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Highschool DXD: the harbinger Highschool DXD: the harbinger original

Highschool DXD: the harbinger

Author: ancientdragon

© WebNovel


2005, Japan,

Near the outskirts of a forest in Kyoto, we can see a young boy with deep black hair and blue eyes sitting on the ground with tears in his eyes as he watches his house burn with his parents inside, even now, he could hear the screams of his parents as the demon kills them in cold blood,

It was supposed to have been a normal weekend, he had spent his time playing with his friends from school and had run back to his home, he was imagining the heavenly meal that his mother would cook for him as his father would tell him stories of heroes and monsters, but all of it turned to ash when 'he' came,

The man had suddenly barged into his home and started to threaten his father for the location of something called 'the portal', when his father had denied him information, the man brutally killed his mother to provoke his father, for some reason his father forced him to run to the forest, while he was running away from the location, he heard a huge explosion from the location of his house which caused him to go back only to come upon the current scene,

"I will never forgive you" he mumbled as he grit his teeth as his eyes were filled with hatred and rage,

"No matter how much time it takes, I will find you and I will kill you" he continued to mutter, in his rage and despair, he failed to notice a strange ring start to float out of the burning basement of his home,

"Mother, Father, I am sorry, I was weak, I could do nothing against that demon" he continued to sob as he sank deeper into despair, by this time, the ring had already appeared above the boy as a strong green light enveloped the boy,


The boy watched as the events of the day replayed in front of him,

"Did you think you could hide from me Aron Pendragon?" the man who had ruined his life said to his father,

"Revizim, how did you find me? I had made sure to hide my tracks" his father exclaimed in surprise,

"You may be able to hide your power well Aron, but you cannot hide the artifact from me, now where is the portal" the man called Revizim said as several strange bat-like wings came out of his back as he was covered in a dark miasma, his father himself was covered in a bright light as a strange sword suddenly appeared in his hands, the man had a mocking look on his face as he said,

"So you already surrendered Caliburn to the pendragon family when you left them? Without Caliburn you are no match for me" he said as he suddenly dodged an attack coming from the direction of the kitchen,

"ho? , I never thought that the great Sayako Himejima would settle down with the former head of the Pendragon family" Revizim said as he watched his mother,

"get out of our house devil, we do not welcome your kind here," his mother said as the devil gave a wicked grin and said,

"That's a shame, I had wanted to play with you for a bit, but work comes first" suddenly, the man disappeared and in the next moment, he heard his mothers scream, when the boy turned towards the kitchen he saw his mother had a giant hole in the center of her chest,

He wanted to scream but his voice would not come out, his body refused to move,

"Mom!!!!" the boy suddenly heard himself shout,

"Ryner!! Get out of here, do not turn back no matter what happens" his father shouted as the boy felt a strange power force his body to run out of the house and away, but somehow, he was still inside the house, he watched as the devil called Revizim fought his father who used his sword to gravely wound Revizim, but in the process he had also got an injury on his back, suddenly, the devil took out a strange looking spear and stabbed his father in the chest,

"No!!!!" he shouted but he could not move, suddenly, he heard a voice,

'Do you wish to avenge him?'

"Yes" the boy said as his surroundings started to light up in green,

'Do you wish for power?'


'Do you wish to kill the filthy devil and his wretched kind?

"YES!!!!!!" the boy shouted as he was completely covered in green light and a surge of foreign memories invaded his mind,

'then I shall make you my avatar, my will in this world to be the harbinger of the legion, we shall show this world the meaning of chaos!!' the voice said in a menacing way as the boy fell to the ground in exhaustion, but if one were to look closely, they would observe that everything in the surroundings had been turned to dust, grass withered away and trees were sapped of their life force, all the while, the ring silently floated back to the boy and attached itself to his finger, the green gem in the middle shone for once and calmed down,

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