

Today we have Mr. Kim's class first and he looked really happy. Something good must have happened. Today's class is going to be amazing.

Sofia came into the classroom. We both greeted each other and then talked about random things. I was about to tell her how I saw Jimin talking with Jungkookat the cafe yesterday but then I suddenly remembered that I said Jungkook I won't tell anyone so I just kept my mouth shut. Sofia went back to her seat and to my surprise Jungkook came in smiling at me and sat next to me as if we were close friends.

"Why are you sitting next to me?" I asked whisper yelling at him. Because now everyone else is looking at me as if I did something wrong when he's the one who came and sat next to me.

"Just play along for once" he said still smiling brightly.

"Why?" I said in a very angry tone.

"To avoid the other girls from coming for me again, I am sitting with you." -he answered.

"WHAT? Why me tho? You can go sit with any other girl." I said in a very angry tone but with a huge smile plastered on my face.

He gave me a glare and said,"Don't you understand? I am trying to avoid other girls so, why would I sit with any of them."

"Avoid me please!" I said as I felt all the other girls gazing me with jealousy burning in them. Especially Rose.

He was about to say something when Mr. Kim entered the classroom in a very panicky state. "There's emergency, everyone get your things and go out immediately." - he shouted.

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