She was pacing her room, waiting for her sister to arrive. She could not keep still, worrying about whether she was with child. She went to the chiller and grabbed the bottle of wine. She needed something to calm her nerves.
When she was pouring the wine on her glass, she suddenly realized that she was not supposed to drink. That was if she was pregnant. It would not be good for the baby. Did it mean that she was keeping the baby if she was?
"I should not drink. I think I am going insane." Talking to herself.
She stopped pouring the content of the bottle and placed the wine back in the chiller. She grabbed the glass on the table and emptied the wine into the sink. She could not drink in a time like this. Not until she was sure of what was going on with her body.
She wanted to think that this was just anxiety playing tricks on her. But several signs pointed that it was no ordinary symptoms that she could easily associate with being stressed out.