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100% Hikigaya’s Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected / Chapter 30: The Aftermath of Midterms

Chapter 30: The Aftermath of Midterms

Hikigaya's Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

"You just have to find that thing that's special about you that distinguishes you from all the others, and through true talent, hard work, and passion, anything can happen." – Dr. Dre

Hachiman's POV

The final test was finished, and Hachiman and the rest of Class D had called it a day.

After all, who wouldn't want to relax after such a stressful event had hit them?

Regardless, Hachiman had decided that, while originally going to spend his time alone in the library, he instead had gotten involved with Shiina, who according to her, felt the exams were straightforward.

Even some of the hardest ones would make a bit of difficulty for even her, but for the meantime, she felt she would be completely fine.

Still, the most surprising thing about this ordeal was the fact Suzune had praised parts of her class. It was rare considering the kind of person Suzune was, but alas, Hachiman assumed it had something to do with her brother's confrontation, and maybe even the work of Kiyotaka.

This included Sudou. While Sudou wasn't suddenly one of the smartest people in the class, far from it, he was perhaps showing he was competent in the slightest when it came to academics and studying.

Sure, Hachiman had to pretty much give him a wager to follow if he wanted to succeed, but alas, Sudou did it.

The fact that even the supposedly stupidest people in their class could do such a thing should show the capabilities to be better that everyone has.

Hachiman looked at the class, as even he couldn't help but feel his lips tug to a more neutral line rather than a slight frown.

The reason was simple, the class was celebrating their achievements.

"Excuse me, Sudou." The voice of Suzune echoed, as Hachiman noticed she had approached Sudou.

"Yes?" Sudou asked, pretty skeptical based on what was happening. The last time he spoke with Suzune, it didn't end well to say the least.

"Earlier, I had told you, that your dreams of becoming a professional basketball player were foolish." Suzune started.

Sudou immediately looked a bit ticked off. "Tch, why are you reminding me of such statements?" He asked a bit on edge.

"I have done some of my own research on the field, and well, I cannot say I understand the work and dedication it takes to become a professional basketball player. However, if you are making progress, you are, and are succeeding, then I cannot label you as a stupid incapable individual just because of some book work. You've clearly showcased that you can learn. Perhaps it was on my end of how terrible I could be as a teacher." Suzune explained before she continued, "Apply that diligence to basketball, the will to improve and be better, and you might just be able to go pro. That's how I feel."

She then turned to walk away, before she gave one last look at Sudou. "I'm sorry for what I said back then. And I'm also sorry to everyone I've likely pissed off or worried during the midterm exam prep, to those I've worried and harmed due to my rough teachings, I hope I can do better for you all." Suzune gave a small bow before she left.

Hachiman wanted to chuckle. He almost did. "Seems the icy girl may thaw quicker than the ice age officially ends," Hachiman told himself as he shrugged and paid no mind to it.

Sure, some within the class were stunned and surprised, like Ike, Yamuachi, Kikyou, and even Sudou.

Also, the other girls, Satsuki, Maya, and Kei were all given an indirect apology from Suzune for failing as a teacher to them.

For Hachiman, he didn't care for that. He had simply taken advantage of Suzune's harsh and high expectations as a teacher to make the three girls suffer under her constant bouts of negativity.

But even then, it would ultimately benefit them in the ideals he held. Their way of going at things left weaknesses and vulnerabilities for outsiders to exploit.

They would have to suffer now rather than later, for the betterment of the class.

As the class left, Sudou in particular dumbfounded, Hachiman had some time to think about everything.

A part of him simply wanted to hold and remain on his own. Only cares for himself and leaves it at that.

However, a small, ever-growing part of him was wanting to feel connected to the class.

He didn't know why, but perhaps he was feeling and wanting connections from around his own class.

He wasn't entirely sure.

But Hachiman shook his head, for even if he yearned for such a fantasy, he knew he had missed his opportunity when he had the chance.

It was too late now, and he would have to accept a lonely senior high life, once again.

As Hachiman was walking over, he received a call from Manabu.

"Horikita?" Hachiman looked at the phone confused before he sighed and answered the call.

"Hmm?" Hachiman hummed as he answered. "Yo."

"Yo? Seriously? You say hello formally, Hikigaya." Manabu seriously began, already critiquing Hachiman for his way of speaking.

"And this is significant because?" Hachiman asked back to Manabu.

"Because I want all contenders for the student council president to be sharp and formal," Manabu explained.

That was already a reveal for Hachiman. Manabu was already looking for candidates, and low and behold, Hachiman was one of his options.

