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Recruitment for S.H.I.E.L.D


IT HAD BEEN TWO YEARS SINCE THE WAR and Percy had returned home, to his mom, step-dad and baby sister, Estelle. He had finished his schooling, courtesy of Sally. He wanted to move out but he didn't have a job yet and his mom had insisted that he stayed with them. The monster attacks were still there, they haven't changed much but they were a bit reluctant towards attacking him seeing as he had defeated Gaea, the oldest Primordial, after Chaos of course.          

He still missed them. Obviously, he couldn't just forget them. They were his family. After a few months of grieving, cursing and generally not talking to anyone, Percy pushed them to the back of his mind like haunted memories. Memories that he used to love but now pained him so much.

In the present he was sitting in the living room. His mom, Paul and baby sister were out taking a walk in the park. Sally had wanted him to come with him but his instincts told him that he should stay inside and over the years he had learned to trust them. So, he ordered a pizza and stayed home.

That's when something crazy happened. The door bell rang and no that's not the crazy part. He went up to open the door and was met with a women in a catsuit. 

"I don't know you" he said. The woman's eyes glinted with amusement, "Yes, I am aware of the fact that you do not know me but I know you" said she. Okay, that sounds a bit stalker-ish, he thought. And then he said it out loud.  The woman just smirked and then said," I have come here with a proposition."

"Lady, I don't even know your name." Was his reply. "I'm Maria Hill, I'm a agent of S.H.I.E.L.D" she said with her brown eyes boreing into his sea green ones. "Okay first, why would you name you agency Shield? And second what kind of proposition are you talking about."

"S.H.I.E.L.D is a acronym that stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. It is a private organization. And as for the proposition, it includes you and a group of people that have the potential to save the world." She said with her head tilted forward.

"I retired from saving the world years ago" he said to the mysterious lady that showed up at his door.

She looked at him with a emotion that he couldn't quite place but she continued, "Perseus-" "Percy" he corrected. "Percy, something has been stolen and in the wrong hands it can end the world as we know it." Before she could speak anymore, he stopped her and ushered her inside muttering something like

'mom is gonna kill me if she found out I let a guest stand outside for so long'

" Alright, now tell me what is stolen, who stole it and why?" He asked. Then she began to explain him about the Tesseract, Loki stealing it, manipulating innocents and the Avengers initiative. After she finished, he stood up and said, "Who's gonna pick me up?" Maria flashed a triumphant smile that was barely unnoticeable. "Another agent will be coming to pick you up in about an hour, pack some clothes and be ready" with that she left. Now, Percy just had to tell his mom that he was going on another life threatning mission. Easy enough, right? Let's see about that. 

He called his mom with his emergency cellphone his mom got him, explained her the  situation, got scolded and told her he loved her and hanged up. He went into his room, opened his closet and took out his leather jacket. He learned the leather jackets were much more durable than his old cotton hoodies and had gotten his mom to buy him a ton of them. He looked at the jar of blue cookies resting on his bedside table, he licked his lips and thought One cookie wouldn't  hurt right?  He then proceeded to empty the whole jar. After he devoured his cookies, he went back to rummaging through his closet. He took out a couple of shirts and a pair of jeans. 

 The door bell rang for the second time that day, after he took his duffle bag and put on his pair of Adidas sneakers, Percy went out.  "I'm assuming you're the agent from S.H.I.E.L.D that's here to pick me up." Percy said to the buff looking guy in a classic suit accompanied with sunglasses. He just nodded and motioned for Percy to follow him. Percy frowned at the unresponsive agent.  As they exited the building, a car was waiting for them. Percy got in the car first, followed by the agent, whose name Percy had still yet to learn. "So, what's your name?" he asked. 

The agent looked a bit surprised by the question but answered nonetheless," My name's  Eugene"  "Cool name" Percy said with a wide smile on his name.  Eugene smiled a bit at that comment. "Thanks, kid" he said.  Nobody uttered another word in the duration of the ride.

Eugene stopped the car beside a helicopter with a pilot and another person inside it.  "This is where I leave you, kid" Eugene said, Percy smiled and said a quick bye and climbed into the helicopter. He thought about how Eugene called him a kid and strangely he liked it. He liked being called a kid because it reminded him of how he had once been a kid away from the gods' grasp, how he used to have with his mom. Yes, there were some downsides like Smelly Gabe and his friends but in the end it was all worth it.

The guy sitting behind held out his hand and said, "Pleasure to meet you. My name's Robert" Percy shook his hand and said, "I'm Percy Jackson, nice to meet you too"  Then the helicopter took off. Even thought Zeus doesn't blast him out of the sky every dam time, it didn't get rid of his uneasiness while flying.

Robert took out a tablet and something popped up on it's screen. He explained to Percy that Captain America, who was stuck in ice for 70 years, was going to be there and the Hulk or Dr. Banner as he preferred.  Percy took everything in as he didn't really know much about S.H.I.E.L.D, just the things Maria had told him.


In the Quinjet, Steve was being briefed on his team members. "Who's this? " He asked Phil Coulson, who was another agent of S.H.I.E.L.D and also a very big fan of the Captain.

"That's Percy Jackson. Fury was keeping an eye on him personally. I met him once, he's great." Phil said with a look of awe.  "But he's just a kid" Steve said as he took his eyes off the screen where a kid about 19 with black hair and saw green eyes was smiling.

"I don't know what to tell you but I can say that the kid is more than capable of holding his own against enemies." Phil said as another picture as he went to sit down in his seat.

Back at the helicopter

Percy liked Robert. Even though he had known the guy for like 30 minutes, he had a very likable personality. In the back of his head, Percy was silently thinking what would happen if Zeus striked him out of the sky. Would his dad call a war on Zeus? He hoped not, I mean yes it would be awful to die and all that but calling a war just because he died, surely even Poseidon wouldn't do anything like that.

Robert said there was at least an hour till they reached the Hellicarrier, which was a battleship as Robert told him, he decided to take a nap. He was feeling restless in the air, so it would be better for everyone if would just sleep for a bit. Surprisingly enough, sleep came easily to him and next time he would open his eyes, he would be met with a patriotic Captain, a timid doctor but a very angry person, an assassin, a suit made of iron, an amazingly laid back archer and a few gods along the way.

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