/ LGBT+ / His Beloved [Bl] [ Sequel to her beloved]

His Beloved [Bl] [ Sequel to her beloved] Original

His Beloved [Bl] [ Sequel to her beloved]

LGBT+ 1 Chapters 2.0K Views
Author: melonbread_C7

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sequel to her beloved (I transmigrated as the protagonist's alpha sister!!! [gl])

Mu Yinuo was a talented musician under the fake name of yuno. Yinuo who was neglected by his family led a life in solitude. His elder sister Mu Yanli, A famous actress and model bullied him since his childhood. "The only sin you committed was being born" even his mother said that in her death bed.

On a fateful night his sister forced him to attend a masquerade party. There he met Gu Yansheng , an alpha from an extremely rich family.From the moment they met both the alpha and the omega felt the connection. But who knew what the plans of My Yanli were.....

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Author melonbread_C7