/ Urban / His Forced Wife

His Forced Wife Original

His Forced Wife

Urban 6 Chapters 9.4K Views
Author: DaoistCLtwMS

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"I can touch whatever and whenever I like at the end you are my wife aren't you?" He grabbed my scalp.

"N-n-no I-i'm not your w-wif-fe." I shook my head continuously more like convincing myself

He put his hands in his pockets and chuckled loudly evilly

"You are Ilan Salvatore Syed."

"YOU ARE MY WIFE MY PROPERTY MY TOY WHATEVER I WANT TO CALL YOU YOU BELONG TO ME " he yelled which made me shake my head continuously thinking about my mother and Rahol.

"No No No No Nooooo!" I covered my ears and shook my head violently.

"NOOOOOO!" I yelled again not controlling my tears.

Rahol's bloodshot eyes flashed in front of me.

The ring that was on my hand reminded me of my mother's last wish that I was too of a coward to make it come true

"Please no Please have mercy on me."

I was now on the floor with my back on the cold wall knees tightly on my chest and my head resting on them covering my ears.

"Cut the drama now let's get to the good part ."

He took me by my arm and dragged me to a big room as dark as his soul.

Everything was black like his heart

Allah, please help me please I know everything happens for a good reason but please help me.

Before I knew it he threw me on the cold floor I was crying continuously not accepting what was happening, thinking it was all just a nightmare then the next words that came out of his mouth brought me back to my ugly reality


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Author DaoistCLtwMS