Hachiman was unsure if he even wanted such a position. Regardless he rolled with it. "Very well, why did my senior bestow his attention on me?"

"Alright, very funny mister." Manabu fake chuckled before he cleared his voice, "You remember the deal, right?"

Hachiman raised an eyebrow before he stiffened in realization. "Shit… Martial arts training with Horikita…" Hachiman wanted to groan, but he suppressed it.

Manabu was offering another half a million private points for Hachiman to do this numerous times across the year.

Perhaps it was a bit too much, Hachiman wasn't sure. Alas, Hachiman found it acceptable for private points, and therefore, he was willing to do such a thing.

After all, he wanted to secure his own stance. Simply put. He would get the backing of the student council president for the first year, some physical practice in case some lackeys tried getting physical, and extra private points.

It was worth it in Hachiman's opinion.

And what? How long would these sparring matches last? 30 minutes? That wouldn't be too much.

Hachiman nodded.

"Very well, where would you like to meet for this?" Hachiman asked curiously.

Manabu hummed before he gave a location. It was near the science area of the building, but it was a floor below the top where there was a vacant room. Apparently, there used to be a martial arts club on the campus, but it got canceled due to the numerous injuries sustained due to the class conflicts of the students.

"Alright, what time are we meeting, then?" Hachiman asked Manabu, who hummed and put in a clock.

"Since you have your job, I'm assuming you won't have time until the weekends. That's why after 5 pm on Saturday, I'll be waiting for you." Manabu ominously told Hachiman who shivered a bit at that warning.

He sighed, knowing he was going to come back to his dorm with a couple of bruises. "Actually more…"

Hachiman was skilled in the martial arts he was taught, but he wasn't a master. Not on the level of the likes like Manabu. Heck, Hachiman was unsure if he could even beat Kakeru. Perhaps he could be in an even fight with him.

Hachiman was unsure. He felt his height advantage could give him just what he needed to win in that matchup.

However, Manabu was taller and more experienced.

Hachiman would simply put, get his ass beaten up.

And so, even though Hachiman liked doing nothing Friday night, he knew getting prepared would be in his best interest.

Thankfully, Nao decided to close early but still pay Hachiman due to the lack of students who would come in after the midterms.

Everyone was likely tired, so there was no reason.

When Saturday hit, Hachiman got up, knowing his time was coming. After eating some breakfast and heading straight to the library, he was met with Nao.

"Oh, hey Nagamine." Hachiman greeted his superior in the library.

Nao immediately rushed to hug Hachiman tightly, causing the poor boy to strain under the constricting area he was suddenly placed into.

"Nagamine… please… give me room…" Hachiman begged, and he was given that wish.

"Oh sorry, it's just been a bit. How are you?" Nao asked before she asked immediately, "How's you and your little friend?"

Hachiman sighed in relaxation. "It's been going well, and Hiyori is having a blast as well. She likes the library and is a regular now."

Nao smiled, "To think you are attracting girls for more customers, you sly bastard!" Nao smiled as she gave Hachiman a playful bump on the shoulder.

Hachiman rolled his eyes before Nao continued, "But hey! You're doing an amazing job, keep it up! And remember, since it's Saturday, take it easy."

Hachiman turned to face Nao, giving a nod, "Thank you." With that he went straight to the area. He felt that moving about would give his body a well-needed warmup before the final boss arrived at 5pm.

Hachiman knew it would be a time for him.

It was… beyond tiring for Hachiman.

While he had been able to hold his own relatively well, leaving it into a struggling stalemate, Hachiman felt sore.

His entire body had been struck, especially his arms and legs from about. The only places spared were his vital points, where his arms and legs instead took the hit.

Hachiman groaned as he spent the entire Sunday resting after such an activity. Even if Aoki would place Hachiman in some intense sparring matches, Manabu was relentless, especially since his style of martial arts was completely different.

By the time Monday came, Hachiman was still sore. His entire body was strained and injured, but alas, even then Hachiman had managed to maintain a stalemate and tie, although even then, Hachiman would say Manabu won that sparring session.

In the end, despite that, Manabu seemed impressed and content, congratulating Hachiman for lasting as long with him as he did.

Hachiman's head was down, as he desperately wanted to sleep.

But the class was otherwise exciting. They were all anxious but excited to see the results of midterm.

To Hachiman's eyes, some were anxious, particularly the girls like Satsuke, Kei, and Maya. However, others like Sudou, Ike, and Yamauchi felt very confident. It was strange, but Hachiman shrugged it off, not that he cared, he did his job.

However, if things worked however, it did, then Hachiman would both successfully bolster his standing and secure it and get back at Sae.

The results of the midterm results were holding the class by a handle, as everyone else was not really paying attention to the lessons. They were simple and basic.

Sae eventually turned to the class and smiled, "Everyone seems so worked up today, I wonder why."

Yousuke, being the obvious contender of a leader stood up, "Yes, sensei, we have, after all, been informed the results of the midterm will be posted today, isn't that, right?"

"Well, if you would like, now is a good time as any, as if we have it after class, we wouldn't have enough time for other procedures."

"What do you mean by other procedures?" Someone asked, but Sae dismissed that.

"Don't worry about it." Sae quickly spoke before she stuck out a large white sheet of paper with everyone's names and test scores on the blackboard.

"For the most part, I truly am impressed with you all. I didn't think you'd score so well. Many students are tied with perfect scores in mathematics, Japanese, and social studies. You all did very well, for those who fall under that category." Sae smiled before she then turned to one particular score.

The boys seemed to have scored an average of 67, which was completely fine since they could've easily failed if the circumstances brewed it.

As for the girls, however, they scored lower than the three boys.

Maya and Satsuki looked at their scores, their faces pale and blank as they could see that they barely passed.

However, also seeing that they scored lower than Sudou, Ike, and Yamauchi was likely embarrassing for them.

But for Kei, she seemed strangely resigned.

That was when Sae pointed it out. "Unfortunately, Karuizawa, you scored 39 on the English test. The passing grade was a 40."

Of course, this was reinforced by Sae placing a red line, with Kei's name being the only one below that.

"How is forty the passing grade?!"

Sae wrote a simple formula on the blackboard: 79.6 divided by 2, equaling to 39.8. Simply put, 40 was a passing grade. Kei lost by 1 point.

"We set a passing grade for each individual class, just as we did with the last mock test. We calculated that number by dividing the average score by two. That's how we arrived at our answer.

Simply put anything at 39.8 or below was a fail.

Kei's face was surprisingly calm. "So… I'll be expelled, huh?"

"Unfortunately, so," Sae explained.

"Wait." Suzune demanded to Sae. "Let us see Karuizawa's English answer sheet."

Sae nodded, clearly consenting as she gave it to Yousuke and Suzune. The two looked over the answer and problem before their expression turned dark.

"No mistakes…" Both Yousuke and Suzune mumbled, as they clearly saw that they couldn't do anything to help Kei.

"Well, if that's it. Homeroom is over." Sae spoke at last. Her announcement of Kei Karuizawa's expulsion without any second chance or sympathy clearly hurt. Everyone stayed silent, with Satsuki and Maya almost tearing up.

Most of the girls in the class clearly looked alarmed that such an influential girl was going to be gone just like that.

Of course, some boys who saw Kei as unbarring seemed content, and Sudou looked terrified.

It was almost like witnessing the expulsion of someone from his class firsthand was hitting a shock to his brain.

"Karuizawa, please come to the faculty room after class. That is all." Sae said at last before she was about to leave.

"Chabashira. Last time with the tests, you rounded down by the number of decimals, but here you rounded up." Suzune attempted to try and argue that Kei's English test, was actually right on the passing grade.

"I see. Did you anticipate that Karuizawa and others would score low on this test? That they would barely pass? After all, all your other scores for the other tests were completely perfect." Sae countered.

This showed, that Suzune had intentionally scored low in the English test, to try and manipulate the average, likely for Satsuki, Kei, and Maya.

The three girls and everyone else, even Sudou looked at Suzune in shock, as if realizing, that maybe she was a nicer girl than what they thought.

Even Hachiman, who looked at everything unfold, found himself strangely impressed with Suzune, for the first time.

"Well colour me surprised, maybe Horikita is salvageable and not just a carbon copy of Yukinoshita." Hachiman thought.

"However, the decimals are not omitted, they are rounded appropriately with the remaining number," Sae explained.

That was it. Kei would be expelled.

Or so that was what the class thought.

Hachiman didn't care whether Kei was actually expelled, he just needed to do this as a form to benefit himself.

Kei would learn to respect or even do favors out of gratitude, and Sae would no longer try to mess with him. It was the best of both worlds.

Satsuki and Maya should be glad they passed, but like Kei, they likely would suffer embarrassment from their classmates for scoring lower than the so-called, Idiot Trio.

And so, before the class could react, Hachiman had actually walked off after that. He was preparing for what to do.

He could have sworn he saw Kiyotaka in the hallway, a bit early, and heading straight to the office. For Hachiman, that was strange.

Still, he remained just outside, thinking how he should go at this.

Hachiman then began to listen to Kiyotaka and Sae speak.

"Chabashira, I have a question. Do you think, Japanese society is fair?"

Sae hummed an intrigued face. "What an interesting change of topics, makes me wonder if there is any reason for this. Alas, to answer your question, I would say no, society is not fair."

Hachiman would have to agree with that, the idea that society is fair is but a farce.

"One week ago, when you told us that the material had changed, you said you forgot to inform us. We were notified later than the remaining class, which placed us to be tested under unfair conditions." Kiyotaka explained.

"Good point, Ayanokouji, but you clearly don't know Chabashira's true thoughts on the worth of this class." Hachiman thought to himself.

"Are you saying you cannot accept what happened? I've said before, this is an example of how unfair the world is, a microcosm of our unfair society." Sae told Kiyotaka bluntly.

"Certainly, society is not equal, no matter the idealism shown. But for human beings, living things can think that." Kiyotaka responded. "Even if it is just a bit, humanity always strives for equality."

"Ayanokouji, I personally already hold you in high regard. Obtaining the old test problems was a correct solution, and this distribution raised the class averages substantially. Therefore, that deserves honest praise." Sae explained.

"So it was Ayanokouji who came up with the idea of distributing old test scores, not Kushida… What a twist, perhaps my suspicions of that boy hold merit." Hachiman told himself as he listened closer.

"Kushida was the one who obtained the problems and distributed them. I didn't do much." Kiyotaka failed to downplay his role.

There seemed to be quite a silence before Hachiman heard Kiyotaka say something that surprised him.

"Sell me one point so that I can apply it to Karuizawa's English test," Kiyotaka told Sae, who remained silent, as did Hachiman.

Well, how is that for a cliffhanger? Instead of Sudou, Kei is the one in the expulsion seat. Considering Hachiman's involvement strategically, it worked out in the end for him relatively well. However, Kiyotaka selling private points for score points will potentially make it difficult for Hachiman and have him be more dire and direct.

As for the test scores, this took me so long to do, so here they are for the individuals.

Midterm Exam Test Scores:

Name / English / Modern Grammar / Chemistry / Civis / Mathematics / Average Score

Airi Sakura: 92 + 100 + 67 + 84 + 94 = 87.4

Akito Miyake: 76 + 70 + 83 + 82 + 85 = 79.2

Chiaki Matsushita: 95 + 85 + 83 + 100 + 92 = 91

Hachiman Hikigaya: 100 + 100 + 90 + 100 + 85 = 95

Haruka Hasebe: 82 + 70 + 87 + 73 + 90 = 80.4

Haruki Yamauchi: 55 + 70 + 67 + 68 + 64 = 64.8

Hideo Sotomura: 90 + 85 + 80 + 93 + 87 = 87

Kanji Ike: 54 + 68 + 72 + 75 + 66 = 67

Kayano Onodera: 83 + 85 + 75 + 100 + 83 = 85.2

Kei Karuizawa: 39 + 44 + 67 + 64 + 56 = 54

Ken Sudou: 56 + 62 + 64 + 75 + 65 = 64.4

Kikyou Kushida: 90 + 100 + 85 + 83 + 100 = 91.6

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji: 70 + 68 + 65 + 75 + 72 = 70

Kokoro Inogashira: 75 + 70 + 60 + 83 + 62 = 70

Kyosuke Okiya: 82 + 82 + 70 + 72 + 80 = 77.2

Maya Sato: 45 + 56 + 54 + 70 + 58 = 56.6

Mei-Yu Wang: 100 + 100 + 90 + 88 + 90 = 93.6

Nene Mori: 93 + 85 + 93 + 83 + 80 = 86.8

Rokusuke Kouenji: 95 + 95 + 92 + 100 + 100 = 96.4

Ryotaro Hondo: 88 + 83 + 83 + 100 + 85 = 87.8

Satsuki Shinohara: 53 + 54 + 63 + 62 + 48 = 56

Soshi Miyamoto: 85 + 85 + 83 + 95 + 90 = 87.6

Suzune Horikita: 51 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 = 90.2

Teruhiko Yukimura: 98 + 100 + 98 + 100 + 100 = 99.2

Wataru Ijuin: 91 + 88 + 88 + 94 + 100 = 92.2

Yousuke Hirata: 90 + 100 + 85 + 100 + 100 = 95










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